Chapter 2: Divine Skill

Oh oh oh, oh oh oh.....

Fang Zeshan felt the air around him being compressed, as if a temporary vacuum had formed. Then, a giant fist came into his view, seemingly threatening to smash his head to pieces.

The power of a single punch was as palpable as war.

"Crane Dance in the Sky!" At the brink of life and death, Fang Zeshan finally revealed his exceptional strength. The two large muscles on his back stretched out, and whoosh! Like an immortal crane spreading its wings, his body became light and floated away, evading the punch.

"Good, Pine Crane Longevity Fist. You've cultivated to the Ninth Level of Spirit Invocation, yet, you are still no match for me! Call your brother Fang Zetao!"

As Bai Haichen spoke, he didn't pause but burst into the crowd.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

One guard's head was smashed to pieces, his body lying dead on the scene. Five guards had their temples pierced by his fingers, blood dripping down. Ten more guards were sent flying by his ghostly movements, dying with ruptured organs, as if they were struck by a thousand-pound carriage.

Cultivating the physical body to the Tenth Level of Divine Transformation gave one the strength of Five Horses and extraordinary agility. Such a person would be an unbeatable weapon in the mortal world.

In a blink of an eye, the hundreds surrounding Bai Haichen were scattered.

"Fang Zeshan, you dare block my way? I'll remember you and come for your life later." Bai Haichen broke through the encirclement and took off.

The remaining guards shot "Flying Crane Linked Crossbows" at him, but the arrows could not penetrate the dark golden robe he was wearing.

Clearly, his dark golden robe was a treasure piece, resistant to knives and swords.

With a treasure suit on and the strength of Five Horses, who in the world could stop him?

"Bai Haichen, since you've come, why don't you stay? Why the hurry to leave?" A hazy voice, like smoke and clouds, echoed suddenly.


Bai Haichen stopped, his body as still as rocks and grass, concentrating his spirit as he sensed his surroundings.

Then, a woman dressed in white, her complexion flawless, eyebrows arched like crescent moons, and skin as cold as jade bones appeared from under the moonlit riverside.

It was as if an immortal from the lunar palace had arrived!

Or perhaps, the Dragon King's princess from the Dragon Abyss River!

Heaven and earth seemed to become more pure, pervaded by a sense of holiness.

Upon her appearance, the guards stood solemnly: "Young Miss!"

Fang Zeshan also stopped: "Qing Xue, how could you be back?"

This woman in white was none other than the daughter of the Fang Family, Fang Qingxue.

"Second uncle, I just got back from the Yuhua Sect." Fang Qingxue nodded towards Fang Zeshan, "Leave this to me."

"Leave it to you? Such big talk!" Bai Haichen looked at Fang Qingxue, suddenly flicked his hand, and a dark light flew towards her.

The dark light was a palm-sized wheel with jagged edges on both sides.

This was Bai Haichen's secret weapon, the "Black Evil Wheel", forged from tungsten steel. With the strength of Five Horsepower, he could throw it and penetrate any expert within three hundred steps.

This move was a sure-kill attack, and he was confident that even Divine Transformation experts of his level could not escape death!

However, something unexpected happened.

The "Black Evil Wheel" stopped three feet away from Fang Qingxue without any reason, as if an invisible force had frozen everything around her body.

Zzz, zzz, zzz........

A dense layer of electrified web appeared around Fang Qingxue, shimmering and radiant. Everyone on the scene felt the powerful currents, their bodies tingling and hair standing on end.

The electric current struck the tungsten steel-made "Black Evil Wheel", melting it like a candle and dropping it onto the sand. The high temperature of the molten metal caused the sand to smoke.

To have a lightning web around the body that could melt metal!

This kind of power wasn't human, but divine!

"Ah! Mystical Realm! You have entered the Mystical Realm! Unbelievable that someone as young as you could reach this level, what a prodigy! The Fang Family will dominate the world! The Yuhua Sect has produced another genius!" Bai Haichen screamed in shock, turning and running away!

When physical cultivation reaches its peak, the powerful physique pumps large amounts of nutrients to the brain, unlocking its potential. Through special cultivation methods, this potential transforms into a mysterious mana. With this mana, one can control lightning, fire, fly through the air, and perform various other astonishing feats.

This is the Mystical Realm!

Among the vast world, there are countless martial arts experts, but only one in ten thousand can reach the Mystical Realm.

Entering the Mystical Realm is like stepping across heaven!

Though Bai Haichen had cultivated his physical body to the extreme Divine Transformation Realm, taking another step to break into the Mystical Realm was harder than climbing to the heavens.

Faced with an expert who had entered the Mystical Realm, Bai Haichen could only flee.

"Purple Lightning Yin Thunder Sword..."

Watching Bai Haichen escaping, just a few breaths away from disappearing from her sight, Fang Qingxue, in her fluttering white dress, chanted softly. Her fingertips flicked in mid-air, generating a fist-sized ball of purple lightning that spun rapidly before launching out with a boom, transforming into six sword beams and slashing through the air from a thousand steps away!