
Duality of reality

"We shall explore the planet", captain Maguire .

"As science officer, my concern about interference with a developing culture still stands", insisted captain Lucinda.

"It is noted', acknowledged captain Maguire. "An important mandate of Space command is to explor new worlds. Who knows we may be able to find out some interesting facts about prehistoric Earth that were previously unknown. Think about it", captain Maguire urged as captain Lucinda looked him straight in the face, "any new discovery will go on your record".

"Ok, what do you have in mind?", asked captain Lucinda. 

"I..", began captain Maguire.

"Hmmm!", captain Lucinda loudly cleared her throat staring him in the face.

"I mean, we shall lead a research team onto the planet's surface".

Three pairs of eyes had watched the strange with flashing descend out of the night sky. They had remained concealed as it descended lower and lower eventually landing in a clearing in the forest. They were clueless what it was only that they had to needed to proceed with caution.

"We must inform the elders immediately", whispered the eldest of them.

"Yes, you are right Pando", one of the other two whispered back, "they will be able to consult the particle about it". Crouching low the trio quietly set off taking care not to make any noise.

"I want a fully equipped research team ready to leave in the next 15minutes. I will meet them in bay one with captain Lucinda of the science directorate. That is all", captain Maguire was speaking into his hand held communicator. The first rays of morning light appeared illuminating the endless stretch of forest extending all around the starship in all directions. Laying bare the beautiful scene of greenery to the naked eye. 

Somehow it seemed to blend with captain Maguire's voice as it was projected throughout the Sandawana by the starships's public address system.

Captain Maguire arrived in Bay one with captain Lucinda. A team of researchers was already assembled and patiently waiting in front of the Sandawana's shuttles shuttles. 

"Our mission as usual on such expeditions is to collect as much data as possible about this planet. You will collect specimen for further study according to your different areas of expertise", said captain Maguire. "But I emphasis as I do on every such outing, no living organisms. I will not risk having any alien fauna running loose on my ship. Is that clear?"

"Yes captain!", they responded in chorus.

"Good", he replied we shall be taking one of the Sandawana's shuttles".

After a brief climb up a concealed staircase alongside a steep mountain with, the trio walked through a entrance on side of the mountain. Pushing through overhanging shrubbery which hid the large cave from outside. The inside of the cave was amazing well light with a fire burning in the middle. Refreshing draughts of air kept the inside of the cave pleasantly cool.

A group of elderly men and women set on stone slabs around the fire discussing. The group looked up as Pando and his two colleagues two walked in. They were a diverse lot, looking very different from each other, some were caramel brown in colour with matted black hair, while others of a much lighter skin tone had folds around their eyes and flowing black hair. Others more were the colour of snow with flowing hair of various hues, ranging from yellow, to red to a platinum gold.

The trio walked in heaving with exhaustion from their long run during the night.

"Pando, you look like you were chased by dinosaurs", said a while haired elder.

"Not by dinosaurs my elder", said Pando panting.

"What else could have got you so worked up", asked the elder.

We saw something in the sky last night. It had flashing knobs on its under belly. It came down from the sky and landed in the opening not far from the river Tleka"

"Calm yourself", urged the elder who was known as Mitra.

"Are you sure it was not the particle come down from his wanderings in the heavens?", asked Mitra with a calm smile.

"No my elder it was not, I know the particle. He would have talked with us. The thing I talk about was massive. It was bigger than anything I have ever seen".

"I believe him, Pando would never fail to recognise the particle. May it is the prophecy coming to pass", an elderly woman with red hair, suggested. "Already we saw the sign of the lake of fire in the sky".

Mitra looking thoughtful held up a hand for silence before proceeding,"Very well a delegation shall go out to meet them if indeed they are the ones we were told about. You Pando will lead them to the exact spot where the strange apparition landed".

The other elders quietly nodded their heads in approval.

"Yes my elder", Pando readily agreed.

"How far is it from here?", Mitra asked Pando.

"It is night's travel, for trained warriors running. A night and day's journey for any other people who are less fit", replied Pando.

"Very well, the delegation to the object from the sky will consist of warriors. The rest of us will stay behind and wait for your return", concluded Mitra.

"I shall hand pick warriors for the journey. We leave at dusk when the climate becomes cooler", said Pando.

The elders quietly nodded their heads in approval.

Across the forest, far from the mountain, a shuttle exited from the Sandawana's holding bay one. Aboard were captain Maguire, along with captain Lucinda and their team of researchers. A pilot set at the shuttle's controls.

The shuttle flew over the forest, It's progress watched with a mix of interest and fear by more than several non human eyes, who did not know what to make it. To them it was an odd looking object having no wings but being able to rapidly attain a very altitude.

The terra ductus would have happily attacked but the object was just odd. It didn't look good to eat and it was actually bigger than them. Therefore as long as it wasn't bothering them, they saw no need to bother it".

Looking down at the stretch of forest as they flew overhead in the shuttle, captain Maguire saw a river below. It was teeming with several species of dinosaurs drinking peacefully.

"Pilot put the shuttle down near the river", captain ordered.