Chapter 7: Conspiracy_3


At this moment, he noticed that the picture seemed to have changed slightly since he last looked.

In the dim and dark Netherworld River, with a faint dusk color, something seemed to be swimming. As Fang Han looked closely, he discovered that the thing swimming in the Netherworld River was actually a ferocious human face composed of black smoke. It was the "Sky Demons Smokey Face" that chased him and Fairy He during the day.

It was sealed inside the Netherworld River within the Jia Fu Huangquan Map.

"Could this Jiao Fu Huangquan Map collect any magical treasures?" Fang Han studied the map back and forth and couldn't extract the human face from the Netherworld River within it.

"Although I cannot use this map, it can protect my life. I will keep it on me from now on." Fang Han found a rope and tied the painting like an undergarment, close to his body like a chest wrap. After that, he finally went to sleep with peace of mind.

When he woke up, it was the third night watch. The sky was hazy, and the night was still.

On the Purple Lightning Peak of Yuhua Immortal Mountain, there were no night watchmen. However, Fang Han was very sensitive to time since reaching the Realm of Divine Power.

After getting up and washing up, he stood on the cliffside in the middle of the mountain and practiced his fists and kicks. He went up and down, facing the deep abyss below without fear.

He was cultivating his courage, practicing on the edge of the cliff, forging his body, concentrating, and maintaining a high state of tension, making his movements firmer.

At the beginning, his legs felt numb on the edge of the cliff, but after flying on a crane, it seemed that he had an increased level of bravery deep inside him.

Because of this feeling, he decided to practice today and make a breakthrough.

After reaching the fifth level of the Physical Body Realm with Divine Strength, there is a watershed. Many experts, even disciples of aristocratic families, remain in the Divine Strength realm, unable to make any progress.

The subsequent realms, such as Aura, Inner Strength, Divine Valor, Spirit Invocation, and Divine Transformation, are all things that can only be understood but not explained.

Those who can break through the "Divine Strength" Realm are extremely talented or have great luck.

In short, if one can break through "Divine Strength", they can qualify to pursue the Mystical Realm; otherwise, there's no need to discuss further.

Today, Fang Han seemed to have realized something.

After practicing his boxing, he stood on the edge of the cliff and felt his aura boil. He calmed down immediately and took a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling, like "washing rice and vegetables".

This practice was called "Washing Qi", not in the sense of being naughty, but in the sense of washing rice, washing gold, and removing impurities through the constant flow of breath, exchanging stale air for fresh air.

This was a method taught by Bai Haichen from the "Seven Stars Fist".

Gulp, gulp, gulp…

A stream of breath flowed in his throat and lungs like bubbles, coming in and out, and washing through. The breath churned inside his body, and his breathing drove the blood, which in turn pressured his heart, his entire body's strength being driven by his breath.

In the blink of an eye, Fang Han's whole being entered a state of selflessness. His body stood on the edge of the cliff, shaky as if about to be blown away at any moment, yet he was completely unaware, entering a new realm.

The impurities in his blood were gradually removed, washed away by the constant flow of Qi - "Great waves wash away the sand, revealing gold!"

In the end, the Qi reached its peak.


Fang Han let out a clear and crisp sound from his mouth, even sharper than that of Fairy He.

His whole body's muscles, internal organs, seemed to become much stronger and more compact. At the same time, his ears became incredibly sensitive, immediately alert to any windswept grass, comparable to an alarmed mouse.

This was the sixth level "Aura" of the Physical Body Realm, where the body was extremely sensitive, reactions more flexible, internal organs began to solidify and condense, impurities in the flesh and blood gradually refined and eliminated.

Fang Han felt an endless amount of energy, and it seemed that he could clearly "see" the strong medicinal power emitted by the "Nine Orifice Golden Pill" deep in his heart.

At the same time, he tried to control his heart slightly, and his heart immediately stopped beating. The "Nine Orifice Golden Pill" hid deeper, and the medicinal power stopped spreading.

At this time, no one could see the Spirit Pill hidden deep in his heart.

Now he could hide it even better.


At this moment, Fang Han felt a faint movement of wind behind him. He was very sensitive now, with ears that could hear in six directions and eyes that could see in eight directions. He was responsive to any movement.

As he turned his head, he saw a woman in white floating like an immortal from the Dragon Palace. It was none other than Fang Qingxue, who had been in seclusion for a month.

"Those who can break through the realm of Divine Strength and cultivate to the sixth level, the Aura Realm, have extraordinary talent. You seem to have more potential than most of the Fang Family's younger generation. What's your name?"

Fang Qingxue looked at Fang Han and asked.

"Miss, don't you remember me? Your servant, Fang Han. A month ago, you ordered me to take care of the spirit beasts." Fang Han said hastily, his heart stirring a little.