Chapter 5

Will the stranger know what he can do to stop the staranger's plan? Will he reveal himself to the stranger? He knows who the stranger is right? Why does the stranger stay quiet and watch then? This stranger feels the need to protect and take care of Elliana. The stranger wants to show this stranger his kindness. The stranger doesn't want anyone to know where Elliana lives. Who this stranger is he cares deeply about? His thoughts keep circling around Elliana. He may not know who she is but she is very beautiful creature....He wants to learn about her friend but doesn't want to spook her or make her disappear into the darkness. She is sitting there enjoying the warmth of the sun. He is like you can say ''put under a spel''. She slowly gets up and the stranger hides in the shadows. She walks back to her house because a morning is coming. The stranger watches her leave. Wishing to follow her but he knows that he will spook her if he does so. He stares at her back.... 'woah....those are some beautiful wings' he thought to himself.  He was so mesmerized by the wings.  They were so big and beautiful. So powerful and pure....His thoughts stopped swirling at that moment as he realized that he had been watching her for over an hour. The time went fast by...his brain started working at full speed again....His mind was racing with questions.  'So pretty, so elegant.' He felt himself blush slightly when he thought...He quickly got back to business. 'What should I do now?' he thought to himself.... he thought about his options. There were many options but none of them seemed good. He couldn't just approach Elliana. No, that would be too risky. He needed something else...something else. He stared into the forest trying to think..... he remembered something. The moon flower. Most beautiful flower that exists. But ther is one problem....ther grows one in 5 years and under the full moon. 'IT'S NEXT MONTH!!' he happily thought to himself. He smiled running to his house and got his camping bag before running off  to his horse and jumped on his horse. 

The horse galloped off. He wanted to get there before sunset. He knew that the next day he might have a better chance to see the flower again and see Elliana. "Let's get going"

Two weeks later....

At the beginning of November, when the winter snowstorm begins he couldn't see clearly. Still looking for the flower. Not giving up . One night, he stops his horse near some rocks and looks at a tree. On it he saw a bright white moon flower. He ran to the flower and picked it up carefully.  He gently putted the flower in his bag before heading back to his horse and climbing on its back. His horse galloped back to thier house. So excited to see her again. 'This trip is so worth it.' he thought to himself.  When he got home he immediately grabbed a notebook and pen and wrote a note saying that he left and that Elliana should keep the flower in her safe place. Then he set out for the forest. The next night, he arrived back to his house and saw the same flower. And the next one. Every single night. It took another two weeks to get home. When he got home he placed his horse in it's stable and gived it some deserved food and treats before heading to bed himself. The next very early morning when he woke up he took the flower out of his back and ran to her favorite spot. And there she was....the beautiful yet mysterious creature.