Chapter 688: A One-Sided Situation

"Hehe, Earthlings are really too weak; my flying vehicle's attack alone is enough to wipe them out." Francis Gibson laughed as he destroyed several fighter jets, allowing their attacks to hit his flying vehicle intentionally.

Looking at the state of his flying vehicle, Francis Gibson laughed again: "As expected, their flying vehicles can't cause me any damage at all."

"Francis Gibson, since that's the case, we don't need to stick together. Let's each attack a part of Earth on our own to save time and quickly conquer this planet," Preston said.

After Preston spoke, the three flying vehicles each headed in a different direction towards Earth.

Wesley Harper's flying vehicle quickly arrived above the Hua Nation.

Wesley Harper was a clever man; upon arriving above the Hua Nation, he used a language converter to transform his words into the Chinese language.

"Earthlings, we are from Seaia Star. If you surrender, we will stop our attacks."