Chapter 957: Moon Smith's Mother

"Peter, come to my house for dinner today?" Moon suddenly said to Peter Brown.

It had been a few days since he helped treat Moon's mother, and Peter hadn't had time to inquire about the situation. Hearing the invitation to their home for dinner, Peter asked, "How is your mother doing now?"

"She's doing great, all better now. And not only that, what kind of medicine did you give her? She looks like my sister now."

Mentioning this, Moon burst into laughter.

Peter also smiled. Since Moon had made up her mind to be with him, Peter wasn't stingy, he directly provided her and her mother with plenty of elixirs, especially good ones like Beauty Retaining Pill and Youth Pill for women.

"Alright, let's go and see how she's recovered." Peter had nothing else to do, so he decided to visit Moon's home.

Although Peter was worried about the attitude of Moon's mother, he no longer cared too much. If it didn't work out, then it didn't work out—no big deal.