Josh had only a few days and started using the utmost of it.

Josh, after he got diagnosed, wasn't depressed but concentrated more on Gray, and started training him the next day. Gray objected and fought against Josh but once again it was unheard. Gray had to leave behind everything where he was content, and he was forced to learn everything required to run the company.

Not much choice was given, and he was compelled to listen to everything and follow. It was not hard for Gray to learn everything, as he holds a degree in business, but he wasn't interested in running the company. One of the reasons was he was not confident enough to run a company, but Josh made sure to remove all his uncertainty while training him.

Everything was going fast, and Gray was not getting why. He stopped questioning Josh and including his stern behavior towards him. The doctor's last words were always lingering on Gray's mind, and the pain that he was going through was not able to express to anyone.

The most distressing part of Gray's life was sleeping. He would fear to close his eyes and dread to open and find Joshua permanently sleeping position. Due to this reason at night, Josh would always hold Gray tighter eventually he would give up and force himself to close his eyes.

Soon everyone came to know about Josh's diagnosis, but no one was allowed to approach either of them.

Gray was taking time from the training and doing his best to get a second opinion about Joshua's treatment, and everything was in vain. A few doctors gave the same feedback Dr. Benjamin had given but Gray was not giving up. He was doing everything and compelling everyone to try from their end, yet again dead end.

Josh made sure that Gray indulged too much in his work so that his mind was not free to think about anything else. Josh introduced Gray to business associates, partners, and directors. After only two days of training, Gray was forced to sit in the CEO position. Josh was accompanying him, at some point, he stopped and threw him to the sea to swim alone. Josh had boosted Gray's confidence level, but a few times he ended up getting sweaty all over at the important meeting and discussion.

Gray wanted to quit badly from everything, but he knew he couldn't at this point if he wanted to. Oliver wanted to come back, but Josh strictly informed him to complete his studies and return at once. He doesn't need any sympathy from anyone. He desperately wanted to finish the few things as his days were counting.

Gray was so frustrated by everything that was happening that he would literally throw things and lock up, ending up crying his heart out.

He felt like he was locked from everywhere. If he wants to, he can't escape once again in this lifetime.

At the age of 45, in his sleep, Josh was gone, swearing to himself to find Gray in every possible life if he had any.

He transferred everything to Gray's name and took a promise from Gray before his final goodbye.

After Joshua's funeral, Gray stopped talking to everyone.

He was numb all over and could not feel anything anymore. Emotions bid final goodbye on the same day itself.

Maria was worried, and she started staying in the mansion. The twins were taken care of by both Maria and David, even the twins were ignored by Gray. He couldn't help himself. He was grateful for them taking care of the twins, but that didn't mean he was going to come out of the high wall that he created to cage himself.

He got addicted to drinks and started trying drugs to get some peaceful sleep by suppressing everything for at least a few hours, but he was not successful.

At some point, he stopped using drugs as it was doing more damage to his body and brain. He quit the drug for the sole reason he wanted to live to fulfill the promise but got more addicted to strong drinks. His sleeping partner. Sleeping pills stopped working.

Gray started to get rid of Josh's things from his room. But after a few days, he would eventually find something related to Josh and end up frustrated, irritated, and followed by tears. He would chuckle by remembering where he was staying and his stupidity in trying to get rid of his things. He had everything especially the money he could buy any bungalow and start living a new life in a new place. The idea came and went through his mind, but he never took the step. At this point, he concluded that wherever he goes he can't get rid of his memories, not in this lifetime.

He was stuck with or without his presence.

Freedom was given with the condition in the form of a promise. Gray's life was still controlled, and he hated every ounce of it.

Everyone started grieving their own way after Joshua's death. Ed was no less who locked himself up for a few days. Joshua's father was numb, and his sister went into depression. Thomas was helping Gray run the company. He doesn't know the best way to escape other than by indulging in work.

After a few years, Oliver returned. He didn't think of taking a rest or enjoying a few days off, immediately started lending a hand to his papa. Even with Oliver, Gray would talk only related to work, nothing more or less.

Gray's life was pretty simple. Wake up with a heavy hangover, take the pills, have a little breakfast, and reach the company. Again, he forced himself to do so much work before returning to the mansion. Having dinner if he feels hungry, or else by taking drinks, he would lock himself in the study room.

Everyone tried their best to make him move on in his life. But this time Gray was more stubborn in adopting this lifestyle and content with how he was suffering and miserable life that he was leading.

Gray turned 50. Oliver wanted to celebrate this just to divert Gray's mood. He threw a lavish party. Gray opposed it, but everyone begged him to join the party, at least for a few minutes. They wanted to set him up with someone only if they knew how obsessed he was with Josh's memories. When he analyzed the situation, he locked himself up in the room, jerking off. There was not a day where he imagined anyone else other than Josh.

His life can be summoned up in one word: 'robotic life.'

Gray was always tempted to end his life once and for all, but he couldn't as he was tied up by a promise that he had given to Josh. He hated him more than anything for making him stuck and forcing him to go through everything.

Oliver was capable of handling everything, and he wanted Gray to take a rest, but Gray didn't agree. This was the only way he was dealing with everything, and he would not compromise on anything, not just because of the age factor.

Gray never visited Josh's grave again after his memorial service, not even once. Every year, Oliver would ask him to accompany him, but he wouldn't budge from his decision. He knew he would definitely lash out in front of his grave for pushing him to go through everything alone.

Gray started to change a few things once he turned fifty, and everyone around him felt it was a good start. He started throwing parties for the twins and Oliver on their birthdays. He acknowledges his presence at important events. He started showing up at business parties, which were only attended by Thomas and started giving a fake smile. He wanted to put the surroundings at ease, so he started to fake everything, as much as he could for their continuous effort to change him.

Gray was successful in fooling everyone, but not Oliver. It was not hard to find out, but he didn't question anything. He knew every detail of their lives and exactly what Gray was going through.

Oliver got married. It was love cum arranged. Gray blessed his new life and gave him an important position in the company. Even though Oliver is ready to take over the company, Gray doesn't want to burden him so soon. He knew it was inevitable in the future, and he wanted Oliver to enjoy it as much as he could.

As time passed, everyone around turned into gray hair, and at some point, Maria had also passed away, but Gray couldn't remember the year.

As the year passed, his memory was getting faded, except for the obvious once he stayed glued.

It was the twins' wedding, and for the first time, Oliver could see a genuine smile on Gray's face, followed by tears. He was happy to see the happy face of his papa after long years, and he couldn't stop his tears either. Everyone around him was shocked, as they were praying to see this day.

After blessing them, Gray excused himself. He felt exhausted. He bid goodbye to whoever came across and made his way to the mansion.

He entered his room and locked himself. Still, tears were rolling, and he sobbed for a few more minutes. 'I am ready, not bound to anything or anyone anymore.'

By muffling he slept and rested permanently.

There was another party thrown at the mansion, and Oliver, after taking care of everything, came to the Gray's room. Gray was sleeping, and he was contemplating whether to wake him or not. He took notice of a letter lying beside Gray, and he wanted to keep himself from opening it, but he couldn't stop.

He took the letter and opened it. It was a "will.' He was immediately beside Gray, checking the pulse, and it had stopped. He started to yell, which gained the attention of everyone, and when they entered the room, they were shocked.

At the age of 65, Grayson was gone, promising to himself not to meet Joshus again in any of his lives, if he had any.

The End and the New Beginning.