A boy with short wavy snow white hair, golden eyes, striking face with curves on the right places that gave off a supemodel impression

blemish free pale skin, lean and muscular physic and a height of 188cm and his name was Fritz Seigfreid. 

Fritz was a regressor who was given a second chance thanks to Fenrir who gave him Odin's Eye, with the help of constellations of, [The Underworld] Divine Realm. Odin's Eye helped him regress and also give a system different from the others.

Now Fritz on his way to the entrance ceremony of Future Stream Academy and he is wearing a black long sleeve t-shirt and with training pants.

 At his a blonde girl who has middium short blonde hair, black eyes, an atheletic body with a height of 175cm, has fair white skin with a beautful face. Her name is Yong Sun Hee.

She was wearing clothes similiar to Fritz and she was his childhood friend. Fritz walked into the small island sized Academy Campuse and went directly to the main hall. He knew the way since he had been here before.

"Oh Fritz this place looks good the hall is big enough to be a dragans layer," 

Yong Sun Hee said as stars showed up from year eyes.

"Your have to be alert something may happen," 

Fritz said in a gentle tone from his charming voice.

"Humpf What going to happen, its the entrance ceremony after all," 

Sun Hee just ignored Fritz and she started playing around.Fritz ignored her and started looking for people from his last life. 

He sported the Demons with there sclera eyes, Vampires with their red hair and matching eyes and elvies with their long pointy eyes a 10 cm long. Fritz sportted four famous people from his first life. 

The was a girl in black training clothes, she had long black hair and matching eyes, pale skin, an atheletic physic with a height of 184cm and had a cold and most beautfull face around. She was Gi Ho-Sook and she was the future best Ice Mage.

The second was handsome vampire boy short red hair and matching eyes, a muscular physic, white pale skin and had a height of 185cm.

 The future strongest Battle Mage Leo Becker and he was the heir to the Becker family which was under the protection from constillations [The Garden of Fire] Divine Realm.

He sported the Future Elf Queen Caliel Melahel she had had 15cm long pointy eyes to separate her from the rest of the elves

A dashing face, a large burst size, long and subtle lime green hair, matching eyes and a height of 180cm, she was wearing white training clothes. 

In the future she would be able to summon 1st Grade Constillation sprits from her spirit Magic. The Elf princess had support from many Divine Realms.

The last was a boy with a face that could slap Fritz's face a fell times. He had fair white skin, curly black hair, lime green eyes, an atheletic body with a height of 188cm, he was in a grey training suit with a grey jacket. 

He was Lars Cumin and was the first ever Warrior type hunter to be a 1st Grade Constillation. Lars was a prodigy in swordsmanship and was the heir of the Cumin family which one of the Worlds most families and had [The Grace of Swords]Divine Realm protecting them.

'I guese I am the only 'D+' Rank here, the strongest from them are 'D-' Rank,'

Fretz thought to himself as leaned against the walls of the hall while Yong Sun Hee acted like an idiot she was.

After five minutes the image of a dark blue haired boy in a samurai straw hat, an ordinary face, an average body type and a height of 179cm in a full black track suit and slippers and had a white Dove which was sleeping on his shoulders entered the hall. 

'He is strong'

That was what everyone thought as his presence could be seen but they couldn't feel it like he was a ghost. The dark hired boy just walked in his track suit to the edge of hall and lean on the wall.

Fritz had a confused look as the person was someone he knew and was not suppossed to be there,

'Why is he here? He should be sealed.'

Fritz thought as he activated his [Saint Eye] which was Odin's missing eye and a black system message showed infront of him,

[Individual cannot be seen through]

Fritz sweeted a bit as that was the message that came up when he tries to use [Saint eye] on constillations above 3rd Grade. Fritz told Yong Sung Hee to no approach the dark blue haired boy.

After 10 minutes since the dark blue haired come in a fat Demon in a grey business suit with a pot belly, dark short hair a slightly ugly face and was 180cm tall came inside the hall, and everyone went silent as he was Dean Levin.

Dean Levin walked to the stage were everyone could see him and a smile was pasted on his face. He stood on the stage and his eyes looked at the future students of his Academy.

'Some would prove useful,' He thought as he looked at Lars, Frits, Leo and Caliel.He smiled before said,

"Thank you for coming here and I look forward to the next three years with you. Without wasting match of your time please take out your weapons and wait for futhur instructions."

The students knew that the Entrance Ceremony would have a fight to determine the positions weren't shocked by this, what shocked them was the Samurai straw hat guy, he took out a black leatther belt which crossed his body from the shoulders to his waist.

The belt had three guns attached to it and a few pockets. The Samurui Straw hat took out a black 100cm Rapier. The Rapier showed any other worldly vibe.

Ftitz was sweetimg as he looked at the guns and sword and thought, 

'The M&P9, The Glock 19 and Colt Single Action Army Revolver. Its him a member of 'The Band of Lunatics' Ater Heart. I don't what to fight him again.

Whats with the rapier didn't he only use guns. Is he not member of 'The Band of Lunatics' yet. His background is unknown, some say he is Loki's son since they kinda behave the same way when it comes to being lords mischief.'

"Fritz whats wrong you are sweating, are you scared, hahaha" Sun Hee said as she churcked at the sight of Fritz.

Fritz just hold her arm and said, "Be ready"

After Fritz said that a light come and took the students it side a wide forest and blue system messages were seen in the air,

[Survive for 3 days and 2 nights in the forest 

Points shall be given to the students as the hunt monsters

H Rank Monsters - 10 points

F Rank Monsters - 15 points

E Rank Monsters - 20 points

D- Rank Monsters - 25 points

D Rank Monsters - 50 points

D+Rank Monsters - 100points

C-Rank Monsters - 500points

C Rank Monsters - 1000points

Other Students - 50points

Group points will be shared according to the contrubution made.

Storage devices won't be working

Your score will determine your position and amounts of Credits you will have.

Good hunting.]

Ater read the message and smiled before walking towards the forest. The other students were already fighting against eachother.

Ater arrived at a big tree as activated 'Aether Strings' and started preparing traps to catchy both Monsters and students, 

"Lets make same mischief huhuhahahaha,"

Ater started inprinting the Area with exption runes. Ater told Neir to scout out monsters that he could hunt and since the 'Wall' ability gave him a stealth action it made things easy.

While Ater was being a trouble maker, Fritz now have another companion and she was Gi Ho-Sook a good ally and someone he knew would prove useful. 

Now the taken down of a pack of 12 magic jackals which were known for there speed, stealth and cunning which made 'D' Rank monster

"Fritz-ssi what should we do next?" Ho-Sook as she had figured that Fritz always had a plan.

"Are any of you tired?"

"No" "Nope," 

Both Ho-Sook and Sun Hee said at the same time.

Fritz smiled before saying, "Have you guys ever hunted down a 'C' Rank monster?"

"What you know where the 'C' Rank monster is?" 

Sun Hee asked as her face removed he smile.

"Can it be defeated?" 

Ho-Sook asked as she kept her cold face.

"I received a tip from a constelletion," Fritz said he patted Sun-Hee head and added, "Well together we can take it down,"

Gi Ho-Sook nodded and Yong Sun-Hee started beating Fritz for patting her while he just doged her.

The three walked for one hour to the edge of the forest and they reached a small beach near a small sea in the forest. They wait for five minutes before something started coming from the shore of the sea,

"Its coming ready your spells everyone," 

Fritz told every one as he hold a 30 cm dual daggers.

The monster's form was revealed, it had a scorpion body and a male torso, with scorpion hand. Fritz activated his 'Saint Eye'

[Race - Aqrabuamelu

Sex - Male

Rank - C


Health - 110

strength - 150

Defence - 140

Dexterity - 100

Accuracy - 102

Perception - 131

Intelligance - 40

Aura - 127


Poison manupulation

-can use poison from any part of its body


- Can increase Strength and Defence by 50 for 5 minutes ]

"Lighting chains,"

Seven Chains made of yellow lighting come out near Fritz rushing toward the Aqrabuemelu.

While the Aqrabuemelu was about to block the chains with its hands a Fire ball come directed its face, it was late to react and was hit by both attacks.

"What? no damage at all," 

Sun-Hae shouted as her previous attack didn't do any damage.


"Be careful its getting serious it must have activated it warrior skill!" 

Fritz shouted towards Sun-Hae.

The Aqrabuamelu started rushing towards the three of them, Ho-Sook just hold her staff as she chanted a long spell.

When Monster about to reach them Sun-Hae used dig to create a hole in front of it, and it fell directly in hole.

Fritz and Sun-Hae started sending a barage of Fire Balls towards the Aqrabuamelu inside the hole , which made it scream. 

It started to use its Sting to blindly shot poison to the ground, which could melt even stones, but they never hit its target.

The Aqrubuamelu used its hands to spring itself in the air. When it was 2 metres above ground it send its string towards Gi Ho-Sook who was still chanting a spell.

Fritz sprinted towards the sting, his body was covered in a golden lighting and he took out his dual daggers. He threw one lighting coated dagger towards the Aqrubuamelu's face which only screached it face.

'Breaking stars Dagger Art 1st Form'

Fritz did a super fast horizontal swing with his remaining dagger which split the sting which was about to reach Gu Ho-Sook.


The monster screamed in agony, and Ho-Sook finaly opened her eyes and the temperature started going down. 

A large spear was seen in the air, which was made of ice and it kept spining as its blade pointed directly at the Aqrubuemelu's head.

"Ice Spear!"

Ho-Sook shouted as the spear came at a fast pace towards the screaming Monster.

 The Aqrubaemelu was hit above head and was sent to the next life as only a deep hole was left on the ground.

[Constellation 'The One Left To Rot By Her Husband' is saying you got a great ally.]

[Constellation 'The Lord of Pitrs' agrees with the Constellation 'The One Left To Rot By Her Husband']

Fritz just smiled as he read the messages only he could see before Sun-Hee and and Ho-Sook fell to the ground.

"Fritz how are you still standing, do you have that much Mana?" Yong Sun-Hee asked as she had her head directed at Fritz who was the only one standing.

"Fritz-ssi is more like a regressor from those novels," Gi Ho-Sook said as she showed a rare smile on her face.

'Man she is smart no wonder she was even a member of 'The Mountain of Ice' Divine Realm'

Fritz thought before saying, "Hahaha I just know how to use my Mana carefully"

Ho-Sook and Sun-Hee just smiled as the let the sea breaze bit their face. Fritz sat next to them and started making his plan.


While Fritz and his crew were fighting the Aqrabuemelu, a dark blue haired boy wearing a complite black track suit, a samurai straw hat and black slippers.

He was sitting in a tree looking at three students in grey training clothes which was a human brown haired girl, with light brown skin and had a short sword, a bulky demon boy with a shield and a humun boy with black hair and fair white skin and had a long sword.

The girl was at the middle and she was smiling because the two boys had fallen for her charms and became he body guards. 

"Don't worry Tanya, I Zepar will protect you at the cost of my life," The bulky demon said as raised his chest.

"Don't worrt I will give you two boys a long kiss after this," 

Tanya said as she put her arms around the boys as they hold a lusty look.

The three didn't notice a figure in a black treck suit behind them. The figured walked followed them for two minutes before he touched Tanya's butt with both hands.


Tanya.screamed and made the two boys looked back together with her.

"Sorry I just wanted to compare yours with my wife's, I gotta say yours is not good enough," 

The figure said with a smick on his face and a shiney silver earring on his left ear reflected the sun.

"You Pervert! Get him boys" 

Tanya shouted as she ordered the two boys beside her.

The two boy charged at the figure in a track suit with out even saying a word as veins were all over their faces. 

The dark blue haired figure started running towards the trees and the boys and Tanya followed behind.

When the boys passed two trees they found out that their heads were now separated from their bodies as a colourless Aether string was connected to the two trees. Their bodies turned to light particles and vanished.


It was a gun shot from Ater's Glock 19 which was directed towards Tanya who was still trying to figure out what happened.

A bullet hole was on Tanya's forehead before her body turned to light particles.

"Hehehehe cought another bunch of students with the same attack, I have a total of 400 points, hunting other student rocks,"

Ater said as he removed his Samurai straw hat and fan his face before reading the system messages in front of him,

[Constellation 'The one at the crossroads' is smiling and said he likes your style.]

[Constellation 'One who forgot their sex' says how many tricks can you still pull and is looking for popcorn.]

[Constellation 'The life teacher who is full of tricks' says you are teaching others to not flert around in the wild]

[Constellation 'The Cunning Thief' says you should kiss a girl next time.]

[Constellations from 'Band of Lunatics' Divine Realm are cheering for you.]

"Oh my other Masters are here to," 

Ater smiled at messages and thought, 

'Those guys only showed up in the novel to look for their member who was sealed somewhere in the underworld and never showed up'