Chapter 623: Construction of the Heavenly Cave

Peter Brown finished his business here and returned to the Kingston Cave Realm.

The development of the situation was beyond Peter's expectation. He didn't expect Heavenly Dao teleportation to have such a method. Peter thought of the people who were teleported away from Earth, including those who forcibly ascended Heaven using Body Refining Technique. When he thought that those people might not have reached Cultivation Star but landed on a Star Planet instead, Peter could only sigh.

One can't force anything!

Thinking about this, Peter had already landed at the cave entrance.

By stepping forward, Peter entered the cave.

Upon entering, he found that the construction was underway, with a large number of soldiers busy inside.


Joy seeped through his mother's voice.

Liza Smith, who was watching the construction progress, saw Peter and shouted with joy.

"Mom, what are you doing here?"