Chapter 11

-What are you talking about, Patricia? We only share names, - I said and lowered my eyes abruptly.

-Not true. Even if you changed your hair color and didn't look exactly like her, I would believe it. Only your gaze and eyes. Those are the eyes of the royal family. And if you are her, I will support you with my husband, the head, and be ready to acknowledge your right to the throne, - she said.

-I don't need power. I just want to eliminate evil. Until my true identity is revealed, I request that you keep this secret. And I ask for your assistance in this, - I said, my calm voice never wavering, even in all our conversations.

-And how? - she asked, now with genuine interest in her eyes, as she scrutinized me more closely.

-Your sister is the crown princess, and I want her to provide me with valuable information, - I asked her, and my idea was quite clever; no extra information would go to waste.

-I will gladly help you, - she said.

We spent several hours in conversation, exchanging thoughts and impressions, and then, after shaking hands, we parted ways. I returned to my apartments in Iceholl with Kay. She had accepted my proposal and decided to mourn for two weeks, continuing her correspondence with the Duke of Iveis, the Grand Marshal of the Empire.

We had already set off for the capital and found ourselves in an unfriendly neighborhood. Broken, dirty cobblestones lay under our feet, and gray buildings were in a dilapidated state. Leaning fences and scattered hay around the houses gave an impression of neglect. We approached one of the buildings, and the dark doors slowly swung open. A woman emerged from them.

She had red hair, tanned blue eyes, and freckles on her cheeks. In her worn dress, she looked even older, although I thought she couldn't be more than 40 years old. She hugged me and began to cry. Then her gaze fell on my face. She blushed and studied my features more closely, running her hand over my face. Overflowing with even stronger tears, she just stood there and looked at my bewildered face, while the man stood nearby, without understanding what was happening.

-You're not my Kira. You're someone else. I'm sorry, - she said quickly and invited us to sit.

-Then tell me everything as it really happened, - I asked her. She sat down and anxiously clutched her head.

-Yes, Kira was only a year old when some woman in a hood came to them. She entered the bedroom and took my daughter. I only saw one detail, her black eyes, - she replied. eyes, - I whispered, and visions with the empress, that apparition, flashed before my eyes.

We barely left that place and got into the carriage. My eyes nervously darted from one object to another, and I tried to understand something, forcing my thoughts to make a reasonable decision. I am a princess. I was kidnapped, and my father was involved in this, but he simply decided to save me. Simply. Without any malicious intent.

-I want to get married to you as soon as possible, - I said.

-Someone really didn't want that, and now you're rushing it, - he replied.

-Yes, and also the situation with my visions and what happened to Kira. I need books on black magic and demonology, - I said, - Better if you don't know all those disgusting details, but I know it well.

-I have some understanding. Once I heard about a royal artifact. They were made from children under one year old with imperial blood, - I said, - But it must not be made from one's own relatives.

-And for that she need that child, - he said, - but I want to talk about something else.

-Speak, I don't mind, - I said and rolled my eyes.

-In a week. There will be few guests, Princess, - Adrian said calmly, looking at me.

-Very well, - I replied, - I'll take care of it, -  Yes, Costance, don't worry so much.

The next day, we entered a room adorned with wooden panels on the walls, giving it a charming atmosphere. It was illuminated by soft yellowish light, creating a warm and cozy ambiance. In the center of the room was a large table with dozens of various fabrics spread out. Most of them were in shades of white and beige, but at my request, fabrics in pink and light blue had also been brought.

-Well, I think this fabric is better than the others, - I said, pointing to a beautiful snowy white silk fabric with interesting patterns.

-Are you sure about white, considering you're supposed to wear black? - my friend commented, and I thought to myself, Kay, Kay, you don't know it yet, but you'll be wearing a pink dress, and I'll make sure you look the loveliest.

-I think these blue accents would work well too. And no bows, - I instructed the seamstress.

-You have such a bright complexion; it would ruin everything. You only need an S-shaped silhouette and a large skirt, - the woman said, taking my waist measurements.

-I'd also like bare shoulders. And as much lace as possible, - I said, and Kay started giggling to the side.

-Would you like to choose something for your bridesmaid? - the woman asked me and led me to the fabrics.

How wonderful that I had already arranged for all the attractive and delicate options. Yes, I had inspired her to come to me beforehand. No, this dress makes your skin look pale gray, and this one green. Oh, and you, necromancer! It's perfect; you no longer look like a corpse. With a slight touch of magic, you resemble a princess from a fairy tale. The girls will be envious, especially Lady Loranne.

-No, no, no. Only black, - Kay said, blushing profusely.

-So, bury only my innocence and complete freedom, - I said, laughing again, and my sense of humor was something no one could take away from me.

-It seems like you're in love with him... - she began to say, and I quickly covered her mouth.

-Don't talk about it in front of others, and how on earth did you find out? - I asked.

-It's my little secret, - she said.

After all that, I returned to my room and sat down at the table, unfolding the guest lists. No baby's breath and lilies. Where did they get those in winter? I don't want any flowers at all, but maybe a few roses would be acceptable. And no more than fifty guests. I took a sheet of paper and began listing the guests: Lady Loranne with her husband, the Duke of Ivayisk, and their daughter, who was somewhat related to Adrian. Also, Madame Marielle, my former teacher from the academy, and here were even more names on the list.

I already hate all this. So boring. I was tired and sank into a strange vision. The walls were adorned with strange paintings. On the table was a mysterious artifact - the mummy of a small baby, its mouth and eyes sewn shut with coarse black thread. The tiny desiccated body lay in a slightly soiled glass case with traces of wax. A fog spread across the floor, and dry grasses and mushrooms clung to the walls. Strange symbols, painted in blood, adorned this very peculiar space. It was not good at all. The artifact disappeared and reappeared, destroying everything in its path.

-Beautiful, are you asleep? We need to talk, - he said, - You found out about me; I assure you it's a slander. But what I did to that drunkard is true.

-And what do you want to know? - I asked him.

-Why did you play around? It's wrong, - he said and ran his fingers down my shoulders, moving lower.

-You've finally figured out my character, - I said, smiling mischievously.

-Not many would understand that when a weak and calm girl throws a man one and a half times her weight onto his back, - he said.

-How my physical strength is connected to my complex character, - I said, smiling, - But if I were as I claimed, I wouldn't have thrown him. So, I'll reveal a secret; I just wanted to live.

-And you decided to play with me, - he said, sounding a bit sad. I felt sorry for him.

-I'm sorry for everything... - I said, and standing on tiptoe, I kissed him on the lips. He responded, and it was better than any words I could have said. He pulled me closer, then let go, kissed my neck, and gradually moved lower.

He descended in fits and starts, first unfastening the dress, then loosening the corset's lacing. His kisses moved closer and closer to my chest, then stopped. He waited for my reaction, and I hesitated. I could feel my heart pounding, afraid that I would be punished. I knew this would lead to nothing. But it seemed like he could read my thoughts. He began to dress and distanced himself slightly from me. Everything about this was so strange. Maybe everything he did and was doing helped him cope with the crisis in his heart.

-Constance, know that no matter who you were, I will always love you. Because you are who you are, you've endured so much pain, and you haven't broken, - he said softly, - And I want to learn that. Because I never had the strength you do.

-You love me... -I whispered, and tears filled my eyes, followed by a new vision.

Crystals of ice were arranged on the field, growing several meters high. Blood mixed with white snow. Footprints of spells descended to the ground. On a large stone altar were hearts, and beside them, on each step, lay bodies: mine, Adrian's, my brother's, and the crown princess's. The battle was lost, but not all of my prophecies had come true.

It happened on a dark night. I was afraid they would expel me from the academy, but I went to fulfill my mission anyway. I was told to leave my amulet and an energy trail. Then they were supposed to quickly find me and accuse me of killing the priestess of love, a murder actually committed by Albert Noy, a well-known maniac in our world. He was the new Jack the Ripper, whose brutality shocked everyone. But after our encounter with a scalpel in his hands, he gained a competitor, or rather, she did. And then I just took that amulet and won in this brutal game. And you know, I don't intend to die at such a young age.

Over the years, I realized one thing: the only thing I can do with my fate is to survive. And now I must return to what it used to be. I just don't want to die. After years of unhappiness, failed attempts, and death following my every step, it brought me neither happiness nor relief. I've spent so many years wandering in the darkness, and when hope appeared, I won't surrender to death. Even if it means sacrificing many things.

I studied dark literature and experimented with dark materials while they prepared for our wedding in Iceholl. And on one sleepless night, when the fog covered the horizon, I found the answer I had been seeking for so long. It was a worn grimoire with a strange symbol on the cover. On the hardened pages, I found the description of an interesting ritual that could change everything. A sword, the embodiment of the seal, would destroy it, and the sword inside me would return them to the gates of hell. But only the one who would not burn from it and would not freeze from the cold would be worthy.

-What are you thinking about, princess? - he asked, running his hand over my shoulders.

-Something destroyed the seal, and if we kill even one demon, they'll all lose their strength and go to hell, - I said, raising my head after saying this.

-You should rest instead of overthinking. You look tired. I'm ready to take care of this, and you don't need to torment yourself, - he said, and then kissed me lightly on the lips.

He led me to his room and placed me on the bed. I wrapped myself in a blanket and slowly fell asleep. And he continued to study that grimoire. He understood that only he could decipher it and lift his curse, which had been the price for the lives of hundreds of people. And for her life, the woman he loved. The moon faintly illuminated the dark blue wallpaper, and the candles flickered with each breath, melting the wax onto the table and filling the air with a specific scent, which mixed with the cold air.

And here came the revelation. The only way to win was to outwit fate and seek forgiveness from the goddess Sannana. She had cursed hes family but promised to lift the curse when the time came. Maybe the time had come. Maybe what existed between us could break this curse. This was the price for victory over evil. This was the price for the seal that had trapped the demons and brought us peace for many years.

I woke up in a bed that wasn't mine, which surprised me. I quickly got out of bed and remembered: he had brought me here. He hadn't slept all night. I wrapped myself in a blanket and slowly rose from under the covers. The sun was already shining through the curtains. Well, there would be a surprise when Nora couldn't find me in the room, and the bed remained untouched. She would surely be surprised.

-You have 5 minutes to get to your room if you don't want people to think something else, -  he said without looking up from his work.

I followed his advice and quickly returned to my room. My attempts to make the bed and pull the covers from under the mattress were futile, and I didn't even know where to put all those decorative pillows. I could already imagine what Nora would think when she saw me struggling to make it look like I had spent the night in my own bed. However, the creak of the door interrupted my thoughts, and I could already picture her surprised face. She would definitely guess that I hadn't made the bed, just like none of my maids, none of whom I had seen yet, had.

-Miss, what are you doing? - she asked, looking surprised, her gaze still fixed on me.

-I'm saving my reputation. I don't want everyone to misunderstand, - I replied, giving up on trying to make the bed, - Yes, you came in, helped me get dressed, and made the bed. That's all.

-As you say, - she replied.

After a quick breakfast, I went down to the city with Nora. The weather was much better today. The streets looked friendlier, and on one of them, a woman in a dark purple dress stopped me. Her chestnut hair was gathered in a high bun, secured with several Eastern-style pins. Her bright amber eyes immediately caught my gaze, and she quickly approached us with her companion.

-Konstance, is it you? - the woman said, and I couldn't recognize her at first.

-I'm sorry, who are you? Unfortunately, I can't remember your name, - I replied, lowering my eyes.

-You've forgotten me. I'm Aiva, Aiva Grace, the daughter of Count Grace. We were in the same class at the academy, - she said.

-And why do I need this information? - I asked, ready to walk away. But something held me back.

-I wanted to ask for your forgiveness. I believe everything I did was wrong, - she said and curtsied,  -All my actions were driven by fear of you.

-I'm ready to accept your apology, - I replied, - But you won't give me back the ruined years of my life.

-I would be grateful for that, - she said and walked away.

With mixed feelings, I continued my walk through the city and soon decided to return. When I got back, everything was as usual. There was a quiet conversation coming from the office. It seemed he was busy with something else. I quickly went to my room, changed into a dry dress, and headed to Kay's room. She looked happier today than ever before, and a light smile adorned her face.

-Kay, why are you so happy? Did someone die, someone come back to life, or did you catch a good spirit? - I asked, shamelessly sitting at the table and trying to read her letters, - Or did someone send you a marriage proposal?

-Yes... - she whispered, looking down, and I was even happier for her.

-These men, they always get it wrong with romance. It's either walks in the garden or proposals on the balcony, - I said, rolling my eyes.

-Constance, it's winter, - she said, barely holding back her laughter.

-I'm not talking about that. Adrian immediately led me to choose the ring, and then just before the ball, he put it on my finger, - I said, and Kay started laughing.

-You love him so much that you don't even take the ring off at night. You hang it on a chain, and between... - she began to say, and I covered her mouth.

-Let's skip those details, for the sake of my dignity! - I exclaimed, - Even the walls have ears, and I don't want anyone to know.