7. Royal Library (Part 1)

"Lady Helena, I'm coming in."

Helena opened her eyes when Violet knocked on the door. She was lying in bed with an awful sleeping pose. Helena was not sure whether she was asleep or fainted. Her mind was groggy from the memories of last night. She could not believe her regression would involve her butler… who actually was a demon.

Violet, Scarlett and Azure entered her room. Helena's face took them aback. Her skin was pale from shock, and black eye bags appeared under her eyes from lack of sleep.

"My God! Are you okay, Lady Helena?"

Helena sat down on the bed and touched her ached head. "Violet, where is Karl?"

The maids were confused. "Pardon me, but I never heard anyone with that name. Perhaps you are not truly awake, My Lady."

"Urgh, never mind..."

Helena dressed up as fast as she could. She went around the house to ask the servants about Karl. Karl always aided the chef with ingredient preparation, saved the maids when they made mistakes with their work and helped the gardener trim the hedge. Yet, everyone's memories of him were gone. It was as if he did not exist in the first place.

The chef was frowning at her question. "Karl? I do not know anyone working here with that name. I do know a boy working in fishmonger with that name."

The maids looked at each other. "Do we even have a butler with that name?"

The gardener was confused, "There is something familiar about that name, but nothing rings the bell. Hmm… how do I shape this hedge again?" 

Helena stopped asking about him before everyone questioned her sanity.

She went to her room and pulled the secret notes from the hidden shelf. Helena jotted down the new information on the paper. She made a poor scribble of Karl and wrote her conclusion on the corner.

Karl is a demon. He regressed my time on someone's behalf. 

She closed the book and leaned against the chair. This never occurred in her previous life. Helena knew it was bound to happen, but she never thought the problem would be this complex. Her only clue was the word from Karl.

"Find information about Paradise Star."

Frustration piled up inside her mind. She held her head with both hands. "I cannot believe it. I am going to take advice from a demon."

Helena began her investigation about Paradise Star in Blackmoore's private library. When she found nothing in her research, she visited the public library. Even after rummaging through hundreds of books and asking people, she did not receive a result. Three weeks passed without any progress on her investigation.

Her father guessed her mind during lunch. "Helena, you barely eat your meal. Is there something in your mind?"

She only sighed and replied to him, "I am looking for information about Paradise Star, but I cannot find it in the library."

"Is this why you never go to any saloon?" asked her mother. Helena only nodded at the question. This conversation intrigued Melvin Blackmoore. "Must be something rather rare. Even I never hear about it. Do you want to check it in the royal library?"

Helena was stunned. "Wait, I can visit it?"

"Well, yes! You are noble. You only need to give identification proving you are Blackmoore."

Helena was speechless. She never expected her status would be helpful. The next day, Helena went to the royal library in the morning. The trip to the palace was short since Helena lived in the capital. Her heart beat fast when she gave the identification letter with Blackmoore's seal. The working officer read the paper and then smiled at her.

"Lady Helena from the Blackmoore family? You can enter the palace."

Her face became bright. "Thank you!"

Helena went inside the carriage. No wonder she loved being a villainess. The benefit of power felt great. 

She never visited the palace before. Helena tried to gain the royal ballroom invitation in her second life but was rejected. Her horrible reputation had reached the place. It tanked so bad that few nobles refused to meet her.

She finally entered the palace after passing another gate. Helena was mesmerized by the view. She could describe the Eluvuris Palace in one word: magnificent. The gate was big and formidable, and the building was tall. She must use the horse to reach the building from the check gate. Helena passed a small forest surrounding the place and bridge throughout her ride to the palace.

Helena frowned. "How big is this place?"

She finally arrived and stepped down from the carriage. The building was huge. Helena never thought it would be that big after getting closer. Fortunately, the office and library belonged to the front palace. She did not need to walk further to find information about Paradise Star.

She entered the building and turned her head left and right. Helena had no idea about the location of the library. She asked for directions from a man who carried a stack of papers.

"Excuse me, do you know where-"

"Sorry, busy!"

The man ignored her and rushed into his office. Everyone passed her since they were too busy. Helena sighed and walked to find the library by herself. Helena slapped her forehead when she discovered a beautiful rose garden instead of books. She forgot about her awful sense of direction. She still got lost in Blackmoore's estate, let alone the royal palace.

"What are you doing in here?"

Helena turned her head. Gentle wind swept away the fallen rose petal as a knight stood behind her. Two pairs of ocean-blue pupils met her eyes. He had a mature face and a small birthmark near his right eye. Half his short honey-blonde hair was slicked back, and the rest fell on his forehead. His muscled body was hidden beneath the uniform. 

Helena raised her eyebrow at the sight of this man. He was ridiculously handsome, charming and overqualified as a knight.

 "I am supposed to visit the library, but I get lost." 

"Ah, first time visiting the palace, Lady…."

"Blackmoore. My name is Helena Blackmoore."

"You can call me Yale. Please follow me. I will show you the way to the library."

"Won't it be a bother?"

He chuckled. "It is fine. The knight training is over. I am on my way to the main building."

Helena was amazed. "Are you a royal knight?"

"Yes. I am working under the division of First Prince."

The Eluvuris Kingdom had three Princes. The First Prince was the Crown Prince, the Second Prince was the son of the current Queen, and the Last Prince was the son of a concubine. The First Queen passed away when the Crown Prince was three. The King later married her lady-in-waiting and had a second son. The Third Prince was born later from a maid. The maid status raised from a commoner into a concubine.

The King had become weak because of old age despite reigning for a long time. He gave his job to the First Prince, pointing him as the Crown Prince. Unfortunately, the Second Prince wanted to sit on the throne. Thus, the cold war between families erupted. The First Prince held multiple factions, while The Second Prince held the radical nobles. The Third Prince remained on a sideline since he could not win the royal brawl without backup.

Helena was lucky the Blackmoore was neutral. She did not want to be involved in the political battle.

Yale stopped walking. Helena almost crashed against him because she was lost in thought. 

"We arrive! Just go straight to the left. You will find the library after that."

"Thank you for helping me."

"You are welcome! Not many noble ladies visit the royal library. I hope you find your book."

Helena bowed to him in gratitude and walked away. The knight waved his hand while smiling. She followed his directions and finally arrived at the royal library.

"I hope this is the right place…"

She opened the door in one push. The smell of ink filled the air in that place. Helena was captivated by the view of the library. Thousands of books were sitting on the row of high bookshelves. It must be why the library provided ladders to reach the top of the shelf. 

Helena was not a vivid book reader but admitted the library looked great. Nevertheless, she would have difficulty finding a book about Paradise Star. Helena decided to find the librarian to ask for some help. That girl found her conversing with a young man near her age.

"It will be better if the document uses the same inventory as the library."

"Excuse me."

The librarian turned her head toward her and fixed her glasses on her nose. "Can I help you, Young lady?"

 "I am searching for Paradise Star. Is there any book about it?"

The librarian was frowning after hearing it. "There is no book about such a thing."

Helena was surprised. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. Even if you search the whole library, you will find nothing."

Helena was speechless. She visited the royal library with no result. "You mean my hard work these couple of days was futile?"

The young man next to the librarian recognized her. "Are you Lady Helena Blackmoore?"

Helena was a bit surprised by it. That man was only a few inches taller and gave an aura like an innocent doe. His almond crème hair shone under the light, and his two amber eyes stared at her. His sweet smile managed to charm her for a moment.

 "Do you know me?"

"Of course! You are a famous lady among commoners! They are really grateful for your contribution and charity."

She was embarrassed by the praise. "Thank you, but I am just doing my duty as noble. May I know your name?"

"You can call me Heli."

He used his first name instead of his family's name. Helena decided it was not polite to pursue it further. "Nice to meet you, Heli."

"Nice to meet you too, Lady Blackmoore. Are you looking for a book?"

"Yes, but you heard the librarian. There is no book about Paradise Star. I will go around this place instead since it is too early to go home."

"Allow me to escort you."

"I hope I did not bother your work."

Heli only laughed at her words. "It is fine. I just come to the library to read books." 

Helena chuckled and accepted his offer. They walked around the garden close to the building. It was not as beautiful as the rose garden, but still pretty. During their short stroll, Helena wondered about his status in the palace. His outfit was too good to be a servant. He might be the son of an aristocrat attending the library.

They spoke about a way to improve the commoner's life. Both continued their conversation until Helena saw a man with short bright red hair followed by two knights. Helena stopped moving and froze on the spot. 

Heli was confused. "Lady Blackmoore, are you all right?"

Helena's body tensed as horrible memories of her first life flashed through her mind. She bowed down to the red-haired man without hesitation.

 "Greeting to the Second Prince."