Fight in Gordon City III

"Where is that bastard?"

A deep toned voice came from a knox that looked 60cm taller than the others as he rushed towards Ruu.

When the Knox clones attacking Ruu saw the taller Knox they left and charged at Tee. 

The Knox threw a lead uppercut at the Warewolf. Ruu was taken by suprize as he failed to defend against the attack. The Knox didn't stop as it gave another uppercut at the Warewolf.

Ruu was thrown in the air and fell on his legs as blood dripped from his wolf face with four fangs. He could heal but that doesn't mean his body won't fall tired.

"So you are the real Wolf man, I guese as you grew your clones just stayed at the stage where they were made.

I am pretty sure the strong clones are hiding waiting for him to appear but sad thing is, you will be dead before he gets here."

Ruu said as he stared at Knox who was filled with rage and at his clones which were now abushing Tee making him have a had time to move.

"Tsk you talk a lot,"

Knox said as he charged at Ruu leaving shockwaves vibrating through the ground. Knox threw a right jab at Ruu who blocked using his left hand.

The Wolf man didn't stop as he threw a cross punch directed at Ruu's face. The Warewolf didn't let it slide as it blocked with both its hands.

Knox then did a quick rear uppercut breaking down down the Warewolf's defence, he didn't waste the chance and threw karate chop at its neck.

Ruu was left with a difficult in breathing and needed air but he couldn't as a fast left hook hit his jaw breaking of two of his right fangs.

Another left jab quickly come directed at the right side of his face and he raised his right arm to block but the attack was just a faint as fast cross punch came inbetween Ruu's face.

Ruu was pushed back and blood dripped from his face and his vision was now foggy and before he could even do anything a barrage of punches were now coming directed at his face.

Knox knew that to beat a Warewolf is to keep injuring it, as it needs to heal one part of the body at a time. Knox just kept on throwing punches at The Warewolf's head.

While Ruu was not having it well, Tee was no different as now blood dripped from both sides of his mouth but the Warewolf just kept on standing.

One of Knox clones threw a punch at Tee's face. Tee was about to block but his senses told him something was coming from his back.

The Warewolf side stepped and let the clones punch at each other. Tee didn't waste this chance as cut of the clones bodies with both his clones.

As soon as he killed them a cross punch was directed at his face, Tee openned his mouth and ripped the hand off with his fangs.

As the hand was still in his mouth two flying punches were coming from both his left and right sides. Tee ducked down but to his suprize the punches changed their trajectory and were now aiming at his back.

The Warewolf could only let the attack hit him and before he could stand the other Knox Clones jumped on top of him.

Tee tried to swing them off but the Knoxs just kept on coming. Tee couldn't stand any longer as there was to much weight on top of him.

When Tee fell to the ground the Knoxs ganged up on him and he started bleeding from every part of his body. The Knoxs didn't stop as they just kept on punching and punching.

Ruu just like his brother finaly fell to the ground and Knox sat on top of him and threw fast punches that killed off the Warewolf.

Knox stood up and walked towards the group of clones that were punching Tee. His wolf face carried on an indifferent look.

"He is dead get up and all of those who got the Warewolf's blood on them, you know what to do."

The clones stopped at the order and those that had blood on them moved to the front and leaving only 4 behind.

The clones with blood used their wolf like claws to reap of their hearts off and after killing themselves they fell to the ground.

Knox could only stare coldly at the bodies of the clones that were on the ground with their hearts in their hands. 

Know slowy raised his hands and directed it to his heart and used his wolf claws to pierce through his chest.

Knox pulled out his heart which was beating a little. Knox stared at the heart for a fraction of a second before eating it whole at once with his wolf face.

Knox fell to the ground as his body gashed out blood from the whole at his chest.

The 4 remaining clones just looked at the scene with an indifferent look and just after Knox fell to the ground the clones found their heads rolling to the ground leaving the bodies forming a fountain of blood.

"Kukukukuku you can stop the games kid."

A high toned horse voice vibrated through out the whole street.

"Why would I show myself to someone hiding in the shadows like a coward,"

Another high toned voice answered but its voice was similair to that of the dead Knox.

Ater and Ruber were now hiding behind a building block, 200 metres away from the sight.

Ater looked at Ruber who was next to him before saying, "They are both here, the real Wolf man and the stage 3 Warewolf."

"Yes and its a tough call to tell who would win", Ruber said as he looked back at Ater.

"Lets begin project running like a bitch."

The two cowards said at the same time, before running in the opposite direction from the battle field.