Chapter 188: Such Things Happen

Hidden within a concealment formation, Peter Brown patiently waited for the arrival of the opponent's experts.

Two hours later, Peter heard the sound of helicopters, and several helicopters were approaching in his direction.

Second Prince was indeed under control!

Upon hearing the sound, Peter's gaze was cast in the distance.

At that moment, a helicopter didn't arrive, but hovered in the distance; then, five people jumped off the hanging ladder.

Similarly, the other helicopters did not come over, and they also dropped five people in different positions.

Five helicopters, divided into five positions, dropped a total of twenty-five people.

What astonished Peter the most was that these twenty-five people were all cultivators. Although they were far away, he could tell from the aura they emitted that they were definitely not ordinary cultivators; at least they were people above the Qi Refining Second Layer.

How could there be so many cultivators in foreign countries?