Willspore Village is awfully beautiful this time of day. The light from the sky bounces off of Bopliss Lake just nearby. The vibrant Sun seems to make the Lake look like a shimmering diamond, more valuable than anything I've ever seen. And the Village! A wondrous display of what magic and science looks like in perfect harmony. What a wonder! What awesome beauty! If only we knew how to harness this power, then we could create a world full of beauty like this one.
"Sir, are you interested in buying that?"
An older wood elf posed this question to the hooded figure. The figure looked down at what he was standing in front of. A beautiful piece of jewelry it was, made with the finest diamonds and crafted using perfected magicks. The necklace looked like something out of a dream.
"No, no, I'm simply looking, is all. A fine piece, this is. And look at the handwork! Such impeccable craftsmanship."
The wood elf nodded happily as the figure spoke of the necklace. A small smile began to grow on his face, before being snuffed out by the next thing the hooded stranger said.
"Unfortunately, I lack the funds to make such a large purchase, but perhaps, we can exchange items, value for value?"
With that, the hooded figure pulled out a small vial, a shimmering golden liquid inside of the bottle.
"Do you know what this is, dear jeweler?"
The figure asked, almost teasingly.
"Y-yes, I do. That there is a potion of youth! It is rumored to add centuries of life to the person who drinks it. But it is a difficult potion to brew, and only the best potion masters around Alteran know how to make this potion, and they never come cheap."
The jeweler began to rub his hands together in something like anxiety, or perhaps nervousness. Finally, he found the courage within him to ask the question that pestered his mind from the moment he saw the small vial.
"If I may ask, friend, how did you come into possession of this potion?"
The hooded figure chuckled and shrugged.
"I know a guy. He makes all kinds of potions and trinkets. All he asks is that I sell them for reasonable prices. And this necklace here looks like a fine price for a potion such as this. What do you say, friend?"
The jeweler stopped rubbing his hands together, and reached for the vial, before the figure yanked it away.
"Ah, the necklace, good sir."
The jeweler anxiously nodded and grabbed the necklace, before handing it to the figure, who delicately handed over the potion.
"Good day, sir," the figure spoke flatly as he turned to leave.
"I-I never got your name, sir. You wouldn't mind sharing that with me?"
The figure snapped as he turned back towards the jeweler.
"Of course, how rude of me. The name's Laurum. Laurum Holzboddel."