

Captain Maguire thinking quickly threw a grenade at the pursuing warrior mercenary. The device exploded upon falling to onto the road. To his astonishment the warrior cyborg burst through the flames in relentlessly in pursuit.

Princess Elantra was laying in the back seat to preserve her strength. Weakly reaching a hand to the back of her head, princess Elantra swept aside her hair exposing the panel on the back of her head. She tapped on it lightly and it slid open. Reaching in her fingers she could feel that the life was inserted loosely. 

Reinserting the life switch with one final effort, she heard the life switch click firmly into position. She began to feel power surging through her whole being. The next step was to connect herself to the planet's energy source. Time was not on her side if she was going to repel the chaldarians from Byda. 

"Kydo, drive to the mountain peak", she ordered the humanoid sitting at the vehicle's controls "I must take control from there".

"Yes, my princess", obediently confirmed Kydo, obeying the command. The humanoid turned the vehicle in a new direction. 

"Captain, allow me", said princess Elantra her eyes glowing with a brilliant radiance. 

"Be my guest", replied captain Maguire going back to sit down. While princess Elantra too his position at the open window. Looking back at the pursuing warrior cyborg with her head out of the window she focused her energy.

Powerful beams shot out from her eyes incinerating the warrior cyborg.

"We must go to my ship", said captain Maguire, we 'll be able to launch a counter attack on the chaldarians".

"No! it is too late. A large fleet of starships belonging to the chaldarian order is even now sweeping across the planet. The invasion has begun, we need my starships to answer this challenge adequately", announced princess Elantra, as the vehicle sped on.

"Ok I will send a distress beacon to my ship it will follow the signal to exact location", said captain Maguire, taking his communicator from the utility belt around his waist. He tapped an icon in the device and it sent out a continuous silent signal. 

"Boarders , detected on decks two and three. All affected areas have been evacuated", reported a female voice from security control, the voice coming over the bridge. Response teams have been deployed.

"Thank you Ayanda keep me posted", said captain Lucinda keeping her eye on the image of the approaching alien starships.

"Weapons, stand by to launch rapid laser and missiles fire across the frontline of the approaching vessels", captain Luciinda ordered lieutenant Alex at weapons control.

Enemy vessels will be within firing range in, "5; 4; 3; 2;...", lieutenant Alex began the count down.

"Now!", shouted captain Lucinda and the Sandawana's gun ports opened fire with a rapid and sustained barrage of lasers and missiles striking several targets simultaneously. There were several explosions going of at the same and causing the formation of enemy starships to break up. As ships took evasive measures to avoid getting caught up in the destruction among some of their number.

"Weapons, target the individual ships as they break out of the formation", acting captain Lucinda ordered lieutenant Alex at weapons control.

"Captain, there is an incoming locater signal. According to its identity signature, it's from captain Maguire", reportedl ieutenant Tanaka.

"Weapons, fire departing volley to cover our disengagement", ordered captain Lucinda. 

Watching the scene of exploding starships on the giant computer monitor's screen, one got the idea that the sky was literally on fire. More alien ships were hit by the Sandawana's lethal cocktail of lasers and missiles . They exploded bursting into uncontrollably raging flames as they fell to the surface.

Captain Lucinda observing the destruction that the Sandawana had wreaked was satisfied that they had created sufficient cover to enable temporary disengagement from the battle.

"Pilot set course for captain Maguire's location", acting captain Lucinda, ordered lieutenant Tashinga at flight control. 

"Sending you the co-ordinates", said lieutenant Tanaka manipulating the instruments on the control panel in front of him. Lieutenant imputed the co-ordinates as he received and the Sandawana shot forward. Suddenly a wasps of smoke appeared coming from the ventilation shaft on the bridge.

"Set blasters to kill!", captain Lucinda screamed as they solidified in the centre of the bridge.

The drew blasters from pockets on their workstations and fired catching the middle of a concerntration of several lasers. The chaldarians dropped into the flight deck, dead.

"Security report to bridge", captain Lucinda directed, speaking into her hand held communicator.

Starships of the armada began raining down explosives incinerating everything below. They swept across the Bydanian sky, like a swarm of locusts blotting out the light of day as their massive shadows fell across land shrouding it in a terrible darkness. 

"They must know of the power of the energy stream that flows right around the planet. If they are bombarding the city in an attempt destroy the power outlet that powers our Bydanian starships, it means they do not know that the power outlet is at mountain peak, we must get there before they completely destroy the city", said princess Elantra. As she spoke massive explosions which were faintly audible in the distance were rapidly growing louder. 

"It also powers the citizens, doesn't it. That is why the chaldarians are so desperate to destroy it. I 'm guessing they found a way to somehow knock it offline, affecting your people. Which is why I did not see any people earlier when I first arrived. Of course you are mechanicals and your power source is the planet itself. You are naturally occuring which means there must be a natural store of energy to sustain you all. That's when it hit me, of course it's the planet itself. It serves as a kind of massive battery", captain Maguire remarked.

"You are right captain, and it is the reason the chaldarians want our planet. It would provide them with limitless energy, enabling them to expand their frontiers further into cosmos. With that that type of energy who knows what notoriety an aggressive species such the chaldarians would get up to. They will be unstoppable ", said princess Elantra as the vehicle raced up the steep mountain road.