Chapter 4: A Fair Warning

♪~"It's a good thing I'm not human then"~♪


We drank our beers in silence, before I decided to break it. "How's things at home?"

"Oh the usual, there's nothing really. Your life is way more interesting than mine anyway."

"Gab, come on, you can tell me anything," I reassured him. He let out a deep sigh.

"Well, Mother just found out my Father's been having an affair, been keeping it to herself, then yesterday she confronted him about it and well you will know how that went." He circled the glass containing the beer before draining it in one gulp.

"Don't worry, these things always happen, why even Gwen went through the same thing, but didn't it work out for her?"

"I guess. You don't know my Mother, she's not exactly the forgiving type," he mumbled.

"If there's one thing to make a person forgive, it's love. Who's the woman anyway?"

"Lady Signy Derve," he spat the name out as though it was poison. I spat out my drink in shock.

"Signy? Madam Signy?"

"Yes, why? Do you know her?" he asked.

"Not personally, but she did gave my sisters and me courtly ladylike manners. Something I didn't like of course but was forced into," I told him matter-of-factly. "But she didn't seem to appear like a person who would steal another's husband. Madam Signy was always so- strict and tight lipped."

"Like you said, don't judge a book by it's cover," he sighed. "I'm going to step out, get some fresh air." I nodded as he got up and walked out of the bar.

Not long after, Gabriel's empty seat was occupied by someone else. I couldn't look at the face properly even if I wanted to since it had been concealed by a grey hood.

"What would you like to have, sir?" Oliver who had noticed the stranger asked him.

"Give me your strongest," the person demanded in a deep voice.

"One Bitter Seas it is," Oliver said joyously and turned back to make the drink.

"Must be having a bad day to order that," I said, downing the last of my beer and setting the glass down.

"And what makes you say that, lady?" he sneered, turning his head slightly, addressing me.

"For instance, your knuckles are all bloody and your clothes disheveled, torn and dirtied. And you should know a Bitter Seas is a very bitter and expensive drink hence the name. So either you are a noble in disguised or a poor person who happened upon a fortune," I monotonously stated. "Also your clothes are made of the finest piece in the kingdom."

"You knew all that just by an appearance?" he asked in disbelief.

"Let's say I can read a person well by it," I whispered, smiling. "I should get going, before my sister finds out I'm not in my room." I got up, about to head for the door when the man suddenly grabbed my wrist. I tried to free myself from the grip but he just held on tighter.

"Not so fast, princess," the man's voice changed from what was a deep voice to a high pitched, singsong one.

"How did you know me?" I demanded, trying yet again the futile attempt to free my wrist.

"Ahh, now that my dear, you will soon understand." The man lifted up the hood, features changing of that of a young man's to a humanlike creature with scaly skin and lizard like eyes, which were watching me with pure amusement.

"Y-you are a Descendant!" I murmured aghast. The creature shook his head, he smiled widely revealing sharp little teeth, that was already rotting.

"I am afraid not, for I'm much worse," he said. "You must have heard of me."

My mind instantly flew to the history lessons Madam Signy taught us, 'humanlike creature with scales instead of skin, and lizard eyes. The one person who can wield magic like no other, a creature from a different realm.' My eyes widened, coming to the realisation of what person I'm dealing with.

'It can't be, can it?'

"By the look on your face, I assume you know?" he asked.

"You're Leviathan, the condemned," I whispered.

He gave a high pitched giggle, and clapped his hands in joy having releasing me from his grip.

"Oh, wonderful! But you do know that there's more to me."

"You are a dealmaker, but you only make deals when you are summoned by a desperate soul," I said perplexed. "And I certainly didn't."

"Don't fret, I'm here on business," he told me. "But first we must get out of this reeking place." He stood up, and I noticed for an intimidating man, Leviathan is quite short, we were almost the same height, though he was a few inches taller.

"Shall we, my dear?" he asked, holding out his arm for me to take it. I didn't. Instead I walked out of the bar myself, Leviathan following behind me. He thrust out his hand and grabbed me before I walked out the exit. Then the world blurred, it was spinning- or rather my head is? Few seconds later, I was on the ground vomiting beer.

"First time teleporting is it, Mareena?" Leviathan called, chuckling.

"It's not like everyone has the liberty to be a human transport machine," I snapped.

"It's a good thing I'm not human then," he shrugged.

I stood up, taking my surroundings in, we were in some kind of forest, judging by the trees and the starry sky. "Where are we?" I asked, only to be answered with a giggle. "What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing just wondering how the look on your pretty face will be once I have told you, what I came here to tell you," he answered merrily.

"And what it is?"

"Oh now, now, let's not be hasty," he clapped his hands. "Wouldn't want to spoil the surprise!" Then he turned and started walking.

"Fine," I huffed hurrying to catch up to him. "So what was this business, you were up to?"

"Oh, just someone who didn't keep their end of the deal and I certainly don't let those people go off the hook so easily."

"Wait, do you really strip their skin and hang them upside down by their toes?"

"What? No, that's ridiculous," he protested. But when I started to sigh a sigh of relief, that's when Leviathan stopped for a moment and said, "I was getting too lazy to clean up the mess they leave."

And my whole body rigged up, reminding myself just how dangerous this little lizard like man is. A smiling face, an easy grin, concealing the beast within. Ready to show it, if angered.

What kind of surprise does he have for me?

The question pondered in the edges of my mind, and suddenly I was engulfed to force the answer out of him. But I gulped the urge down, telling myself not to push this demon.

"We are here, dearie," he said, as he stopped again. I stood behind him, staring at a bunch of trees and nothing else.

"What is 'here'?" I asked uncertain. He chuckled and stretched out his left arm, with his other a hand he produced a blade and used it to slit a small portion of skin on his palm. He let the blood trickle on the grass. Before my eyes the skin began to heal itself, moving towards the other side as if they're glueing themselves.

Leviathan straightened his head and stared ahead, waiting for something or someone.

Not long after, there was movement in the direction he was looking, trees rustling then a tall, slender figure approached us, moving slowly. I noticed the corners of Leviathan's lips was curled upwards staring at the figure, amusement evident in his eyes.

"Who dares awaken me from my slumber? Oh, Levi," the figure, now in close distance was a lady, drawled sleepily. Words cannot describe just how beautiful, she is. Otherworldly is maybe close to describe her beauty.

"Apologies, my lady," he bowed mockingly. "But I came here by business." He gestures widely to me, while beckoning with his other hand to step forward. I did as he told, stopping beside Leviathan I subconsciously took a small step back behind him, almost as if he will protect me.

I mean after all, I'm a Non-Descendant. Not having magic, even puts me on edge.

The woman's angelic eyes grew wide when they locked on mine. "You have brought the princess," the question was asked in disbelief, in which Leviathan tutted while shaking his head.

"Risa, Risa," he said. "You should have more faith in me, dearie."

She rolled her eyes in the most elegant way (if that's even possible). "I didn't doubt you, I just didn't thought that you would be here so quick."

"Aha, because that's all part of my charm," he grinned evilly at her. But she ignored him and looked back at me, the way her eyes scrutinize me, had me feeling conscious of my own self. I felt dirty, surely I even look half dead with leaves stuck in my hair and my clothes covered with dirt and some of my own vomit.

"Your Highness," she bowed gracefully. The action took me by full surprise that I actually freezed half a minute before timidly answering

"Umm-- you don't have to do that," I forced the words out. She seemed surprised by my words, looking up at me confused then directing her head to Leviathan.

"She's more humble than the others, though a lot brave and stupid. I've never seen a woman swing a bone-breaking punch as this one did," he said. I stared at him to which he only grinned.

"Impressive," the woman's deep voice went even deeper as she once again surveyed me, from head to toe. "Do you know how to fight?"

This I answered confidently because I know it's a thing I am very well trained at, probably the only one. "Yes I do."

"Oh very well then, it won't be too hard for you now, would it?" Before I could ask what her question meant, Leviathan beat me to it.

"You're sure Lisa, don't you want to see her skills."

"No, she seems perfect for the job."

I was getting too impatient and couldn't help asking, "what is this job?" my question was directed to the lady but Leviathan is the one who answered.

"There is this beast, a beast with a hundred eyes, some say that if you look into one of them whatever you desire no matter how ridiculous or impossible it is, you will get it."

I know about the beast he is talking about, 'The Hundred Eyes' they call it is a creature that was brought to Earth by one of the Fabaes, the female twin named Cassidy as a pet. Rumour has it that, as harmless and wishful this creature seems it is entirely a deadly one, one that will literally kill you in the most gruesome way possible.

"And what about it?" I asked, already half guessing where this is going. By the way Leviathan's lips curled my suspicions were confirmed.

"We want you to kill it."


"That is something for us to know and you to ignore."

"And if I refuse the task?"

He laughed a shrill high laugh. "Oh don't fret princess there's something in it for you too."

I raised my left brow skeptically. "What makes you think that I would want whatever it is you are offering."

"Trust me I know." I continued staring at him, disbelief written in my face. "It's a warning. One that involves you and the reason why your Father ignores you."

Well, that certainly piqued my interest and a sudden yearning bloomed in my heart. I tried to push it away but all it did was keep growing. I must not hide it as well as I intended because his grin grew more wide, showing off his rotten sharp teeth.

"But first you must finish the task, for you to acquire the warning," the lady informed, I almost forgot that there was another person together with us. "Kill the beast and gouge out it's eyes and bring them to me, then will you get what you seek."

I nodded in understanding. "Of course I understand."

Leviathan clapped his hands once and exclaimed, "Lovely, now why don't the two of you shake hands and we all will have ourselves a deal."

The lady rolled her eyes at him, then extended her right hand out to me and though I hesitated for a second, I reached out and firmly pressed it to hers, sealing it.

A deal has been made.

And there was no getting out of it.