Chapter 13

"Wait. So, Adalind, Nick's current partner and the mother of his son, is a mother first to a daughter with Renard, which is his captain. Then this daughter who was born from a Hexenbeist and a Zauberbeist was born so powerful that Black Claw and the Resistance is fighting over her. Is that what you're telling me?!"

Meisner just lets out a sigh as he looks at Menace who's currently sitting on a chair beside the bed. She had been asking the same thing for the past hour ever since he explained what was really happening.

"Last time, Nick told me that Eve turned into Renard and had sex with his secretary to find out something about the assassination. Now, you're telling me this. Why does every person here love having bizarre sex? Like why?" Menace blabbered, standing up from her chair before pacing back and forth.

She even has her arms folded across her chest. Meisner on the other hand remained lying on his bed. Topless as he leans his back on the headrest. One hand holding an open book with plain brown leather for covers. No title or anything at all.

"Then, if I ask you to have sex with me right now, will you do it?" Menace blurted out all of a sudden, making Meisner's head whip fast in her direction. A completely baffled look plastered on his face. Gone is the facade of seriousness.

"Don't give me that look. Of course, nothing weird. Just plain sex, you know. No magical spell bullshit turning you into another gender or anything." Menace continued, stopping from pacing back and forth, just to stare at Meisner.

"I have lots of stuff to think of, Whittaker. Don't add stupid things on them." Meisner replied, brushing his hair with his fingers.

Menace's lips curved into a playful grin. She made slow strides toward the bed. She then grabbed the book Meisner was reading and threw it aside.

"What do you think-" Meisner's words were cut off when Menace suddenly sat on top of him.

Her legs straddle his waist down, preventing him from making any move. When he tried to grab her, she beat him to it, grabbing hold of both his wrists, she then pinned them above his head, her body pressing closer to his.

Meisner let out a groan as she felt her grind her waist against his crotch.

"Do you really think I wouldn't notice the way you look at me with those heated gazes? Or the way your jaw will clench, like now, whenever my skin grazes yours?" Menace asks, grinding her lower body harder against his crotch.

Her grin widened in satisfaction as she felt something hard pressing against the thin cloth of her pants.

"At first, I thought you were not capable of feeling arousal, but looking at you right now completely erases that thought."

Menace thought Meisner wouldn't do anything to feed her satisfaction more, but she was wrong. He suddenly thrust his hip upwards, pressing harder on her sensitive area.

She let out a whimper as her hold on his wrists loosened. Meisner took the opportunity to grab both her wrists with his right hand, pulling it up over her head as he pushed himself into a sitting position. Before Menace could pull away, he grabbed her waist with his free hand, then pressed it back down his crotch.

She clenches her jaw to stop herself from letting out a moan, as she feels a throbbing in her cunt.

"I'm not a sadist, but seeing you helpless under my grasp, surprisingly stirs something inside of me. Lighting an instinct I never thought I had."

Menace felt hot. The throbbing on her cunt won't subside, spreading more pleasure as Meisner's manhood twitches against the thin fabric separating their flesh.

Meisner let out an involuntary growl when Menace unconsciously grinds her hips against him. Both are slowly being devoured by instinct and pleasure.

Their gazes meet and before one can utter an insult to break the tension in the air, their lips find each other's first, crashing into a messy heated fight.

Menace bites Meisner's lower lip hard, dragging her teeth on it until she tasted copper, causing another growl to rise in the latter's throat.

He finally let go of her hands and the moment he did, Menace's hands found their way to his hair. Tugging tight on them, Meisner started trailing sloppy kisses from her lips down to her neck.

Menace moans as Meisner sucks on her sensitive skin, leaving red marks that'll surely bruise later. Her back arched when she felt him thrust his hip upwards once again, creating a series of tingling sensations across her body.

She felt like she was being electrified when Meisner slid his hands inside her shirt, making small circles on her skin using his thumbs, while still trailing kisses across her collarbone.

A gasp left her lips when she felt him unbuckle her brassiere and felt his warm palms fondle her breast, rubbing his thumb across her already erect nipple.

Her hands trailed from his hair down to his chest, pressing against his toned pectoral as she let out more moans. Meisner grabbed the hem of her shirt, ready to take it off of her when they were interrupted by a rash knock on the door.

"Meisner, Nick just arrived," Trubel stated, standing in front of the door. Oblivious to the scene taking place inside the room.

"I'll be out in a few minutes. Don't tell him anything yet." Meisner answered in his usual monotone voice.

"Okay," Trubel replied, before walking away.

His jaw clenches when Menace slumps on his chest. Her head lays on his shoulder as her body presses against his. He can feel their chest rising and dropping as they chase for air.

He pushes a loose hair behind her ear as he glances down at her face.

Menace smiled, licking her lower lip when she thought of something. She pressed a soft kiss on his neck before she started nibbling on the skin. Sucking at it just as Meisner did on hers.

She heard Meisner let out a low growl. She looked with satisfaction at the bruising mark on his neck and added two more. Once she was done, she pulled away from him.

They stare into each other's eyes. Menace let out a laugh, and Meisner just shook his head, still feeling a throbbing sensation on his crotch. He lowers his head to hide the smile that slid into his lips, a bit surprised at the fact that he still can genuinely let out one.

Their eyes met once again when Menace cups his face, before pressing a quick kiss against his lips. Then she pulls away, pushing herself out of the bed.

She ties her hair into a bun and hooks her brassiere. She then pulls her shirt down to straighten it and lessen the crinkle, before looking back at Meisner.

She bit her lower lip to stifle a laugh when she noticed his manhood perch up against the fabric of his pants.

"You better take care of that," she stated, grinning widely when Meisner looked down on it, before brushing his hair with his fingers in frustration. "We should talk about what's going on with us once this is done."

Menace smiles at him before walking out the door, leaving Meisner thinking about what just happened all over again.

After all, having a relationship with a Grimm was never part of the plan. Of his plans. Menace was just another unexpected Grimm they needed, to prevent the secret existence of the Wesen community from being found out. But he couldn't deny the attraction he has for her. Or the fact that his male instincts are screaming for him to get his hands on her.

For now, whatever is happening between them is something they still can't take care of. There are much bigger things at play.

One that involves Adalind, the woman whom he once felt attracted to.