
Designation: 2, 8, 3, 7

Upon entering into the anomaly, the Sandawana fell into a rapid and uncontrolled descent. Captain Lucinda who was seated in a visitor's chair by the captain's side, noticed that the crew was not bothered. Alarmed she turned to captain Maguire for an explanation.

"Captain we seem to be in free fall and your crew does not seem bothered in the least", she remarked.

"We experienced it before , when we first entered the anomaly from deep space", said captain Maguire. "It's nothing to be alarmed about".

"If you say so  captain", remarked captain Lucinda.

I thought you were familiar with phenomena relating to the anomaly", quired captain Maguire?"

"We are only aware of these dimensions and the portals that at times open into the known universe. Beyond that nothing is known, it would take someone actually going through a portal or anomaly into another dimension", explained captain Lucinda.

"Like what we are doing now or as we already did when we entered the anomaly from deep space?" as captain Maguire.

"You acted recklessly captain, disregarding all protocol Space command regulations on how to handle unknown phenomenon", charged captain Lucinda but there was no emotion in her tone as she spoke. 

"Not to mention disobeying a direct order from a superior officer", added captain Maguire light heartedly.

"I 'm glad you are finding all this amusing, captain. But there is a reason why we have protocol. It is meant to keep our starships and crews safe", she reprimanded him.

"You put the Sandawana at risk, captain", she charged. 

"Let us not forgot that it was my reckless actions that saved Earth from falling to an alien invasion", said captain Maguire in his defence.

"True", admitted captain Lucinda, "Though the result does not justify the means", she countered.

"Look lady, I am a space command officer, my duty is to do everything In my power to protect Earth and all life that dwells upon it. That includes the flora and fauna", declared captain Maguire.

"I am also a space command officer", retorted captain Lucinda, "the only difference between me and you is that I operate within laid down regulations", said captain Lucinda.

There was a pause of silence before captain Lucinda proceeded, "captain..., captain...!", she called out in surprise seeing him dozing, suddenly concerned. 

The bridge crew looked looked at captain Maguire from their various posts.

"He's just tired, he hasn't slept in 48hours since the crisis with the aliens began", lieutenant Anesu remarked looking back over her shoulder from her post at navigation .

The rest of us were at least able to get a few hours of rest after we landed.  He however proceeded to the Space command at the head of our security team.

"I have asked for someone from medical to report to the bridge. They will escort the captain to his quarters.", announced lieutenant Tanaka. "He can do with a bit of rest before things get hectic . We 'll need him to be on his A game".

"Who 'll command the ship while he rests", asked captain Lucinda, anxiously.

"You... captain", added, lieutenant Anesu as a male member of the medical team arrived on the bridge and helping captain Maguire to his feet led him off the bridge.

"Oh no no no!', captain Lucinda protested. "I am not a starship captain. I am with ground operations. My duties are mostly administrative. The only thing I have ever flown is a desk".

"We shall be in free fall for sometime so you have nothing to worry about", lieutenant Anesu assured her.

"Then after that?", captain Lucinda asked.

"We are an experienced crew", lieutenant Anesu, reassured her. "You won't have to do much, just sit in the captain's chair and let us handle the rest".

"What if things get hectic?", asked captain Lucinda with apprehension in her voice.

Reluctantly captain Lucinda got up from the visitor's chair. She walked over to the captain's chair and deliberately very carefully lowered herself into it. The bridge crew were watching her closely.

"Does that feel good?", lieutenant Anesu watching over her shoulder asked pleasantly.

"Yes", captain Lucinda had to admit, it felt good to sit in the commander's chair. The raised back, head rest and extra padding made it really comfortable.

She was equally aware that such comfort with the very serious responsible of commanding the massive starship she was on. It meant being responsible for all the souls onboard, from the bridge crew, to maintainence crews, engineering staff, gun crews etc. 

It was a responsible not to be taken lightly. Representing the trust of Space with responsibility for millions of gold credits worth of equipment. Each time a starship was in action it would be up to the man or woman sitted in that chair to make sure that the crew got back to their loved ones. That all the fancy technology would be fully functional, and serve its purpose of helping to flex the muscle of space command across space and time.

"Captain starship stabilizing", reported lieutenant Tashinga at sitting at his post at the flight control console.

"Are you ready?", lieutenant Anesu asked her.

"Ready as I will ever be", captain Lucinda replied trying to still the shaking of her hands to avoid betraying the nervousness she was feeling. A feeling of unease on the inside which made her heart was gallop like a race horse. The starship was about to go into action with her in command She was not sure she was ready.

Captain Lucinda knew that she had a powerful arsenal at her command. The Sandawana was powerful enough to blow anything to smithereens. At the same time she knew that there were rules of engagement which governed armed conflicts.

Something she understood only too well being  a stickler for protocol that she was.

Interstellar war was a very serious affair. One false move could make the difference between dragging Space command into a protracted war. Or establishing peaceful relations with an alien civilization with long term mutual benefits.