The Prophecy (1)

The white tent, illuminated by the soft glow of daylight filtering through its fabric, created an intimate yet serious atmosphere. A single wooden desk stood at the center, and Caym occupied the authoritative seat behind it. The three Veyronis women sat on chairs, facing Caym, their expressions a mix of determination and urgency.

Caym surveyed them with eyes that revealed nothing of his thoughts. "We are leaving in an hour. Speak quickly," he commanded, his tone firm and unwavering. The tent offered a sense of isolation, providing a confidential space for the impending conversation.

The Veyronis woman who had spoken before sighed, exchanging glances with her companions before addressing Caym. "We understand your skepticism, Grand Commander Caym. We do not claim to know everything, and the gods themselves are selective in the information they reveal to us. But we have come to deliver an oracle that concerns you directly."