Once the Rangers had there suits on, they charged straight at the minions.There were fifty minions and each Ranger was fighting ten minions each.


 The Rangers didn't bother much with them as they quickly finished them, which only took 3 minutes.


"Kukukuku Rangers play time is over, 'Mental Wave," 


Metco the Brain looking Alien released a wave of white light which rushed towards the Rangers. 


When the wave was about the Ranges who were holding their weapons. A barrage of white doves flew towards the wave.


To both Metco and Rangers suprize the Doves didn't collapse, they kept on flying. The Doves were using Ater's Wall ability which he gave them using sence share.


 Metco was enraged as his brain like body shivered from both rage and fear as an image of a dark blue haired boy popped in is mind.


The Rangers didn't miss this chance and rushed towards towards the Alien. The tall Yellow Ranger suit started realing lighting he was the first to reach Metco. 


Metco was taken by suprize as the Ranger daggers hit him on the left side and pierce throw his amour.


Metco tried to punch with his left hand but a staff come directed between his creapy body, he tried to tank on the staff but tree vains come from the staff and started squeezing him together.


Charline didn't waste the Green Rangers effort as she leaped into the air, and her trident turn to a wave of water that hit the alien breaking its armour reveling its brain like body.


The pink Ranger swung her fan which released a turnado which sent the Alien flying directly at the large spear's blade that has desending. The Black Rangers spear cut Metco in half sending his body to ashies.


Before the Rangers could celebrate their victory ashes rose from the ground forming a large figure of Metco whose legs where the same size as the tallest buildings,




Metco's voice echoed through, as he stumped his feet on the ground. The Ranger threw their morphers in air and Different coloured Large Robotic Tingers come from the morpher.


 The Rangers jumped towards the mouth of the tiger which matched their tiger, expert for the red tiger.




Charline voice came through the Blue Robotic Tiger.


The Green and Yellow Robotic Tiger with black stripes formed to two robotic knees. The Blue Tiger split into two Robotic thighies that fit in the two green and yellow knees to form legs.


The Red Tiger formed a body in the form of a Red amour with a Tiger's closed mouth and a silver head with a golden crown showing that the tiger was the King. The Pink and Black Tiger formed two arms that fit in the body.


The body parts connected with the legs and a heavy sword come meterialized from the right pink rebotic hand and an iron circle shield meterialzed from the left black hand.




The Rangers voices come out from the Megazold as a holographic large golden tiger showed up from where the Rangers where standing.


Metco was the first to attack as he threw a punch which was blocked by the shield. The heavy sword come with thrust toward Matco and pushed him a few metres away.


"Mental Wave" 


A white Wave come from Metco's large body body which hit the megazold.




The Ranger were pushed inside their control space which was plan white all over and had waist sized metal panels infront of each Ranger. 


The Megazold went a few metres back and Metco punched its face and a little steam come out of it.


The Ranger regained control and The Megazold stood up and pushed Metco with its shield. 


Metco jumped back and threw a punch which was deflected with the sword which pushed him back a little.


The Rangers inside the control space looked at each other and nodded.




They all shouted as they gripped their panels.




The tiger mouth on the Megazold openned its mouth and a golden beam of light come rushing towards The braining looking monster which left him screaming as he returned to nothingness.



 was the last thing Metco.


Inside the panel the Rangers were having a group hug celebrating their victory.


----[ATER POV]----


I woke in an unfamilier space, it looked like I was in the middle of the forest with towering tress that I couldn't see the end of, a freesh breeze passed through my face leaving an exotic smell. It had sunlight but I couldn't see the sun.


"Didn't I go back and took a nap after watching the Megazold fight,"


 I said as I lifted my self and as a smart person, I knew what was going on,


 "I am inside a dream," 


I looked at my self and saw that I had a green double breasted suit and point shoes and my earring with a silver cross was still there.


"Well in dreams you have to go West, so lets go to the direction where the shadow lay,"


I started going in the direction, I didn't no weather it was morning or afternoon but I just followed my gut to go, in the direction with most shadows.


I walked for two hours without seeing a change in the scenary, funny thing is I kinda felt tired. In dreams one has to be invincible and now look at me sweating.


"Is something wrong with my pons, I should ask Pi about this, "


I said as I started seeing a pathway which didn't have grass and only bare soil, I followed the path way, The trees started getting smaller as I advanced,


"Wow that huge,"


I said as I sported a large purple gate that stood about a thousand metres above aground at the end of the path way.


I walked towards the gate as I thought it was a way outoff this place. As I reached the gate a saw a purple metal panel with a hand sign on it.


"Should I place my hands there,"


I walked towards the panel and inset my left hand. After insetting my hand the ground started shacking as a metalic sound come through the large gates which were openning.

I looked towards the gate as my eyes went upwards like how any human would do when openning a gate or door.


 It was all green inside and I saw a white book which was flooting high in the sky, there was something written on the book,


"وراء البوابة "


That was what was written on the book, I am not a language expect so I don't even know how to pronounce or read those words. I only learned four languages, as a way to date girls who speek that language.


Lets forget about the past, My eyes moved slowly down and I saw a man flooting above ground in a red hanbok.


 He had a dashing handsome long face with purple eyes and long indigo hair. If you take a look at him you would call him a bishounen(a male with a figure of a female)


I knew the man, he was my favorite villian inside a cultivation tower novel. Being honest the guy is like my teacher and most things I do, I copied them from him.


Our eyes meet and we smiled at the sametime. He moved his lips before saying,




I was shocked to see a man consided to be above the realm of the Gods asking an 'F-' like me for help.


I felt something poking my forehead which stopped my dream altogether.


 When my eyes openned I saw Neir's beak poking my forehead and I knew she was hungry. I looked at my phone and saw it was 6 pm, I slept for three hours.


I stood up and took a bowl of filled berries, and started eating them together as I read system messeges infront of me.


[Novel gate has unlocked the message function and 2 slots for checkpoint have been added.]


[Message - allows characters inside a novel to communicate with user.

Current message from character Gu Tian Zhen from Tower of Broken Immortals]


[Tower of Broken Immortals saved as a checkpoint

Current Checkpoint (2/5)]


The system explaned why I had dream and saw Gu Tian Zhen and it looked like he found a way to contact me first as expected from the one I consider my Teacher.


Ding dong


It was the sound of the door bell and thought to myself, 'It must be him'


I got up and took the bowl with me as Nier kept picking up berries as she was sitted on the edge of the bowl. 


I openned the door and saw a man with a missing right arm, pale white skin, a stricking face and was bold. 


He is the former Red Ranger and the current Master of the Rangers Ziet or should I call him by his other name Alien King Heptagon. Now I only kept a confused look and keep my smile inside,


"Vice principal what I you doing here?"


"We need to talk young man," 


He just kept a straight face.I knew he wanted to talk to me as teacher, the Rangers Master and the Alien King at the same time.


"Well we can't talk outside came on inside, make yourself at home."