The Quick Lesson

Ingrid crouched gracefully by the lakeside, her palette board and brush placed meticulously at her side. Despite the serene setting, a hint of concern crossed her face as she contemplated on the vibrant paint that could potentially leave stains on her pristine white dress.

"What should I say to Christine and Lady Valentine?" Ingrid thought as she gazed at the stain on her dress. The image of the enthusiastic imperial seamstress, Lady Valentine, flashed through her thoughts. "I haven't even had it on for a full day."

With a careful hand, Ingrid retrieved a handkerchief from the secret pocket concealed within the skirt of her dress. Leaning toward the lake, she dipped the fabric into the water and squeezed out the excess. 

Ingrid tried to remove the stain by blotting the fabric gently. The water-based paint yielded, and the vibrant hues gradually faded. Satisfied with her efforts, she then picked up her palette board and brush.