Chapter 4

Their home is only one building away from the store, mainly because the store needs to be along the street, while the home needs to be quiet. Li Yulin had already considered this issue when she bought a house.

I remember that when I was a child, there was no good neighborhood in Xiangjiang, but Li Yulin saved money every time in order to give her children the best life and education. And in order not to let other children of the same age bully and laugh at Bao Zixuan, Li Yulin will do her best to protect Bao Zixuan like a lioness every time Bao Zixuan is wronged!

Home is a sheltered harbor; a warm support; a place where you can rest when you are tired. Exhausting any human word cannot express the beauty of home in everyone's heart.

Bao Zixuan and Li Yulin's house is on the 15th floor. It is a large 1,200-foot apartment. It is a three-bedroom, two-hall house. It can be said to be a luxury house in Xiangjiang. Seeing this, Bao Zixuan thought to himself how he would be able to make hundreds of millions of dollars by relying on storefronts and houses in the 21st century! But if it is so easy to be satisfied, it will be too useless, and I have come to this life in vain. But Li Yulin still struggled for a long time when buying a house.

In order to give Bao Zixuan a stable life, Li Yulin didn't sleep the night before Taikoo Shing opened. After thinking about it for a long time, I went to the bank to withdraw the money the next morning and bought a house and a shop. After that, the mother and son had a stable life, and Li Yulin was no longer going to do accounting for the small company. When her son was very young, Li Yulin often helped some small companies with accounting in order to earn the living expenses of the mother and son. This allows you to take care of your children and work freely from home. However, in this era, the social order in Hong Kong is still very chaotic, and many small companies are controlled by some associations. As a result, when their mother and son are at home at night, people often come over to deliver the account book, and when they see a widow with a son, they will say a few rumors. Expensive, so there is still some measure.

Since moving to Taikoo Shing, Li Yulin has no longer worked part-time as an accountant. The first is that it is too far away, and the second is that the management of Taikoo Shing has become more stringent, and no association in Xiangjiang dares to come here to make trouble and hang out. After coming here, my home finally feels like a home, with a warm and peaceful environment.

When I first entered the house, I saw no change at home and when I left. It is still simple and clean; the most important thing is that there is no change in my room, and it is still the same as it was. Bao Zixuan was very moved. In his previous life, he did not feel maternal love when he was very young, nor did he have the opportunity to do the filial piety that a son should do. In this life, he must be filial to his mother.

Li Yulin: "Xuan, take a rest first, I'll cook. It's too late today, so I can only deal with it briefly. I'm wronged. Tell your mother what you want to eat and I'll cook it for you tomorrow."

Bao Zixuan: "Mommy, you don't have to be busy. I'm not very hungry. It's enough to keep it simple. You've been busy all day. I can't bear to see you working so hard every day!"

Li Yulin: "Axuan, I am very pleased that you are grown up and sensible, but while your mother can still do something, I still need to save some money for you. When will you marry a wife and have children? I'll stop doing it when it's time to help you take care of the child. Oh! By the way, did you have a girlfriend in London for the past two years! Does my son like a girl! Mom's thinking is not so traditional, no matter what country it is Yes, as long as it's a girl my son brought back, I can accept it."

Bao Zixuan: "Mommy, what are you talking about! I'm still in school now, and my main priority is my studies, and I have to go to the United States to complete the next two years of schooling."

In fact, he also had a hard time thinking about whether to go to the United States to complete the remaining two years of his studies; but in order to give Li Yulin a perfect explanation and add some contacts to himself, he decided to study at MIT on the way. Even if you don't finish reading, you must give yourself a "genius" certificate, so that his research results will be smooth. In fact, with his current knowledge reserve, he no longer needs to study, and he can become a professor in any university in the world.

Li Yulin: "Son, study is important, but you are not too young; you should take the initiative when you see a suitable girl! You don't have to worry about Mommy, the store is on the right track, and you don't need a big investment. A woman doesn't want to expand, you still have to rely on yourself in the future! Boys still have to take the initiative in this regard, otherwise there will be no good girls."

Bao Zixuan: "Got it, Mommy."

Li Yulin: "But my son needs to be tall and tall; he needs to look good; he needs to have an education; it should be no problem to find a girlfriend, right?

! "

Bao Zixuan: "Mummy, don't talk about it, how have you been alone in the past two years! Be careful not to get too tired!"

Li Yulin: "I'm still the same, don't worry! The store is very stable! The law and order have improved in the past two years, and I'm still very comfortable. Especially after the decoration according to the drawings and photos you gave, the business has been very good! I didn't see it. Did I recruit two more people! It's you, son, I almost forgot, how did you get the injury on your head!"

So Bao Zixuan told Li Yulin about Zhang Youran's box on the plane and what happened to him; but when he mentioned Zhang Yuliang, Li Yulin's expression changed a little, but because of Li Yulin's In the kitchen so he didn't feel it. After hearing the compensation of HK$1 million, Li Yulin didn't say much.

Li Yulin: "Axuan, you can take the money! I'm not short of money, but don't spend it indiscriminately! By the way, what are your plans for the holidays? I don't want you to be in the store. Work, it's not suitable for you anymore. If you don't want to work, go out for more walks instead of staying at home all day; there are good units where you can go for an internship! I don't want my son to come back to pick up my classes in the future."

Bao Zixuan: "Mummy, I have my own plan. I'm going to set up a small company first to practice my skills. The money you gave me in the past two years, plus my own earnings, and the other party's compensation this time is about 2 million. With around Hong Kong dollars, you can start making your own way."

Li Yulin: "You have your own ideas; your mother will definitely support you, but you have to do what you can. If you don't have enough money, I still have some, and you can get a loan even if you mortgage the store. But don't delay your studies. , then some of the gains outweigh the losses!" Ordinary families will definitely advise their children to study first, but in Li Yulin's mind, her son should start a business! This could be life!

Bao Zixuan: "Don't worry! In Xiangjiang, it is mainly OEM production, and the main market is still in the United States, which is the main market for future sales. So it will not delay your studies."

Li Yulin: "It's fine if you have a plan, but don't put too much pressure on yourself. What are you doing! You have to export it, it's so mysterious!"

Bao Zixuan: "Don't worry! You'll know Mommy by then!" After speaking, Li Yulin started serving dishes to the table. Just two people and 3 home-cooked dishes look very warm, and there is a simple keel soup; "Drink more soup, this is what your Aunt Liu brought to me every time you wrap it up. It's been a long time." Li Yulin Said while serving.

Looking at the simple dishes, although they are only the simplest dishes; but this is the warmth that I have not felt for many years, maybe this is the feeling of home!