Chapter 7

Days passed in the same manner, without any visions that had previously forewarned of danger or offered mysterious revelations. The majority of the day was consumed by lessons where I worked on improving my skills and knowledge. Only once every two days did we venture into the city, where I felt a certain resemblance to my past days at the academy. These trips provided some entertainment and a change of scenery, although there were no unusual events or encounters among them.

Days went by one after the other, and today slowly transformed into the day after tomorrow. Because this day was marked for an important event – a ball. A splendid burgundy gown had already been prepared for me, adorned with extraordinary ruby accessories taken from the treasury. All of this created an atmosphere of anticipation and enchantment for the upcoming evening.

-Miss, you will need to descend to the city with the lord, - the girl said before withdrawing.

-Yes, I'll be ready shortly, - I replied, and then I quickly got prepared for our outing.

  She helped me change into winter boots, necessary for this cold season. I also wrapped myself in a fur coat and placed a hat on my head to shield myself from the wind and snow. Thus, I was fully prepared to step out into the world. When I applied a bit of lipstick, I descended the stairs. Outside the house, a carriage awaited us, which we were to use for our journey to the city. Upon entering it, we set off, moving further away from our mansion. The landscapes outside the window gradually changed, and the falling snow slowly covered the tree branches, giving them a white attire.

-Where are we going, if it's not a secret? - I asked with restrained enthusiasm.

-You'll like it, my dear. But I want to keep it a secret, - he replied, giving me a smile and continuing to gaze into my eyes.

-You have only one secret left, and that's whether you'll owe me a kiss, - I said playfully, coming to life a bit and awaiting his reaction.

-I wouldn't mind that, - he replied, running his hand over my cheek.

I blushed brightly and shyly stared at the floor, nervously fiddling with the folds of my dress. His light laughter filled the air as I continued to behave like an enamored girl, showering him with numerous smiles. His response was simply a weak laugh.

After a stop, we disembarked from the carriage, and he led me somewhere. I couldn't understand exactly where we were heading. We stopped in front of a jewelry store. I was surprised, not understanding what he had in mind. The windows were dirty, the floor was worn, but the snowy white walls and golden ornaments on the cornices created a unique atmosphere of luxury and a certain poverty characteristic of our country. When the doors of the store opened, a bell chimed, creating an unsettling sound in the air.

-Welcome, - a man greeted us, lifting his eyes to us.

-My beautiful fiancée would like to choose an engagement ring, - he said, then grinned playfully.

-Yes, yes, - the man replied, taking out several boxes.

Enchanted, I carefully examined rings with various sparkling stones that caught my attention. My gaze stopped at one of them—a large ruby that shone like a small star, elegantly framed by a row of diamonds. This ring stood out among all the other jewelry displayed on the velvety black cushion. I felt that if I ever got married, this ring had to be my engagement ring—exquisite and unparalleled. At that moment, Adrian ran his hand over my waist, leaned over my ear, and his voice sounded softly and mysteriously. 

-My dear, did you like it? It will look wonderful on your delicate fingers, -he said before taking out money, - How much? - he asked the man coldly, who then collected everything in his hand.

-35 gold pieces, - the man replied, and Adrian carefully placed the jewelry into a small box, which he then concealed in his clothing.

Afterward, we strolled through the city, discussing our plans. Gradually, we found common ground and grew closer. Throughout our time together, we exchanged jokes and smiles, disregarding the complexity of the situation I had found myself in.

I noticed that he wasn't as severe and cold as he initially appeared. Beneath the mask of coldness and aloofness, there was a warm and sensitive soul. He was kind and understanding. I couldn't fathom how it happened that I was feeling genuine emotions for someone else.

-Adrian... open the cards, - I whispered and smiled.

-What about? I have many secrets, - he said seriously.

-I just wanted to ask something about your father, - I said coldly, noticing how his expression changed. It seemed painful for him to talk about it, - I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's clearly too painful a topic for you," I said nervously, and we returned to the carriage.

-If you want to know, I'll tell you, - he said in a somber tone - My father was an exceptionally cruel man. He tormented both my mother and me, and he raised his hand to her. Then my mother died. I went to the academy, and life became easier. But my father began to decline. The last time we spoke properly, you were around ten. The only thing I remember well is him saying he wouldn't be surprised if you became my wife. He repeated it a few times, that these two troublemakers would definitely meet again.

-I'm so sorry; I shouldn't have made you bring up these memories," I said, placing my hand on his shoulder, - I apologize, - When I said this, he ignored me, - My life hasn't been the easiest either. I mostly remember bringing some woman home once. She was, you could say, simply evil. She pulled hair, hit, and humiliated. When my father found out, he threw her out. But things didn't get any better. After he found out about my magical talent, he decided to make me the youngest graduate of the academy. I studied through the nights.I studied at night.

He simply embraced me, and it felt incredibly pleasant. Feeling his warm embrace, being close to him, just the two of us, without anyone else around. In those moments, I felt like I wasn't alone. In Adrian's arms, I felt loved and understood. He wasn't devoid of emotions; he was just as human as I was. We were both in search of something we hadn't known before. And perhaps, I had fallen for him. He was the prince I had dreamed of throughout my childhood. What I had dreamt of before had become a reality. But, in some way, I had forgotten the most important thing. This game that had started was supposed to be just for fun. But now everything had changed. Maybe I had lost. Because I had fallen in love with him...

-Constance, forgive me , - he said quietly.

He simply walked away, leaving me with a broken heart. My hand reached out to him, hoping to grab his wrist, hug him, and beg him not to leave me alone. It was strange. Ultimately, I just wanted to go back to my old life, adhering to our agreement that defined that everyone gets what they want. But now it seemed that everything was more complicated than I had ever imagined. He wanted something entirely different, something beyond my expectations and imaginations. It turns out we had different desires and plans, and it shattered my hopes and confidence.

Anxious feelings surrounded me from all sides, and the word "why" seemed to explode in my soul. My cries echoed through the room, but no one answered my helpless question. The scene before me was horrifying and terrifying. My teeth clenched, and my hands began to scatter things around as if trying to escape from this dreadful scenario.

All I could see were those black eyes, which seemed to be pierced by icy crystals. The withered roses scattered their petals on the white snow. But the most terrifying thing was that a pentagram was forming from blood, symbolizing something ominous and malevolent. From the woman's body, a black substance began to ooze, taking shape and creating strange images.

This massive flow of darkness approached me, entwining surrounding objects with its tendrils and dissolving into a strange slime in its path. It was impossible to make out what exactly it depicted, but fear surged in my chest, making my heart beat rapidly and irregularly. This ominous mass, it seemed, was getting closer to me, creating ever-changing and merging forms.

My legs were uncooperative, and my mind was filled with chaos. I felt the terror creeping up, forcing me to faint, unable to maintain consciousness in this horrific situation. The black mass enveloped me, and I fell into emptiness, overwhelmed by the dangerous embrace of darkness.

-Princess. Your time has come, - a deep, raspy male voice shattered the silence.

I could barely hold myself on my knees; my hands were trembling, and my heart raced in my chest. Desperately inhaling air, I tried to understand what was happening. Could it really be her? Could it be some kind of mistake or hallucination? She, the princess, a descendant of influential and noble families, and I, just a mere mortal, the daughter of ordinary people.

We were so different - she came from a line of kings, and I came from a line of commoners. Her lineage was associated with glory and power, while mine with modesty and simplicity. Could two such different people truly be alike? Could it be something more than just an external coincidence?

Several hours later, I was summoned to the office. Adrian was sitting in front of me, his gaze serious and filled with mysteries. He silently motioned for me to sit in a chair, inviting me to talk. My hands were shaking as I nervously took a seat, trying to gather my thoughts.

-There are a few things we need to discuss, - he said, finally tearing himself away from the documents.

-I'm ready to listen, - I replied.

-Let's start with the smallest one. I found that beggar. He spilled the truth, and now it's all clear. It wasn't you. She was taller, and her hair was darker. It wasn't you. All charges against you have been dropped, and you've been exonerated. But your prosecutor will face some consequences, - he said with a happy smile, and my face lit up with a bright smile.

-Thank you, - I said sincerely, rejoicing.

-Second, I lost the ability to see your visions. I'll think about intercepting them, - he said seriously.

-For example? - I asked, then shrugged and turned my lips to the side.

-A pendant, another spell, or just something else, - he said and looked away.

-And what's that something else? - I asked, slyly smiling and lowered my eyes.

-A kiss. On the lips, - he said, and I instantly blushed, he ran his hand over my face, - You're so sweet.

I could hardly believe my eyes when he handed me the documents. My hands were trembling as I took them and began to review. Something incredibly unusual was staring back at me from those pages. Mother... Mother was alive. It couldn't be true. She had died during my birth. But her name was clearly written on these documents. This city... Lamertport. The place where I had spent my childhood, a place I had only memories of.

Adrian smiled, watching my astonished reaction. This moment was full of unpredictability and conflicting emotions. Could it really be? Or was all of this just a whimsy, a deception, or a product of my imagination? But perhaps, on the contrary, all of this could have happened. Maybe my mother was indeed alive, and her death had been kept from me. So many questions began to fill my consciousness, but I knew I had to decide what to do next.

-We'll have to go a few hours away. We leave at dawn tomorrow, - he said with a somewhat indifferent tone.

-Alright, - I replied calmly. My consent was not needed here.

-It's dangerous, - he said calmly.

-I'm Constance Calabrio, danger is my middle name, - I replied and smirked.

-I thought your middle name was different. You're just too beautiful for that, - he said calmly.

-No one has told me that in a long time, - I thanked him. And it was so pleasant.

-Then I'll be the first, - he said, shrugged, and then...

I remained surprised by his reaction as he suddenly stepped away from me and tried to hide. This unexpected impulse he showed mixed with my own conflicting feelings. I was captivated by his passion and strength, but at the same time, I felt his detachment and indifference. Yes, I might have been jealous. Jealous of his indifference, of how he toyed with me, knowing it was painful for me. Why couldn't he just give in to his feelings, which I was sure he also felt? Why did he hide, shy away from me?

I was considered a rare beauty, green-eyed and alluring. I was aware of my attractiveness, knowing that my features inspired admiration. But he played with me as if it were a game of indifference, and it hurt me. I envied how others did not treat me this way, how he couldn't find a way to surrender and express his feelings. All these emotions tangled in my mind, leaving me with an unanswerable question: why? Why was he behaving this way? Why couldn't he just allow himself to love and be loved?