The Snowfall

As Ingrid lay on her bed, her body felt heavy beneath the doubled blankets, her hands resting gently on her stomach. She gazed up at the ceiling, her thoughts drifting like snowflakes caught in a winter breeze. Her eyes wandered to the window, where the faint glow of moonlight illuminated the delicate snowflakes that clung to the glass.

How could the winter arrive so early? It was a question that lingered in her mind like a stubborn shadow. Winter usually came a few weeks after the imperial new year, but now, it seemed to have descended upon the land prematurely.

Was this anomaly somehow connected to her dream? Did her encounter with the Goddess Yanessa have unforeseen consequences for the world around her?

Ingrid sighed, her breath forming a small cloud of mist in the chilly air. Her body still felt weak, her strength sapped by her recent ordeal. Occasionally, her head throbbed with a dull ache as if a hammer had just hit it.