Chapter 113: Brewing Medicine_1

After dinner, everyone dispersed, and Peter Brown walked alongside Harlan Swift.

"Peter, you have to be careful. Even though you're officially in your position now, there are still many people eyeing your job. One small misstep and you could lose it. I heard that a guy from the logistics department named Wyatt was the one behind the scheme against you last time. He wanted to get the job for someone named Storm Williams. You really need to be on your guard; Wyatt might not be a leader, but he's well-connected amongst the personnel."

So that was the situation!

It was only now that Peter understood who had been scheming against him last time.

"I'll be careful, thanks a lot."

"What's there to thank? I'm only helping because I like you. If it were someone else, I wouldn't have bothered."

Peter asked, "How confident are you about the exam preparation?"