After Ater come from the hall after he talked with the Nobels and ministers, he went to his sleeping chambers and took a nice long nap, as he just thought since he didn't have a super bed like that he would take the chance.

Ater slept for the rest of the day until Vinny woke him up for dinner, Ater just washed his face and washed his tooth and put on a blue tunic and a black robe with matching pants and shoes.

When Ater went to have dinner, he saw that Daniel and Sofi had already arrived, they ate dinner but mostly it was Ater who just filled his stomach.

When Ater finished eating he called Vinny to come with the contructs, and when he was done signing he left the two themselves.

----[ATER POV]----

I left the two to themselves, to be honest I wanted to chart with them but it seemed like they didn't want me during their alone time. Sofi looked at me with furious eyes it seemed like she doesn't like me for same reason.

Since I had nothing to do, I started walking around the castle seeing the interior of the castle. When I reached the hallway I saw pictures of the former kings and their families, but there was one picture that cought my eye.

On the far right of the picture there was a man wearing royal clothes and was in his mid fourties and looked like the adult version of me with a short boxed beard, and he had happy smile on his face.

In the middle of the picture was an eight year old boy wearing the same clothes as the man and I could tell that he was the younger version of myself and he had a lively smile.

When my eyes reached the far left of the picture my heart started racing, the woman in the picture had long royal blue hair and matching eyes, a pleasant smile on her oval face and had royal blue lipstick.

Tears started streaming down on face as I said in a low sad tone, "mother"

I know, I should have hated her for living me all alone back then, but no matter how much I try I can't hate her, If I did hate, I would have already tosed the earring on my left ear.

I just took the picture and run walked to my sleeping chamber as I knew that within I few seconds crying sounds would be coming out of me.

----[POV NAR]----

Sofi was felling guity of what she had done, ever since when Ater agreed to break off their engangement, even though it was the first time meeting him, she still heard rumors about him being cold hearted and that he didn't shed a tear on his parents funeral.

She had followed Ater to his meeting with the Nobels and Ministers, but all she heard Ater say was that he would be friendly with her Kingdom. After Ater left the Nobels and Ministers started having a word fight which bored her and went off.

She had followed Ater and even went into his sleeping chambers using her magic, but to her suprise the Young Prince was sleeping on top of his bed without even changing his clothes and seemed care free.

She just left him alone as she remembered the fight between Nobel and Ministers, since even her an Archmage seemed tired from being around them.

She deceided to wait for him at dinner to check on him. When it was almost time for dinner she changed to a pink gown and Daniel changed to to a long white tunic.

She had told Daniel to be prepared for anything as she told him to be careful around Ater but Daniel seemed to trusting and wanted someone who could actually see him as person even though he had no mana.

That was what got Sofi suspicious about Ater, even she had a problem with Daniel because he had no mana.

She told Daniel not to touch the food, even though he was hungry. The couple just watched Ater eat all the food and cleared the whole table himself, Daniel was holding back his hunger and just smiled when Ater asked him to eat.

When Ater signed the contructs he wanted to engage in small talk, which Daniel was happy to have, but stopped when Sofi gave a death glare. Ater looked a little sad but he seemed okay with it as he took his leave.

They followed him using invisibility magic. Ater just looked around the castle like it was his first day in it, even when a maid dropped the dishes as she was shocked to see him around the kitchen.

The maid looked like life was over for her, but Ater just hugged her as a sign of making her fell better, which made all the young maids and even Sofi blush as they that thought he was quite a man.

The maid cried as she hide her face on Ater's chest, and After asked her if she was okay, she just noded as her face was tomato red.

After that Ater left and the other maids started asking the 164cm tall with an hourglass body shape, she had middle sized brown hair, cyan eyes and round faced maid, who had a middle sized burst size and she could be referred to as a cutie.

Sofi and Daniel didn't mind her as they followed Ater as he went to the direction of hall way.

Ater looked at the pictures in the hall way and stopped at a picture which was at the far end, he expression changed fron a jovial one to a sad one as he gazed on the picture.

Tears rained on his face before he said, "Mother," more tears seemed to came out, and he slowly took the picture and headed to his sleeping chamber.

Sofi followed him as she wanted to be there for him but since Ater couldn't see her it was useless. Ater just locked the door before he started crying in his sleeping chamber.

Sofi felt her heart arch as she thought, 'Its not that he was heartless its just that he had no one to turn to'

Sofi started tearing up and Daniel hugged her, she could tell what Ater was going through as she had lost her elder sister, and her parents helped her over it, but since Ater was alone and seemed to have no friends or reletives to turn to.

She wanted to apologize for the way she acted towards him and also be his friend.

----[ATER POV]----

Its been two days since the whole crying thing, call me a baby all you want but for me crying is helpful why force yourself when you are not feeling well.

The only changes are that both Daniel and Sofi seemed comfortable around me now and Daniel even agreed to tell me stories of his adventures, which were pretty cool as the showed a side not in the novel.

And the other change is a rumor that going around of me dating a maid named Elena, well it doen't matter to me anyway.

In front of me were two boxes which were about 10 cubic cm, the first box which had had a white cover had a ring with dove emblem on its top.

It was the Dove wings I asked from Sofi, its an item that gives one the ability to fly as dove like wings grow from the back and an ability of sharing senses with Dove familiars.

It was an item used by the main Villian of act 2 who would send Doves to harass people. The people of the South thought that the Dove Wings is an item you wear, but the truth is one has to consume it in order to gain its ability.

The second box had a black cover and had a colourless ball inside of it. It was the core of nothingness, which was used by the final Villian in act 3. 

The core of nothingness gives the user the ability to use all forms of energies from, Demonic Energy, Mana, Aura and others. People awaken an Energy core when they reach the 'G' rank, which is the reason why on my status window there wasn't anyform of energy.

Those who awaken an Energy core before 'G' rank would be taught of ways to store a type of energy in there body by someone, which will result in the lucky ones having duel cores when they reach 'G' rank and most of them would be from rich families.

The funny thing is the core of nothingness only costed 10 copper coins as Magician thought it was useless as they couldn't fell anything from it. 

I first took the 'Dove Wings' and swallowed it without even chewing, after two minutes a light pain was felt all over my back and two white Dove Wings come from it.

I just imagined them disappering and then, they were gone. As much as I wanted to fly I hold my self, I took the box with the core of nothingness and headed to she shower, I removed all my clothes and turn on the shower.

As I felt cold felt cold water on me I took the core of nothingness and swallowed it whore. After five minutes a black liquid come out from my body, it smelled but since, I was in the shower it all went away.

The process finish after about half any hour, I could fill that my body was light and that something was in my brain, heart and abdomen. I put on new clothes and headed to the training grounds.

As I was heading to the training grounds to meet my teacher Cosmo system messages popped up on my face.

[Congratulation for obtaining bond item Dove's Wings]

[Congratulation for obtaining Aether core]

[Rewards for being the first to obtain Aether core will be given]

[You have cleared Act1]

[You have cleared Act2]

[You have cleared Act3]

[You have cleared the Whole Novel]

[Time limit will be removed and log out function has been added]

'It looks like taking the powers of future main Villians was a major butterfly effect'

I thought as looked at my black short tunic with matching pants and boots, I smiled as I entered the training ground, there was no one inside and was the size of a university campus.

In the center was a man who was smiling who had long raven black hair tied in a burn, golden eyes and had a slightly handsome face, with a well built body.

It was non other than Cosmo who was wearing a white short tunic with brown paints and matching boots.

"Good morning Master,"

I gave Cosmo a light bow, and he seemed like it didn't suit him for a Prince to bow to him. Cosmo just cleared his throat before saying,

"The Art I am going to teach you, needs one to have high stamina and speed, so your first task is to run along the whole gym for as long as your body can take you"

I just nodded as Iooked at the sunrise and at the hail in front me and thought to myself,

'I just cleared the whole novel in three days'