On one late cloudy, foggy night, two teenage friends have went on a nightly stroll, little did they know they were not alone, "Dude did you see that moving in the forest!" yelled Sarina "stop messing with me there's nothing there" Sighed Jacqueline, Sarina Cracked up "looks like someone is scared of the dark!" Teased Sarina, "am not!" Yelled Jacqueline, "yes you are!" Laughed Sarina, "you know what Sarina I'm so sick of you playing these games you're annoying!" yelled Jacqueline "Jeez! I didn't know you couldn't handle a joke" sighed Sarina "You know what Sarina you are a joke, that's why everyone laughed at you in middle school for becoming a tomboy or whatever it's called!" shouted Jacqueline, "you know what Jacqueline! You can just walk home alone because I never really liked you anyway!" Cried Sarina, with tears in her eyes "my only friend since 1st grade betrayed me I can't believe it!" cried Sarina, "have a nice life Sarina, because I wont be seeing you anymore! I cant wait to spread these rumors!" laughed Jacqueline, "it is pretty dark I should start heading home" sighed Jacqueline, as Jacqueline starts heading home as she spreads the rumors on her cellphone, but suddenly she hears a branch break in the forest next to her, Jacqueline starts to walk faster "What the hell was that! What the hell was that!" thought Jacqueline "it's probably just an animal or something, this town is known for it's racoons" thought Jacqueline. Jacqueline continues walking down the dark damp path, but suddenly her feet lifted from the ground, "I-I-I can't b-b-r-reath" choked Jacqueline, her feet dangle back and fourth quickly as she gasps for air, suddenly her vision goes black. "Jacqueline!? Jacqueline!? can we make up? please!? I'm sorry!" Sarina tries finding Jacqueline down the dark damp path, "dang it! where did she go, we had this argument not even 3 minutes ago!" As Sarina continues walking down the dark path, she sees Jacqueline's passed out body underneath the beaming light from the streetlight, "Oh My Gosh! Jacqueline!" yelled Sarina as she ran toward her unconscious body, "wake up damn it! wake up!" as Sarina is trying to wake up Jacqueline she hears Cackling from behind the trees, Sarina gets up and sprints away, "sorry Jacqueline but I don't want to die!, I will get help!" As Sarina is running she looks back and sees Jacqueline's body being pulled into the forest by a man with all black on, almost as if he was a shadow. "Damn it! Somebody help!" cried Sarina "somebody! please help!" As Sarina is sprinting for her life, she stumbles upon a group of teens that go to her high school, "please help me! My friend go-" Sarina got interrupted, "you're that one insane Tomboy girl!" the group of teens laughed, "what do you mean, I'm not insane!" yelled Sarina, "you followed Jaqueline onto this path!" yelled one of the teens "no I didn't !" cried Sarina "Jacqueline told us your a stalker and you follow her! Back off you creep!" yelled the teens. Sarina turned quickly and started running, with tears in her eyes, she is in disbelief, "she really did betray me, she's the reason why I get bullied" Sarina sprints back down the dark damp path having forgotten that's where Jacqueline got kidnapped, Sarina hears that cackling again, "Leave me alone!" suddenly she flies to the ground hitting her head and passing out. "what happen" whispered Sarina as she slowly started gaining consciousness, "how did I fall?" as Sarina is slowing gaining her consciousness she can vividly see Jaqueline tied up sitting across from her, "Jaqueline?!" Sarina gains consciousness from the sight of Jaqueline's tide up body, "is this it for us?!" Sarina jogged toward Jaqueline limping in distraught "Jaqueline wake up!" Sarina shrugged her shoulder "Jaqueline you're bleeding!" gasped Sarina "keep it down or he will kill us!" silently cried Jaqueline, "he pulled me through a broken window, that's why I have all these cuts" Jaqueline groans in pain, she has no choice but to rip a piece of her shirt off and wrap it around her deepest wound, "Jaqueline is it true that you're the reason why I'm being bullied?" asked Sarina "yes it's true but can we not talk about this right now! Were gonna end up dying together anyways!" cried Jaqueline "a little help!" Sarina rips a piece of her clothing off to help wrap up Jaqueline's wounds, "Sarina I'm so sorry, but I just don't wanna die!" Jaqueline was having a mental breakdown, "Jaqueline now is not the time to be apologizing!, Were in a life or death situation!" Sarina quickly wraps Jaqueline's wounds, "it's way to dark I can't see!" Whispered Jaqueline, "we have to stay close or else we will loose each other!" whispered Sarina, Sarina and Jaqueline search around the dark narrow room, the floors have long deep cracks, the walls are rusted, and the room smells like blood, "Sarina stay close I can't see!" whispered Jaqueline "I am, just keep walking around their has to be something down here!" intensely groaned Sarina as her leg started to give up, "Sarina your leg! There's blood everywhere!" gagged Jaqueline, Sarina starts to feel dizzy and faints from intense amount of blood loss. "Oh shit!" yelled Jaqueline, she rips more off her cloths and tightly wraps Sarina's leg "crap it looks like a bullet wound! I have to stop the bleeding!" loudly whispered Jaqueline, as Jaqueline is wrapping Sarina's leg to stop the bleeding she hears humming, "who's their!" Jaqueline was terrified "I said who's their!" as Jaqueline walks toward the humming in the tight narrow room she sees a shadow "do you need help?!" Questioned Jaqueline as she walks toward the shadow, but suddenly it disappears, "what the hell is goin-" Shunk! Sqwelp! "Ahhhhhhhh!"intensly screamed Jaqueline,"I will kill you both! You aren't supposed to be at the one windowed home, the house only people who wish death upon you spawn!" "Sarinaaaa! wake up!!! Aggggggh!" Shunk! Sqwelp! "agggggh!" Shunk! Sqwelp! Jaqueline stumbles to the floor taking her last breaths "Sa-r-i-na-a" Jaqueline coughs out blood as she continuously gets stabbed, "hahahahahah! oh now Jaqueline where is this Sarina girl at?!" as it continued to hum again, "I'm right behind you motherfucker!" Sarina punches it in the head very hardly and it passes out, Sarina then leans in to get a closer look to see who it was that killed Jaqueline, "what the hell are you!" Sarina turns away and pukes intensely, "blarghh! It has no! Blarghhh!" Sarina pukes before her words even come out, "it has no face! theirs blood everywhere!" yelled sarina with puke dripping out her mouth, "I feel uneasy" Sarina then passes out once again.