Chapter 1053: Inside the Earth_1


Time Reversal.

Peter Brown sat cross-legged, watching the Land of Void, as the intensity of the energy there became increasingly awesome.

After five hundred years had passed, Peter saw a man standing amidst the star planet, and upon glancing over, Peter could clearly feel the strong power emanating from this person.

He looked like a person from the Hua Nation, but not quite; there was a Vertical Eye on his forehead, shooting beams of light.

Looking back toward Earth, there were no signs of its existence; however, a glance revealed numerous remains flowing through the void, swirling around this person amidst storms in the Land of Void.

What kind of person was this?

As time went on, Peter finally saw Earth in its dying moments.

He saw Earth ejecting various magma, then exploding abruptly.