Plots, friendship and relationships

"You can run, you can hide. But you will never escape. As we are hunters and you are the prey"

77th Legion Motto


Pov Palpatine

Palpatine, the Grand Chancellor of the Republic, Lord Sidius, the one who controlled both the Separatists and the Republic, contemplatively gazed out his office window taking in the Coruscant sunset.

"The plan has been impeded." he observed, in a voice that would make the skin crawl on the back of Count Dooku's neck. With a gesture he opened the holo-map. The Republic had taken Mygeeto, halted the strike on Kamino, and halted Separatists advances on all other fronts. The Separatists had failed in their purpose from the start, by one and only one factor.

"CC-0001" On every report of a failed plan was that identification number, and now the Kaminoans had failed in their purpose as well, forcing the Chancellor to call an emergency Senate session on the nationalization of the cloning facilities.

The temptation to kill CC-0001 occurred to Palpatine. However, his first impression of her was a good one, and her competence made her a potential ally when his grand plan comes to fruition. Though her loyalty to his own person was non-existent.

He wore a foul smile that would even make a rancor have second thoughts.

Activating his holo-comm he summoned his apprentice

"Yes, Lord Sidious?" Dooku said, kneeling at the holo-call, Palpatine glared at his apprentice. He had failed him, and while those failures could be explained by anomalies in the grand plan.

Failure was failure.

"You have failed me Lord Tyranus. Your blunders and those of your subordinates have so weakened the Separatists that this war will certainly be over in a year if there are no radical changes. That is why in your incompetence, I will allow you to increase droid production by two hundred percent."

Dooku, whom to many was a sleek and implacable veteran who could kill them without so much as a glance, was afraid of the figure of the Sith Lord before him. He was so adept in the Dark Side that even halfway across the galaxy, Dooku was still within his reach.

"Your wishes will be followed." Count Dooku acquiesced with a passive tone, Palpatine contemptuously closed the holo-call.

Scheming about the future of his galaxy. Did CC-0001 fit into his plan?

Testing his new piece will be necessary, he thought. The tests Palpatine would force CC-0001 to undertake would set the Republic back ten fold, of that he was certain.

Palpatine called CC-0001, and she promptly accepted the call. Though frightened by her near cessation of existence she hid it well.

"Grand Chancellor of the Republic, to what do I owe the pleasure?" the clone asked.

Palpatine savored the clone's fear, fear is the best tool to handle those who have much to lose.

"I fear that the senate's vote to nationalize clone production could go either way. Both sides of the issue have good points, it is almost impossible to guess which side will be the victor."

"But, with your help I believe we could lean things in our favor."

The issue of nationalizing the clone production facilities was one which the clone had much hope in. Therefore hearing such a statement was quite agitating for her.

"I am at your command." She stated resolutely.

Palpatine smiled as he watched the clone not even hesitate to respond. She wanted to take care of the matter directly. She might have a future in his galaxy.

"I have heard that you are to leave for Ryloth to free its inhabitants from the Separatist clutches, I want you to use the routes that are in Hutt Clan territory. Without paying the taxes"

The Hutts have an Empire that has lasted millenia. The destruction of the Hutts was never part of the great plan, however if the Hutts were to be removed as a player now with the use of such a skilled general it would save Palpatine much trouble in the future.

"With all due respect, wouldn't that cause a war between the Republic and the Hutts?"

Palpatine shook his head, displaying the sympathy of a kindly old man and causing 0001 to relax for a second at the sight of a sympathetic older gentleman.

"Unfortunately the Hutts are smarter than that, they would never choose to start a war. However I fear it is against the interests of the Republic for the Hutt's to remain neutral. I want you to instigate a false flag operation by the Hutts. Then collect enough incriminating material against the Hutts and send it to the Senate. At the same time, head off these criminals who act outside the laws of the Republic once and for all."

Palpatine awaited her response, he would need loyal soldiers who would complete their tasks without asking unnecessary questions. It would have to be seen if 0001 was suitable for the job.

"Understood. We will proceed with the operation in the interest of the Republic. Anything I should know other than what has already been mentioned?"

Palpatine smiled inwardly, the clone's response was exactly what he wanted to hear. The war against the Hutts would set the Republic's war effort back. It would also add to the Republic's front lines, meaning that even the most incompetent of Separatist generals would not let such an opportunity go to waste..

"I want the jedi who accompanies you to be at your side for this mission. It is important that people such as us are not lost to base assassination. Finally, I want you to know that once your mission is accomplished, I would owe you a great favor."

The clone's helmet moved, although Palpatine did not have the ability to perceive the mood of a clone by the way they moved their helmet, by the lack of response he could tell that she had found what he said insufficient, how troublesome.

"I will also see to it that the nationalization of the clones is accepted by the senate".

The clone nodded, giving a military salute and cutting the call short.

Palpatine put away the holocommunicator and sat back in his chair as he turned the holo-map back on, simply taking in the view of all that would soon be his.

However, his gaze soon fell on Naboo, remembering all that he had done along his journey, his many rewarding schemes and those that were… less fruitful.

"That Padme is of no further use to me."


"The nationalization of the clones has been a matter of great controversy in the Senate. However, as Grand Chancellor of the Republic, I must interfere in this discussion. Are the clones not the protectors of the Republic? The shield of democracy and the sword of the senate?" Palpatine said from his preeminent position in the Senate. He had pulled the strings to ensure the nationalization of clone production.

The Kaminoans predictably acted with a great deal of desperation and all manner of backdoor dealings in an effort to ensure the continuation of their sovereignty, unknowing that they were simply feeding more ammunition to Palpatine. Who manipulated those senators he caught in the proverbial cookie jar to vote according to his will if they did not want such things made public.

Of course the last thing Palpatine wanted was for such things to reach the public eye then to the Jedi's ears, an official investigation at this juncture would be a most… unwelcome event.

The masses of senators, disassociated with the reality of their constituents' desires supported Palpatine with thunderous applause. Some like Padme and her allies who wanted nationalization to reduce the cost of production and stabilize the Republic's economy, others by simply greasing the right palm and knowing the right person, and finally Palpatine own lackeys. Fools who owed him everything, from their first election to their lavish lifestyle they had become accustomed to, it all came back to him.

He owned them, which was just the way he liked it.

The Senate was Palpatine and Palpatine was the Senate.

He would have to send an agent to erase any sensitive information, Palpatine noted to himself, as the majority voted in favor of nationalization. With that, all that remained was to whom would the management of the clone facilities be given to...


Battleship Maelstrom

A clone commander entered the private medical ward of the Maelstrom. It was designated for the VIP wounded. This clone went by the name of Joker, the Commander of the 77th legion. Joker approached cautiously, careful to keep his hands hidden behind his back. He slowly crept up to his target, whose once peaceful dream had become a nightmare.

"No brothers, stop." the young clone muttered softly as Joker approached.

Joker frowned, unsure exactly what to do here exactly, giving it up he decided to do what he does best.

He placed a small furry ball into the sleepers lap, which soon revealed itself to be a tooka. The sleeper wakes up to the little felinid playfully batting at her hands. It was promptly taken into the young clone's arms, which was just predictable really.

"Surprise!" shouted Joker as two more tooka peeked over his shoulders. They soon began to use the commander as their own personal playground, much to the child's delight.

The clone laughed as Joker put on this spectacle for her, who in his opinion quite needed a laugh after what she has been through. He just wished she wouldn't have to live with a reminder of that day forever, he thought while eyeing the place where her legs should have been.

Joker allowed none of these thoughts to appear on his face, instead he acted the jester as the tookas scoured one way then another across his armored form.

"Would you give him back for a moment?" said Joker. She nodded releasing the tooka, who quickly climbed joker and took his proper place upon his head, the others followed suit taking positions on his hands.

"Tadaaa!" he exclaimed as he struck a pose, the tookas seeming to mimic his antics. The young clone began clapping her hands in glee at the impromptu show, however she seemed to see that reminded her of her situation and soon quieted down. Joker looked at her in surprise and then looked around. He soon noticed Lion sleeping in quite the unorthodox position in the hospital chair, Joker didn't even want to think about how uncomfortable he would be when he woke up.

Unbeknownst to the poor clone inspiration had struck and he would be Joker's next victim, who was now approaching his prey.

"Hestia, I have an idea..." He brought a finger to his lips, signaling her silence.

She quickly nodded her head, saying nothing. Joker then pulled out a white marker that he used for exactly this sort of situation. His victim now in his grasp at last, he began to draw Tooka's whiskers on the sides of Lion's helm and a pair Tooka's ears on top as well. Finishing his work proudly he was about to put away his marker when a hand grabbed his.

"Joker, what do you think you're doing?" Lion demanded in a menacing voice, glaring through the helmet at Joker.

"Well, it looks like the jig is up. Tookas! Attack!"

The three tookas leapt from Joker's back menacing Lion with their speed agility, causing him to fumble and fall. Joker made his retreat with his feline entourage in tow.

"JOKER!" boomed Lion, as righted himself dashing for the door as Hestia cackled from her bed. Lion, who had realized that he would not be catching Joker this day, calmed down and turned towards the sound of laughter. Which caused Hestia to laugh even harder at the sight of Lion's vandalized helmet.

Lion considered himself a serious person, he disliked practical jokes and held himself to a very strict standard. Though, the delighted laughter that emanated from the hospital bed, he might have to make an exception this one time.

"I swear, I can't stand that Joker" Lion stated as he removed his helmet exposing his short hair. He quickly turned the helmet around to see what the bastard Joker had defaced it with.

The smug face of a tooka greeted him. However when he attempted to remove said graffiti.

"Wait, this isn't coming off!"

Hestia, who had finally paused her laughing, began to cackle once more, her hands clutching at her stomach from the continuous assault of laughter.

"Hey, don't laugh. This isn't not funny!" Lion said as he put the helmet on the table and reseated himself.

"Nope, it's hilarious!" Called Hestia as she laughed at his misfortune. Lion sighed and refocused on the issue at hand.

"Are you sure you don't want cybernetic implants?"

She shook her head, in a cute way Lion thought, though unwilling to say such a thing out loud.

"I was made this way and I'll stay this way. I'm not going to add that unfeeling metal to me no matter how much you insist, Lion."

Lion looked at Hestia's face and then looked down at the ground, crouching to meet her at eye level.

"I'm sorry for failing you." Lion said, Hestia silently put her hand on his head and moved it gently.

"It's not your fault brother," she said, attempting to put on a smile. The memory of the pain was still far too recent, resurfacing whenever she let her mind wander.

Lion simply let Hestia stroke his head, thinking of how in the first few months of conflict they had nearly lost so much already.


Joker was walking alongside Lion, who still had his helmet painted on. They had both been requested by Big Sister and were heading towards the CIC. Despite calling her their Big Sister they were still all soldiers and she was their superior officer.

"Did you hear those rumors from the 203rd?" Joker said as he walked, accompanied by three Tookas, two on his shoulders and one balanced on his head.

"There was an incident with Big Sister and Weiss was about to start the revolution. However, Big Sister covered the whole thing in black ink. Whatever happened, Big Sister didn't want us to know about ot." Said Lion

Joker, who was stroking the Tooka that rested on this head, nodded slowly as he walked. "Weiss' greatest dream is a clone revolution. But none of us understand how the Galaxy would react to such a situation."

Lion nodded, keeping his pace straight and disciplined, contrasting harshly with his brother. Yet he had damn near perfect records, so no one could criticize Joker's unorthodox methods.

"Would you stop with the tookas?" Lion demanded. However in response Joker put his hand on Lion's shoulder. Taking the opportunity the Tookas ran up Joker's arm and moved to Lion, who was considering the viability of hurling the things at his brother. But Hestia liked them so he refrained, simply standing patiently as the Tookas made a mockery of him.

"Tell them to get off me or we're about to find out what grilled tooka tastes like." Commanded Lion patience had finally given up the ghost.

The frightened Tookas ran back to Joker who laughed at lion's reaction. "Smile a little, always with that pessimistic attitude. How can you expect Hestia to smile when you're all depressed and bitter around her. I know you're in love with her but if you keep hanging around her with that depressed attitude you'll make her want to run away."

Lion's fist felt a great desire well up from within him, the desire to smash Joker's helmet with his fists that is. Lion could hear his gauntlets strain under the pressure of his fist.

"Shut your mouth until we get into the CIC, you clown. You don't even know what you're talking about!" Lion retorted angrily, increasing his pace to get away from Joker.

The three tookas watched dejectedly with Joker as Lion passed by.

"So you are in love with Hestia, I had no idea." Joker noted quietly.


"Supreme Commander." Said Lion with a salute to Big Sister, sans helmet and standing alone in the CIC with Anakin Skywalker.

"Supreme Commander" Called Joker, mirroring his brother's salute. The three tookas followed Joker in doing their best impression of parade rest.

"Commanders Joker and Lion, you will be participating in the reconquest of Ryloth, do cooperate with the locals. Unfortunately our fuel reserves are low so you will be the only ones going. We will stop on Tatooine to refuel."

They both nodded, Joker noticed how tired and almost depressive Big Sister seemed.

"Yes, mam." They replied in unison. Lion left immediately to prepare his legion while Joker stayed behind. He looked for a second at Anakin and then at Big Sister.

"Anakin, please leave us, there is no danger here and I think Joker wants to speak privately to me."

Anakin hesitated for a second, however he acquiesced and followed Lion out, leaving the two alone.

"What happened to you in Tipoca City, Big Sister?" Joker said as the doors closed. She looked aside, seemingly in thought.

"It's best if you don't know, it's personal anyway. Are you enjoying your gift?" She said, gesturing towards the tookas, in a blatant attempt to change the topic.

"Indeed Sister, but I'm more worried about you. You helped me in the past, you taught me that no matter what the situation you had to laugh at the enemy or adversity. But now it seems you are the one who needs help."

Big Sister gave a hidden smile under her helmet. "I'm glad you took it to heart, it's just that in Tipoca City... Nothing, it's ok Joker, forget it please, I'll take care of my problems personally. Your mission is very important. Besides, I've heard that Ryloth has very interesting animals. I'm sure you enjoy the mission."

Joker looked at Big Sister, trying to glimpse through her visor, to no avail.

"I'll leave my tookas in your care, Big Sister. They're soft and obedient and I'm sure they'll help you with whatever's going on."

Joker turned to leave when he was stopped by Big Sister.

"Thank you for respecting my wishes. Remember that while we will always have each other, that our allies should be appreciated as well."

Joker nodded, walking out of the CIC, taking in the sight of General Skywalker leaning against a wall, and accompanied by Commander Tano.

Appreciating allies huh? Joker thought to himself, eyeing General Skywalker. He approached him, hand extended.

"General Skywalker, I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you until now sir." Joker said, Anakin returned the handshake.

"Well, you already know my name, but I'm pleased to meet you anyway."

In one swift movement Joker brought Anakin close enough to whisper.

"Thank you for whatever you did for her."

Just as abruptly he broke away from Anakin, leaving to organize his legion.

"What did he say?" Ashoka asked,curious at the odd display.

"The clones seem to like me, Rex, the Supreme Commander, and now Joker. Any more and I might start calling myself the clone whisperer." Anakin Skywalker said with a wry grin, hiding his surprise at Joker's attitude. Ashoka rolled her eyes in response to his arrogance.

"Dream on Skyguy, Weiss and Lion still hate you".



Joker and Lion were greeted by Obi Wan and Cody as they disembarked their Vanator.

"Are you the reinforcements? I thought Anakin was with four legions." Inquired Obi Wan in lieu of greeting.

"Correct," said Lion. "But unfortunately we did not have enough fuel so we were forced to prioritize the 44th and 77th legions to arrive in time to reinforce the front. The other legions are attempting to refuel on Tatooine."

Obi Wan was surprised. "Anakin is on Tatooine?" He asked with a hint of uncertainty in his voice.


"That might be a bad idea." Kenobi said to himself. He quickly put it aside however, Anakin was already a Jedi knight. He knew what he was doing, or at least should at any rate..

"I understand, in two hours we will attack Trench's fleet. Please discuss the plans to reconquer Ryloth. I won't be attending unfortunately, the Jedi Council requests my presence in ten minutes and I must be present."

The three commanders nodded, watching as Kenobi made his departure.

"Well he certainly seems nice, tell me Cody, have you two kissed yet?"

Lion reacted on instinct by slapping Joker's helmet, shutting him up instantly. Cody looked on in sheer incomprehension.

"Forgive him Cody, he's a fool, if he bothers you again just give him a good smack."

Joker rubbed the back of his helmet as Cody continued to judge Joker.

"Where did you get such a sense of humor?" Scolded Cody. Despite being a Clone Commander, Cody wasn't as close to her as the other commanders. So he wasn't used to Joker's clownish attitude.

"I was snooping on Weiss trying to set up a prank, when I saw this holo-tablet. I looked at it and it had this number attached to it, I put it in the password and it opened up videos and pictures of that sort of thing. If you know what I mean.." Joker said.

Lion sighed in disappointment, while Cody looked at him with interest. "What's the password?"

Joker quickly pulled himself together. "58391275"

Cody nodded as Lion looked at Cody in surprise. "No way," he said, disappointed at Cody, who merely shrugged his shoulders in indifference.

"I'm just curious."

Lion replied aggressively "Curiosity killed the tooka!"

Cody lifted his shoulders once more. "Yeah, whatever. We need to plan our offensive on Ryloth. Come on, we've wasted valuable time."


Sirens blared throughout the Republic fleet. Separatist and Republican fleets were preparing for a battle for orbital superiority over Ryloth. Unknowing of the unfortunate chain of events that was to take place on Tatooine.

Meanwhile, Joker looked over Ryloth from the Venator as two clones flanked him.

On his left was Loki, who had a pair of sky blue tookas fighting. On his right was Jester, a pair of clowns, one smiling and the other in tears, resting over his heart..

"What do you think?" He inquired, as he gazed upon Ryloth. They had done all they could to prepare for the invasion of Ryloth.

"We are within firing range." Called a clone from across the bridge..

The admiral's reply was swift.

"Fire at will."

Unconcerned, Jester and Loki thought about their commander's inquiry..

"I find local wildlife interesting." Answered Loki, followed by Jester's response. "The locals of Ryloth seem friendly, despite how much they have suffered throughout their history."

The 77th Legion and their Commander Joker had garnered a reputation for their interest in wildlife, and nature.

"Are you calling the inhabitants of Ryloth animals?" asked Joker wryly.

"Of course I'm not, but they remind me of us, an enslaved people. A great number of slaves found in the galaxy are from Ryloth. It saddens me greatly."

Loki and Joker nodded. "We must keep the teachings of Big Sister in mind, we must find the strength to smile no matter the circumstances."

The three smiled and nodded. Not knowing that the smiles they wore had taken a manic edge, a smile that to those accustomed to them would find… Alarming.



Hey! Please comment and tell me what do you think! I need feedback!

Thanks to Grape Fanta for editing. Also if you have a problem with grammar errors is his fault...

I am open to commissions! If you want your story with your own ideas and you want me to write it. Talk to me by private message and let's see!