Better Days

"The four backseat Boys will you shut up!"

That was a skinny girl, with white pale skin, a height of 174cm an average face with short black hair in a bobcat and maching eyes. She is Liliosa the snitch.

We all stopped singing because if we try to say something to her she will report back to The Dean. Our class has 20 seats and has five rows. 

"Hey boys how are you doing, Do you need a kiss Gerrald?"

"Tsk go away don't came here"

That was Sofie the class b*tch. She has a height of 169cm, with a s*xy body with a attractive face with black long and subtle hair and cyan eyes.

She has kissed everyboy in the class discluding Gerrald she is so much into kissing this days.

She walked up to Gerrald and she sat on his desk showing off those legs of hers. Gerrald look at the window as he was sweating.

"Hahaha Gerrald you are tall, so that down there must be something big as well,"

"Sofie leave him alone, came play with me I am a big boy,"

"Shut up Godfrey yours is so small that it can't even fuck,"

Dang tough luck Goddy you should have stayed silent. She knows all of our sizes discluding Gerald.

Sofie just sat on the desk infront of Gerrald's. The class filled up as it was almost eight o'clock. When it reached 8 all members of the TFSBB looked towards the back door which was next to me.

A hot woman in a pair of black stocking worked in a black short medi dress, long all round layer black hair with purple ends, medium sized curves and chest. An oval face that would charm angles with a pair of beautful yellow eyes.

We were just staring at her a*s as she walked infront of the class. It felt she walked there for hours but a minute didn't pass. Her face was make up free.

"Stand up"

Dione's voice work us up and we looked at each other and we all knew that it was war down there. She is the only woman that Gerrald says is beautful. We stood up as our hands cover inbetween our legs.

"Good Morning Miss Veronica,"

"A Good morning to you Dione, everyone may sit,"

Yah its a good moaning all right, who wouldn't cry when they woke up seeing that. She is our English teacher and she is only 23, its my favorite lesson. 

I was attentive in class who wouldn't when she shakes her a*s every time she pulls her dress time. I will see her during break time maybe I could hehehehe.


Our School is called Lionvert High School and has 6 classes for each grade. Its not really a big place but there are grounds to all respective sports. 

And at break time instead of going to the cafeteria we go to the basketball court and no one besides us is wanted there, well thats what most people think, its a meeting place with our goddess.

Godfrey was infront and had a grin on his face. Most of us were just smiling. The basket ball court is an outdoor court located at the edge of the school.

When we entered the court we were greated by tobacco smoke and we all headed to the direction. We saw her our holy relic just sitting there on the stands.

"Miss Veronica did you fight with your boyfriend again,"

"Drope the Miss Fritz and yes that bastard just said he was going on a business trip without warning,"

"Don't worry Veronica I will beat him up for you, I am a ten time MMA champion,"

"No don't do that Michael, I still love him. No woman wants their man to get injured."

We all cursed the lucky bastard how can he be such a lucky man. We went to sit around her, we don't care about the tobacco smoke her plum scent is so strong that tobacco odour is overpowered.

Gerrald and I sat infront of her, I plan on peaking inbetween her legs. Godfrey was at her back sniffing her hair like some pig.

Armson and Michael were at her sides and would take turns to look at her almost exposed chest.

"Veronica I got a question for you,"

"Ask away Fritz"

"There is this friend of mine he told me that he was charmed by his friend's big sister and now he is lost, inbetween should he or should he not,"

"How old is your friend and how old is she,"

"He is the same age as me and she is in her early twenties,"

"Well it doesn't really matter as long she doesn't tell her younger brother,"

So its okay if she doesn't tell Gerrald. No am not planning on having a go on his sister she is older than me and she probably has a guy.

"Fritz let me help you, I worked at a dating agent this one day and I was like a pro from the beginning.

So what happen was that this girl said that she liked me and..."

I stopped listen to MIchael's lie there, you are a dating agent which means you are a match maker not the one getting the girl.

After eating our food Veronica suddenly had a phone call and she went aside to answer it. We all looked at Godfrey you must have peaped into to who her caller was.

"It was wrtten honeybun. I think its something that tast good a bun made of honey, I wonder if they sell those,"

This idiot can't he tell that was her boyfriend. I hope he breaks up with her.

Veronica finished her call but she just kept on standing near the fense as she just looked towards the clear blue sky.

Did he do it, I stood up and walked towards her and Gerrald was by my side. The others must have not felt it. When we got closer we could see tears on her beautful face.

"Veronica is everything fine?"

"I am fine Gerrald thank you for asking"

She started walking away, when she passed through us I cought her wrist,

"You don't look okay to me. Did he do it."

Her hand was so soft but now it was a time of crisis. She turned back and our eyes matched but she looked like the world was over to her.

"You can tell us what happened Veronica,"

I could see her face changing to a more sadder one. She forcefully removed her hand from my grip.


"How does a kid who has only dated a girl for three days understand whats happening?

You are just bunch of brats who try to be singers but let me tell you the honest truth you guy suck, more like how a h*e sucks a d*ck"

After saying that she walked away, I didn't really care about being slapped. My wish back fired she lost her boyfriend and I lost her.

"Hahahaha you just got a slape in your face hahahaha"

We all locked at Godfrey who was laughing like an idiot even the two next to him could sense that something was wrong.


It was now home time, we didn't attend class after that. Now I am on my way to Gerrald's house and I am still in my school uniform.

I still feel sad about what happened, but maybe if I see Vanessa I will feel better.

"Wow my sis seems to be not around lets just watch some TV to cool of your mind man, I know what she said was painful."

I just nodded and he sat on the couch and started watching a romance movie. Gerrald slept within the first 15 minutes.

Just as the movie reached half way and I could tell that the kiss scene was with in a couple of minutes.

Someone walked in, she had blue tight jean capris that reviewed her a*s and left her s*xy long legs out. She had a yellow crop top that made her burst almost seen from the outside.

Her face was sad and her cyan eyes looked like they had cried a lot.Her shiney black hair was messy she must have did that out of rage.

'Did someone do anything to her?'

I thought as she came and sit between me and Gerrald and I threw the ball first,

"Are you okay Vanessa?"

"Do I look okay to you Freeze?"

"Sorry for asking,"

We stayed silent for a couple of minutes as we just stared at stared at the large TV.

"Hey Freeze"


"What do you think there are gonna do next?"

She said as she pointed at the TV and even an idiot could tell it was near that time,

"There are probably going to k....mmmm"

I couldn't finish my sentance as Vanessa's soft heart shaped lips connected with mine and her cherry scent was invading my body.

It looked like all the oxygen in me was being replaced, her tinder soft hands where holding my face and I could few her soft chest press on to me,

The couple on the TV were also kissing and at times like this I always go,

Oh I know they will be better days♪

Oh that sunshine 'bout to come my way♪

May we never ever shed a tear for today♪

'Cause oh I know that there'll be better day♪