Chapter 41

After Bao Zixuan left, Jobs and Wozniak chatted about the conditions offered by Heiyun in the office, when they learned that Heiyun did not want to dilute their shares and was willing to lend them money for development. This is much stronger than the conditions of those VC funds.

Wozniak: "How are we going to tell Markkula!"

Jobs: "We can tell him clearly, and he is just a venture capitalist. Now someone gives him dozens of times the return. What else is he not satisfied with?"

Wozniak thought for a moment that he was right, so he called Markkula and asked him to come to the company to discuss something.

At the time of Apple's shareholders meeting, Bao Zixuan came to the headquarters of LinkedIn Games, one of the largest customers of the Black Cloud company in the United States. Joe Johnson knew that Bao Zixuan was coming, so he was already waiting for him in the office as soon as he went to work in the afternoon. .

After a few chats between the two of them, Joe Johnson began to get to the point, "Bags, we are seriously out of stock right now, especially Pac-Man, this game still has a shortfall of at least 500 units per month. You have to help me solve it. ."

Bao Zixuan did not expect that Pac-Man would be so good in the United States, but what he did not know was that Pac-Man has sold more than 520,000 arcade machines around the world, creating economic benefits of 11.4 billion US dollars. He only knows that the influence of Xiangjiang Cube is huge, but he does not know that the most profitable one is the Pac-Man arcade.

Bao Zixuan: "Relax, Joe, our factory has been expanded, and in a week, our sales can double. And our partner RB Taidong Co., Ltd. has begun to adjust the production capacity for us, and now there are 10,000 This game console is on its way to the US. I'll fill your gaps. And our new game has already started testing and will be unveiled at the Electronics Fair in March next year. You have to be ready, this game Definitely not worse than Pac-Man, and many places are more playable."

Joe Johnson: "That's really good news."

Bao Zixuan and her hadn't seen each other since the Panasonic Miyuki report was delivered, and they only had a phone chat during this time. It was Bao Zixuan who told her that she had settled in at MIT, and only told her about the dormitory. phone number! That day, Miyuki Matsushita finally had the courage to call Bao Zixuan at the encouragement of her roommate.

Coincidentally, Bao Zixuan had already gone to California. And today Jessica Mellon came to the MIT 306 dormitory. And when he was closest to the phone, he picked up the phone and heard that someone was looking for Bao Zixuan.

Jessica Mellon: "Who are you? Now that Bao Zixuan is not here, he should go to the company!"

Miyuki Matsushita didn't expect a woman to answer the phone. Is MIT so open! He asked, "Who are you Zixuan-Jun?"

Jessica Mellon: "He and my brother are roommates. What's the matter? Are you his girlfriend? Why don't you know where he is. And he's not a good person. Don't be deceived by him."

Jessica didn't want to say this at first, but she thought that she could destroy Bao Zixuan's affairs, wouldn't she be happy!

Matsushita Miyuki: "Zixuan-Jun is a good person, isn't it too unreasonable for you to say that?"

Jessica Mellon: "Little sister you don't know, if you're his girlfriend I advise you to break up with him, he's a **** who often plays with girls' feelings. It's no secret at MIT , listen to your tone is RB! Don't be deceived by his appearance."

Matsushita Miyuki: "The Zixuan-kun I know is not such a person. Are you deliberately slandering him? It's useless."

So the two women quarreled over the phone. And the other three girls who heard the voice looked at Matsushita Miyuki who had no image at all. Is this the RB girl they knew who was gentle and polite to everyone! On the other side of the phone, Michael Mellon looked at how his sister used his dormitory phone to quarrel with others! Both parties were very angry and hung up the phone.

Danny Green looked at Matsushita Miyuki and said to this gentle girl who had never lost her temper, "Miyuki, what's the matter, didn't you call your Zixuan-kun! Why are you arguing."

Matsushita Miyuki: "I just called his dormitory, and a girl picked it up and said that Zixuan-jun was not there, and then started to slander Zixuan-jun, saying that he was a bad person, so I defended Zixuan-jun and talked to her. quarreled."

Danny Green: "How can a girl pick it up! Does MIT have a dormitory for men and women."

Matsushita Miyuki: "No, that girl said she was the sister of Zixuanjun's roommate."

Sarah: "There are two possibilities in this situation. One is that your Zixuanjun may have offended that girl; the other is that the girl likes your Zixuanjun and doesn't want other female creatures to get close to you."

"Sarah is right, but I'm more inclined towards the second type. After all, your Zixuan-Jun's achievements so far are fatally attractive to many girls. Not to mention, you didn't see Danny Do you look like a **** every time you mention your Zixuan-kun!" Roman-Rolla said to Matsushita Miyuki with a smile.

Danny Green: "Don't you? Don't you have a salad? After all, men like this are scarce resources; young, handsome, talented, worth hundreds of millions, and most importantly, there is no complicated family relationship, there is only one mother in the family. No need Like a big family, they are intriguing to seek property, and whoever marries your Zixuanjun just needs to take good care of her mother."

Sarah is from Arabia, where polygamy is practiced, resulting in a large number of large families, and everyone has to be careful about their relationships with other people. Hearing Danny Green's words has a deep sense of identity. He said, "Danny is right. You don't know that many girls at Boston College have discussed this topic, and I'm interested. Not to mention the women at MIT!"

Roman-Lola: "You can't just talk! You have to help Miyuki find a way! Otherwise, her Zixuan-kun belongs to someone else."

Only then did Matsushita Miyuki react and said, "What does this have to do with me, I just met Zixuan-jun once, don't talk nonsense. I only called at your ~Forget it, wait until you see him talking next time!"

In MIT's 306 dormitory, Michael Mellon was also questioning his sister: "Jessica, why did you get into a fight with someone on the phone? What's going on."

After the quarrel, Jessica Mellon knew that her brother would definitely question her, and she had already thought out what to say when she put down the phone. The person who was looking for Bao Zixuan got angry when he heard that it was a girl who answered the phone. It was estimated that it was an ignorant and infatuated girl who had been deceived by Bao Zixuan. I kindly reminded her and started a fight with me. It must be that Bao Zixuan played with other people's feelings and came to the door!

"Bao doesn't want someone like that! You say Thomas I might believe it, you don't know how many girls want to date Bao, but none of them make it. How can someone like that play with girls' feelings!" Martin Gerry Husband, this kind black buddy said in defense.

Jessica Mellon: "That's a good disguise, you just didn't find out. By the way, where is Bao Zixuan?"

"It seems that I went to California, and I heard that there is a business matter to deal with." Joseph Kane said.

Jessica Mellon: "It's so high-sounding, which company has a big weekend to talk about. Hollywood is in California, maybe it's a date for a lover!"

Michael Mellon: "Why do you care so much about bags all of a sudden! Do you have something I don't know about. I don't believe you were so kind to help us do our laundry that morning."

What Bao Zixuan didn't know was that he had not been in the dormitory for a day, and there had been countless gossips at Boston College and MIT. At this time, Bao Zixuan is leading his subordinates and employees of LinkedIn to exchange gameplay and marketing issues! Besides, he didn't even bother to deal with such boring things.