♪~'Please, call me Artemas'~♪
Lia and I talked for about an hour before she retired to her bedchambers, deciding to sleep and wait for the next morning. Except I didn't want next morning to come.
After what seemed like hours of restless tossing around the bed, I sat up, blinking eyes that had adjusted to the darkness. The Sword of Life was leaning on the door of my wardrobe, placed gently by Lia.
Sighing I slumped back down on my pillow, closing my eyes I again forced myself to fall asleep when I heard it. It was faint, like hissing, but with the silence around me I could make out what the hissing sounds were.
It was voices. So low, but there alright.
And by the different tone volume, it was two people talking to each other.
I tried ignoring it and go back to sleep when I heard my name in their conversation. Trying and failing miserably to not investigate what it is, I gave up and cautiously got off my bed, tiptoeing to my bedroom door and placed my right ear against the door, listening.
"T-the K-King mustn't tell her about t-his," a person with a feathery voice, tremulously said.
"There's no telling what the King may or may not do, and by the things that he's been doing it would seem like there's no stopping him from warning her," a croaky voice replied lowly.
"Then w-what do you su-suggest we do?"
"That's why I wanted us to met here of all places, you old fool," the croaky voice sounded spiteful. "His curse of a daughter sleeps here, we must kidnap her, and by morning must have her out of the kingdom."
"B-but what if--," now the quavering in the other's voice has increased, "-if-something goes wrong, what if she w-wakes up before we g-got to her?"
"I am right here aren't I," spat the other impatiently. "I can let her fall into a deep sleep and she wouldn't wake for hours."
I slowly stepped away from the door, wanting to get away from the men outside, not seeing what was behind me I had walked straight to the wardrobe knocking the Sword of Life, I watched in horror as the sword fell down, hitting the floor with a loud clatter.
I was aware that the two man outside had stopped talking, and without thinking much I picked up the sword, opened the wardrobe and shut myself inside. Locking the door from within.
I heard my bedroom door, swung open and several footsteps coming inside. Closing my eyes, I listened to the sounds outside, and counted the footsteps that are hurrying in.
Almost 14 men.
'I can't fight off that many.'
I held my breath, daring not to even breath. Holding the sword tightly until the design on the hilt carved into my palm, I waited.
And waited, and waited.
But it seems like the people outside didn't even guessed that there might be someone in the cupboard.
Finally I gave up waiting and placed a hand on the doorknob, turning it slowly as to not alert them. I eyed outside through the small gap I had managed to quietly make.
There was nobody there.
No one at all.
I thinking, that the terror had passed, stepped out of the wardrobe, only to regret it that moment itself.
Because when I turned, I caught a glimpse of a black cloak before it all went black.
There was a blinding light, when I opened my eyes at last. Shielding my eyes from the light, I realized that I was outside, but where I do not know.
Looking around, I didn't recognize these woods at all.
I tried getting up but it was no use, my limbs felt like it was stone whenever I tried to move it. Giving up completely I just laid there. Suddenly, something went whooshing past me and pierce the tree trunk above my head. Expecting the worst I turned my head (the only thing I can turn without difficulty) a couple of inches to the right, footsteps were coming from that direction.
But the person that came with the arrow wasn't who I was expecting at all. I recognized that serious face and the regal way he positions himself. The sun glinting off his hair makes it look more golden than brown. He held a crossbow on one hand and a sling bag full of arrows in the other.
Artemas Ryde. The Prince of Tyriad.
I still can't shake the feeling that something was off about him.
From my point of view I could see confusion filtering across his face when he saw me. Then he came towards me, almost sprinting.
"Princess Mareena? What happened? Are you hurt?"
I tried to speak but no words formed, so I shook my head in a gesture of no. When he saw that they were no ropes binding me, he immediately carried me into his arms, swiftly as if I was made of paper.
"Is this ok?" he asked. My God, his voice is so deep.
I nodded, leaning onto him, giving up my guard. I know that I shouldn't let him carry me but at this point I don't car...
Wait...what is he doing here?
Just moments after I awoke, he came to "rescue" me.
And why the hell am I suddenly attracted to him?!
Priorities Mareena!
I tried sitting up against the comfort of his arms, forcing myself to get up. But no matter how I tried the sinking feeling of being paralyzed still got to me.
So I let my eyes wander to my surroundings. It was a really dense forest, not much trees. But yet still feels unfamiliar.
"Do you know what happened Princess?" Ryde asked me.
"Uh-," I stuttered. "No actually, all I remember is passing out."
However I do remember the events of last night, I just don't trust him enough to confide in him.
Although Artemas didn't looked convinced, he nodded and didn't say anything for a long while.
"Do you know the story of the Hundred Eyed Beast?" I asked.
Artemas stared at me in confusion. I am sure he must think I'm mad but I needed to ask someone who wouldn't persuade me to answer their questions.
And what better time than now?
"Yes, Your Highness," he said. "When I was a young boy, my Mother used to tell me all kinds of stories about the Hundred Eyed Beast."
Queen Vivienne Rein
"They say the beast was once a pet of the angels who descended from Paradise, to be precise it was the Fabae twins pet. Your, Highness should know that that beast would not be tame or just a normal pet."
I nodded, I knew the Fabae twins from Paradise, the only Royal members from there but it wasn't like they were innocents. Terrorizing hundreds of millions of people for generations, waging countless wars against Pure Descendants and humans. So many lives lost for centuries all because they were bloodthirsty vampires. Considering that, and that this beast was their pet I needn't have to guess twice.
"Go on please."
"Very well, the beast at first was just a beast, no hundred eyes, not having any other abilities other than a huge body used for killing. After their Mother the Queen of Paradise cursed them, the Queen even cursed their 'pet' for it's heinous crimes and granted a special power. At first it seemed like a normal ability to him but as time went by the beast lost his mind."
"Because the Queen cursed him to have a hundred eyes thus his name, and with these eyes he could see the past, present and future. Even Pure Descendants can't handle the ability to see the long future, dead or happening, but when the beast started seeing everything at once. It slowly lost it's sanity and went insane."
"That is a terrible fate to put someone or something through," I said solemnly. Artemas nodded curtly. "Thank you for telling me about this. But I have another question."
His dark gaze bored into me, trying to figure out what I'm thinking. Nevertheless, after years of social etiquette I successfully conceal whatever emotions or thoughts.
"By your guesses, where do you think this beast is now?"
"I would say, the Arcanus Forest." The name of the place sounded familiar, a place that Madame Signy had mentioned only once in my years of lesson but had since piqued my interest.
"That's to be expected." I whispered lowly so that I could hear, nevertheless he heard it too.
"Your Highness, if I may be so bold, why are you asking these questions?"
"Oh, nothing. I came across the name of the beast in a conversation, it has since caught my interest. But I haven't come across any books containing the origin of it," I lied.
His face was neutral, devoid of emotions but his eyes betrayed, a fleeting moment of curiosity and confusion.
Not letting that thought to linger in his mind, I decided to change the subject. "So, Prince Ryde..."
"Please, call me Artemas," he insisted.
I nodded in response. "Artemas," the name seemed to roll out of my tongue, "tell me about yourself."
He let out a deep chuckled that seemed to vibrate through his body. "I never expected to hear that from you, Princess Mareena."
"Why is that, can't I learn more about the man, who is supposed to be one of my suitors, competing for my hand in marriage?" I asked.
He shook his head. "No, there's nothing wrong about it, but up until now, you have never shown any interest in getting married to any one of us."
"It's not you or the others, I'm just not thrilled by the idea of marriage."
"I'm sorry that the months trying to wrapped your mind about it, can be overwhelming." Puzzled I stared at him. He noticed my confusion and slowly said. "Your Highness, did know about the marriage proposal months beforehand right?"
"Actually no, I knew about it when Fa-The King answered your question." I answered.
"I see. Now your reaction makes sense," the Prince smiled softly.
"When did you came to know about this arrangement?"
"It's been seven months already, since I came to know that I'm to compete to marry."
"Was it hard to take in?"
The Prince said silent for a moment, unsure how to respond. "No actually, I knew that being royalty doesn't mean an happy marriage or life, it's about the responsibility of ruling a kingdom, therefore leaving no room for happiness or personal pleasures." Then he gazed at me, "surely as a Princess you must know of it."
I looked at anything but him, feeling ashamed, "no," I answered truthfully. "even as a Princess, I was too playful, I didn't like responsibilities and lessons, often I ran away from such things."
"Then what are your interests Princess Mareena?"
No one, I repeat, no one had ever asked me that question before. "Combat," I said softly. "I love fighting, the thrill of it, the excitement as adrenaline energy courses through us, making our hearts beat faster, stronger."
"I see, then you must be very skilled in it," he said appraisingly.
I have always been very confident in my skills but still the way he said it, made my face heat up. "Uh, not really I haven't bested my brother in swordsmanship."
"Oh, don't underestimate yourself, anyone with such passion wouldn't be bad at it."
"Why don't we duel each other once we are back at the palace?" I suggested.
A small smile spread across his face. "Sure, Your Highness."
I nodded. I mean he is the first man besides Gabriel and my brothers who had ever touched me, let alone carry.
Then in silence, he continued on without stopping until we had reached the palace. Once the guards saw me they immediately rushed to my aid and thank the Prince, before escorting me gently to the hospital wing. I followed them, without saying anything to my rescuer.
I was feeling weird and it is awkward.