It has been two weeks since Ater started college and he has been bottom of the class which is not really suprizing since he is not a science student. He would spend the whole day sleeping or would try to talk to Carla who would just coldly ignore him, the teachers don't say anything about it since he bribed most of them, discluding Master Ziet who teaches Physics which is the only class he would try to be attentive but the staff just comes and goes with the other ear and luckly no Alien attacks happened.

Now Ater is carrying Carla princess style since she passed out and he is running with a small smile of his face. The other people are also passed out on the ground, the reason why this happening is because of an Alien who had and looked like a large brain with four legs, two hands a mouth and two eyes.

Ater was only standing because he had the 'Wall' ability to protect him, the Alien didn't notice Ater running away, he is no Hero how could he a 'F-' Rank fight a 'SS+' Alien.

Ater is going to leave the job to the Rangers, which made him smile because a real live Ranger fight is going to happen and with out waiting the Rangers arrived in there black tiger stripped costums, which looked cool.

"Wow Red Ranger looks cool even in that Red costum with black tiger stripes"

Ater said that as he hide under a broken wall as he tried to observe the Rangers, The Rangers were wearing the respective colours and costums with a tiger logo on the left side of there chest and hold different weapons.

The Red Ranger had a katana, which looked cool on him with his fire power, The Blue Ranger a trident which matched her water powers,

The Yellow Ranger had twin dangers which went well with his lighting speed, The Green Ranger had a long wooden staff, which just showed his forest power and the Pink Ranger had a Fan which worked well with her wind powers.

The fight between the Rangers and the Brain looking Alien with four legs. The Alien was using its hands which were like strong iron bars and seemed to be over powering the Rangers with its fist alone. The Rangers even though having pushed back still kept on fighting.

"Why is that Alien not using its Mental attacks it used to knock down the citizens and Carla, does it have a time limit."

Ater said as he thought of the time the Alien showed up, people started running away as it was not the first time this was happening. Carla was taken by suprize as she tried to help the citizens when the Alien shouted,"Mental Wave"

which left a White Wave going in Ater and Carla's direction. The Citizen and Carla all started passing out and Ater just pretended to pass out as he checked what was happening and it was a good thing that the Alien didn't bring its minions. When the Alien started going after the other citizen and using its Mental Attacks on them he picked Carla and run away.

Back the present the Yellow Ranger was sent flying as a punch from the gut was given to him by the Alien and just like any Hero he got up by his Ranger costum was now torn. The Rangers seemed to be balancing the fight as the Alien was hit by the Green Rangers staff on the top left side of that huge Brain of his,

"Kukukuku Its time a go back, See you next Time Rangers, "Mental Wave", "

The Alien said as a white wave come from its Body, the Rangers were taken by Suprize as the wave hit them and they all fall to the ground, as their costums deactivated. The Alien went through a portal that appered from a crack on the ground. 

"Is this the might of plot amour, the Aliens could just come and kidnap or kill the Rangers now,"

Ater said looking at the fallen Rangers and picked up Carla and carried her on his back and headed to college but unknown to him a green large eye was looking at him from the Portal that the Alien had gone through.


On the way to College Ater was shocked at how the citizen were behaving, they seemed cool headed and already doing their daily activities, Ater just shock his head and thought it was normal here because Aliens attacts were a common thing here. 

Just as Ater sported the college gate, Carla woke up.

Carla was shocked to see that she was given a piggy ride, she wanted to enjoy the moment since Ater just kept hummimg a song since he didn't Know the lyrics, but a ball with a black tiger inside it started glowing and she knew that it was a message to come to the Power Ranger base.

This shocked her as she had been discluded from the recent gatherings and it made her smile a bit, and thought she was finally needed by her team.

"Hey can you put me down,"

"Oh you are awake," Ater said as her released her and She stood on the ground. Ater noticed a small smile on Carla.

"You can go ahead Ater, something come up, see you at school"

Before Ater could say anything Carla was already heading towards the subway near the collage. Ater smiled and said,

"Project Butterfly effects is starting to show results to think she was called to the base, back in the Novel she was approached by the Alien King,"

Ater just kept on walking towards the school and decided to just sleep the whole day since Master Ziet was probaly not coming.

While Ater was going to his class in Outer Space A Brain looling Alien was walking inside a flooting Space Ship, he had a grin on his big mouth.

"Metco" An Alien which looked like a squid, without a mouth and had one large green eye called out to the large Brain looking Alien.

"General Squiz," Metco called out to the 1 metre tall squid looling Alien.

"It looks like your powers didn't affect everyone," General Squiz handed a tablet to Metco with his tentacles.

Metco looked at the tablet and saw a video of a shiney dark blued hair boy princess carry the Black Ranger when he was chasing the people, Metco gritted his teeth and looked at Squiz before saying,

"Is he a Ranger, no that not the case a Ranger would not leave people behind," Metco expression changed and a wicked smile appeared on his face and said, "He seems close to the Black Ranger is he the one hidering Master's plan"

General Squiz just nodded as rubbed his head with his tentacle.

Back on Earth on an underground base hidden under Northport College Six teenage kids were sitting on wooden chairs looking at a man in his early fifties who had brown eyes and pale white skin, a missing right arm, a height of 185 cm a stricking face, lean muscular physic and had no hair on his head.

"Master Ziet than Alien has the power to make people pass out and has a good combat sense." the 2 metre tall Gerald said to the man standing infront of of the big screen.

Master Ziet nodded in a calm manner as he looked at the Rangers front left to right, Ashley and Armson where together, in the middle was Gerald, Godfrey, Charline and at the edge was Carla sitting alone.

The Ranger had hightec technology equipment with a white painted walls and was the size of an ordinary class room. Infront of every ranger was a holographic screen showing fight scenes from the battle between the Alien and Rangers.

The room was silent for a minute until Ashley broke the silence as she pointed at the screen behind Master Ziet, showing a blue haired boy running while carrying Carla and dodging falling debris and manevuring through the wreckage.

"Hey isn't that Carla's boyfriend"

Everyone including Master Ziet looked at the screen, Carla was shocked at seeing how the boy dodged, it was like he had eyes on his back, it was something the Rangers would do since they were trained and strong. The boy looked weak and one could discribe him as an ant, if you him put against any Ranger.

Nobody said anything as they watched the boy hide under a broken building and lay Carla on the ground and watch the Rangers fight as he observed the fight with a straight face, they watched until the 'Mental wave' was released and it even hit him and as he stood up to pick up Carla.

"What! he didn't pass out, " It was Armson who said that with a fierce look and added, "How did he do that?"

Everyone had the same thoughts as they directed there gazes at Carla who had a suprized look on her beautfull face. Charline broke the silence with her sweet voice,

"Name Ater Heart, Age 17 lost his parents to an Alien Attack two years ago, Worn the best Voice Singing Kids Award, used to be a commertial student at his previous college and now he is a science student and he always sleeps in class."

Everyone looked at Charline but Master Ziet laughed and everyone directed their gazes at him as he said with a smile,

"He must be someone releted to the former White Ranger considering his Dark Blue hair and his Strong Mentality,"

Everyone was shocked at this, as the White Ranger was a legend as he was one of the few pioner Tiger Force Rangers,

"But didn't the White Ranger get killed by the Alien King three generations ago and his Morpher was destroyed and the fact that he had never had a girlfriend is well known," It was Godfrey who said that as he looked at Carla with a sly smile on his face.

"Yes the White Ranger was the King of being Single but that doesn't mean he never had a girl before," Master Ziet as he took a sit and added, "He had a child before he became a Ranger and his wife run away as she feared being hunted by the Aliens,"

Everyone was shocked as they had stories of the White Ranger being turned down by every girl he asked out. Carla had a small smile and the image of a sleeping Ater popped in her mind and blushed, Armson and Ashley had an angry expresion.

Armson immidiately walked out of the base and Ashley followed. Carla senced something was wrong and followed them so did the other three ranger.

When everyone was gone Master Ziet brown eyes tunned bloodshot red and a wicked smile appeared on his face and started laughing,

"Kiririririri, How dare you mess with my perfect plan, I had put effort to for edges, kiririririri, "

----[Ater POV]----

Since Carla wasn't around the day was boring so all I did was sleep, I knew that the Power Ranger Base was under the collage and the entrance was somewhere in the subway.

Now I was having a dream singing, "Think that we are invincible♪" and I was fighting a The Silver dragon Javier in his ten year old human form, as I was about to do a finisher on him, 

I woke as a sound of someone hitting the table I had put my head on, I was in the school grounds sitting on a bench with a table as I had no more lessons for today.

When I looked at what woke me up a saw a boy and a girl, the boy had a height of 165cm, nicely kept curly brown hair in a quiff, he had white fair skin with an average, lean, muscular body and a stricking face with red eyes glaring daggers at me.

The girl had straight middle sized pink hair that reached her shoulder, a petite figure a round face and was shorter than the boy and also her pink eyes were also glaring daggers at me.

It was the Red Ranger and Pink Ranger Duo, I don't know there problem with me so I just played crazy, I smiled and cleared my eyes and say,

"Do you need a kiss pink haired miss,"

Armson was angry that he tried to grip my coller with his right hand, but since I could see the attack I used my index and middle finger to hit him on the veins on his wrist. It wasn't anything grand but it was enough for him to retreat his arm.

----[POV NAR]-----

Ater stood up and moved to an open space aside the table. Ater looked at the couple who had ugly expressions on there faces, Ashley screemed,

"You what did you just say? babe show him his place"

Armson removed him jacket and gave it to Charline before smoching each other for a minute and running towards Ater, who had his poker face on which showed a calm look but he was cursing himself on the inside.

The Red Ranger was in front of Ater with in seconds and punched him in gut. Ater was sent flying as he groaned a little.

"Ahhh, Why are you guys disturbing my sweet sleep, I guese its only fair for me to fight back,"

Ater stood up and made sure to use his Aether on his bones so as to make sure nobody could see it and he thought, 'It should start working around now'

Ater sprinted towards the Red Ranger and hit on the face with his knee. Armson could only take the hit as it was something unexpected from an ordinary human. Armson felt weak for some reason, he started exchange fist with Ater and he could hit the blue haired boy around the chest since he was shorter and Ater was not connecting because of his height.

Ater smiled when Armson was hit with a side kick that pushed him back, Armson charged at Ater but the Red Ranger felt something weird with his body and Ater gave in an In-Out kick on the face and before he could respond Ater sent an Out-In Kick that send the Red Ranger flying.

Ashley run to the Red Ranger who had little blood on his face. The Pink Ranger looked at Ater and was about to run towards him when she heard a voice,

"So you are indeed a Ranger dark blue haired brat, to think you would hurt even the Red Ranger "

All of them looked at the direction of the voice and saw the Brain looking Alien Master with 4 legs, Ater's turned pale as looked at the almost passed out Red Ranger. The Alien didn't waste any time and shouted, "Mental Wave!"

A wave off white light knocked down the Pink and Red Ranger and left Ater only standing alone, Sweet started coming out of his face even though he kept his feet from shaking he felt like he could pass out due to fear.


Metco started forming veins on his Brain body and his smile was replaced with an Angry expression, and he started walking towards Ater who couldn't move due to fear. Ater could not think of any better ways to ascape.

But Before Metco could reach Ater he received a suprize attack from his side which cut off one of its arms followed by a side kick which send him flying. Ater looked at the figure who did this and was shocked.

It was a Ranger in a Black suit with white tiger liked stripes, a tiger emblem on the top left of her chest, a black mini skirt with black tight pants on her legs with matching boots, A black helmet with a silver plate around the eyes and her shiney black hair which was tighed in ponny tail flowing through the back of the helmet and She was holding a black metal long spear.

She was the Black Ranger.Ater smiled and a few tears come out of his eyes and run towards the Black Ranger and when he was near her, he jumped and hugged her and his legs were locked on her waist line, put his head on her shoulder and Ater said,

"My Hero "