Chapter 1025: First Battle of the Immortal Body_1

Peter Brown opened his eyes after an indeterminate amount of time and found himself greatly changed from before. Not only could his eyes see much further, but he could also discern many more minute details, particularly noticing that he could see the various generation states of energy.

So awesome!

Peter understood in his heart that if he could see the generation of energy, it would make deducing cultivation techniques during his studies much smoother. As long as he observed the generation and decay of energy to deduce, it would save him a lot of trouble.

Looking at his body again, Peter found that his body had completely transformed, no longer the same as before. His current body was incredibly strong, so much so that Peter felt somewhat unaccustomed to it.

Could this be the newly formed Immortal Body?

With this thought, a smile spread across Peter's face. Now, if those puppets come, he might be able to contend with them solely based on the strength of his body.