Chapter 338: Equipment Modification

"Peter, what are you up to?" When Ella Johnson called, Peter Brown was watching the workers assemble the equipment.

"Making products in Old Well Village."

Peter didn't hide anything and just told her what he was doing.

"What product?" Ella was extremely curious about Peter, so she asked.

"Nothing special, just a new face mask. I plan to make and sell face masks."

Ella was surprised: "The face mask market is already chaotic, with everyone selling them. How can you compete with others?"

Peter smiled and said, "My face mask is not like ordinary masks. It has a few special features. First, after using it twice, even the most severe acne can be cured; second, using it once a day can make the worst skin soft and white; third, it can repair damaged skin and even scars can be repaired after using it ten times. Of course, there are many other benefits."

"You're kidding! That's impossible!"

Peter laughed, "You'll know when you try it."

"Have you started production yet?"