Chapter 403: An Extraordinary Treasure Ship

Peter learned about the ghost ship from Mason Jackson's jade slip. It was a treasure ship that had existed in the ocean for countless years and months. Many strong Sea Clan members had tried to collect it, but to no avail. Not a single person was able to succeed. Mason Jackson was just a third-tier character in his power group. The first and second-tier members knew they couldn't collect the ship and gave the opportunity to him.

Fortunately, Mason Jackson's death shouldn't allow the other party to know yet. Peter must take this opportunity to seize the treasure ship.

To others, the formation on the treasure ship might be very strong, but for Peter, a formation master, it wasn't that difficult.

After identifying the formation eyes, Peter deduced that it was entirely a Nine Heavens Bewitching Array, without much attack power. However, it had one enormous advantage: it could trap people and then move them outside the formation under the guidance of the formation.