Chapter 5

We were in a spacious, dark room where in a fireplace tongues of flame danced, crackling with burning logs. Uncomfortable silence filled the space between us, punctuated only by the unspoken hints of his intentions. He tried to make me speak, extracting the untold stories from the depths of my heart with his enigmatic gaze. His eyes were brighter than ever, reflecting the faint light seeping through the golden decorations of the room. Cream-colored wallpaper with crests barely visible in the darkness seemed to hide secrets of their own. Even the paintings on the walls, though painted, felt present and looked at me with ominously knowing eyes, capable of striking a cold chord of alarm in my soul.

-I heard about this judge, the big boss as you say, - he spoke, seating himself in a chair and handing me a cup of tea, - He's gone mad. It's not your doing.

-Just a simple curse, accompanied by minor pangs of conscience," I replied with a smile. It wasn't easy to deceive me, - But there were traces of another's magic. You're testing me. Awaiting a reaction. To act accordingly. Adrian, why do you keep your distance from me, and who are you exactly? Why don't you trust me?

-I am the ruler of these lands. Count Kortes. Haven't you heard? - he replied.

-I'm not interested in politics at all. All I see in it is flaws, unlimited power for those who have even a shred of it, and drunken discussions at the bar, - I said, - The absence of a constitution is the only thing that makes us equal, armed for a duel.

-Many men are happy with women who don't meddle in their affairs, - he said in an odd tone, and his gaze...

-Am I a woman who fits anyone's ideal? Especially with my character, - I replied, and after saying that, I left him alone, giving him a dismissive glance, -Unfortunately, we are too different.

Returning to my room, I ordered my assistant to fetch hot water, and I removed my heavy dress, feeling a sense of relief after a long day. I was left with just my undergarments, revealing the delicate contours of my body, and a tight corset that cinched my waist into a narrow frame. I let my hair down, allowing it to cascade over my shoulders freely.

Then, for a sweet moment, I immersed myself in a hot marble bath, absorbing the relaxing waves of warmth. I wet my hair, letting it soak up the revitalizing moisture. Next, I gently scrubbed my weary body, giving it the love and attention it deserved. 

-Nora, tell me something interesting, - I said, looking at her with a meaningful glance.

-I heard that all your previous suitors had red hair. Can you imagine? - she said, and I wished to respond with a resounding "Idiot".

-Really!!? - I exclaimed and threw the towel at the wall.

-Don't be mad, Miss. I also heard that Lady Wolf, after her husband's death, has already started a romance with the capital's prosecutor, - she said calmly, and the prosecutor's name sounded repulsive.

- I guess she's involved with Wildmare, - I said, exhaling heavily, "Another opponent to deal with... Remember my words, Nora.

-You talk about him as if he has done something to you, - she said.

-He destroyed my old life, where I was barely crawling out of my debts. Then a trio appeared that destroyed everything I had built over the years. And then Count Kortes appeared and pulled me out of all that, - I said, my voice changing sharply, - I am incredibly grateful to him. I can be rude and hurt others' feelings, but then I will blame myself. I remember all my mistakes, even the tiniest ones. Like mixing up not a melissa tincture, but a peppermint.

After baring my soul a bit to my chambermaid, I left the bath, feeling somewhat refreshed. I put on a beige nightgown and a matching robe. When I lay in bed, something prevented me from falling asleep. A regular, rhythmic sound permeated the night's silence. A knock. Snow was falling again... This sound kept me from resting. The noise didn't allow me to fall asleep, and it persisted relentlessly. At least no one was talking, or I would have eavesdropped.

I decided to get up. I put on my shoes. The corridors were almost pitch black, with only a bronze chandelier in my hand slowly pushing back the darkness. The floor seemed to bounce under my careful steps. The sounds had disappeared. But then I felt the presence of magic in the air, chilling and penetrating. Adrian. I moved toward the north wing, step by step. Branches rustled against the windows with an eerie sound. The curtains were mostly closed everywhere, but not completely. This was an empty room. Only candlesticks, oxidized and without a trace of wax, stood here and there. Cobwebs hung from the ceiling, and dust settled on the furniture. Frost covered one of the doorframes, but there was nothing behind the others. It was an empty room, except for the portrait on the opposite wall. My steps echoed on the dirty floor. I touched the torn fabric, drawing untold stories and mysteries from the old walls with my fingers.

-Adrian... - I whispered softly, my voice sounding so unfamiliar. I traced my fingers over the painting like frost crystals. Only the man's face seemed to have been affected? - Oh, your family... Agatha, Adrian, and Philip, - I read the barely visible inscription on the bronze plaque - Forgive me...

Tears started to roll down my cheeks as the events of long ago came to life before my eyes. I felt like I was hidden behind an unreal curtain, observing the unfolding life before me. A beautiful woman with long blonde hair sang a lullaby to her baby, cradling him in her tender arms, and he looked at her with beautiful eyes. The warm glow of candles illuminated the room, creating an atmosphere of family bliss. But at that moment, a man appeared, presumably the father. I could only see the back of his head with unshorn hair, and darkness seemed to radiate from him, as if he absorbed the light around him.

-How dare you! This is my son, and you're raising him like a maiden! - he shouted, striking the bedpost with his fist.

- Philip... - she whispered, and he grabbed her chin.

-Don't you dare talk to me like that! Put the boy in his room, and then come to talk to me, - he yelled, gripping her chin tighter.

-You wretched scoundrel, - I hissed, and at the same moment, the window opened, interrupting everything.

A cold draft filled the air, and the candles gradually extinguished, leaving traces of their flickering light. My heart was pounding so hard; it felt like it would burst out of my chest. Then, suddenly, fear engulfed me. My breathing became erratic and panicky, and I started to flee. In the distance, I heard indistinct footsteps that intensified my anxiety. Quickly, I found myself back in my room, and the sound of the door being locked reassured me. Exhausted, I collapsed onto the floor, propping myself against the door.

-Constancia, get a grip on yourself finally. You don't see the dead like Kay from the academy. This is just a journey into the past. It's normal for people like you, -I told myself.

I got up from the floor and, brushing the dust off my clothes, quickly got into bed. Covering myself with the blanket from head to toe, I plunged into sleep. I could feel the sun warming my face gently. Rubbing my eyes, I woke up and looked around the room—it was empty. There was not a sound to be heard, only the tranquil light seeping into the room. Perhaps, I didn't need to hide so much. Tidying my hair behind my ears, I was genuinely surprised: were they informing me only when I woke up? If so, it was rather convenient.

-Can I come in, Miss? - I heard and was surprised at how well she timed her appearance. Nora entered, curtsied, and a few dark hairs escaped her bun, carefully tucked away under her cap.

-Of course, Nora, - I replied, and I wondered what they said while I was asleep. How convenient it was.

-May I bring you breakfast? - she asked me.

-A little later, - I replied - Nora, have you heard anything about me? I mean, what they say here. From what I've heard, I should have already picked out a tombstone. Constancia Colabrio, dead of boredom.

She laced my corset, tightly cinching it from the back to accentuate my waist. Then, she helped me into the crinoline, arranging it to give my dress an elegant shape. With dexterity, she fastened the bustle, giving my back an elegant contour. Black high-heeled shoes completed the graceful walk. My appearance was further enhanced by a charming navy dress with delicate black ruffles that Nora carefully put on me. From a box, she took out my sapphire earrings and a silver locket that adorned my neck. She then gathered my hair into a stylish bun, securing it with several hairpins. She applied lipstick to my lips, making them look luscious, and accentuated my green eyes with black eyeliner, giving them a mysterious and passionate look.

-Lord requested that I inform you that you will no longer be actively participating in the investigation, at least not openly. A decree has come from the capital that everything you find, due to your gender. He also requests that you attend dance and etiquette lessons. You will also need to learn to ride in a lady's saddle, - she said.

-I heard that court etiquette is quite different from what I'm used to, - I remarked, - It always seemed to me that it was all too complicated.

When breakfast was served, I deftly handled it and headed off to my etiquette lesson. A servant led us through the corridors and explained about the tea room we were heading to. We entered a spacious room where blue wallpaper harmoniously combined with white decor. Large panoramic windows revealed a breathtaking view of the snowy terrace and the frozen garden.

Sitting on a blue sofa adorned with elegant cushions was a middle-aged woman. Her blue eyes expressed wisdom, and her chestnut hair was neatly gathered into an elegant bun, adorned with a touch of gray on the left. She gestured for me to join her, and her facial expression exuded confidence and kindness.

-Welcome, madam, - I spoke and curtsied.

-Constancia Colabrio, I've heard much about you. You're the daughter of Igor Colabrio, what are you, you appeared out of nowhere, - she said, sipping her tea, - You have a conviction under Article 137, Part 2. Recognized genius and excellent sorceress.

-It's rather uncomfortable for me to hear you praise me so much, madam, - I replied, "A genius, it sounds nice."

-I am Madam Frost, - she said and made a strange gesture.