Chapter 51

On November 25, 1977, Bao Zixuan asked for leave from MIT after explaining his work in the North American branch! Ready to go back to Hong Kong. After all, this time he has to do system implantation and final debugging for a small CNC machine. These can be said to be the top secrets of the Black Cloud Company at present. Except for himself, there is no one who can reassure him.

Unlike when he came to stop at RB Tokyo, this time Bao Zixuan directly contracted a Boeing 747 freighter. The core components of small CNC machine tools and the most advanced computer chips on the market, which were processed in the MIT Bruman Laboratory, were all shipped back to Hong Kong. Fortunately, the destination of the freight is Xiangjiang, and the small CNC machine tools have not received enough attention from the authorities. Seeing that all of them are of such a small size, it is impossible to produce military precision components such as aircraft engines and submarine propellers. Otherwise, Batumi will not let you transport the goods safely.

Although the current international situation, the relationship between China and the United States has eased somewhat. However, it is impossible for precision instruments, especially precision machine tools that can be used in military production, to be transported to Xiangjiang. Bao Zixuan can only order parts and then assemble them bit by bit in the form of ants moving. Large-scale machine tools still have the right time to find them, but there is currently no way to get them.

This time I took a cargo plane, and the conditions were relatively difficult, but after Bao Zixuan and the people in the dormitory finished talking, everyone said it was okay, and they all wanted to go to Xiangjiang with Bao Zixuan.

In this way, the students in the 306 dormitory of MIT collectively asked for leave. In addition to the five doctoral students in Bruman's laboratory and Freeman's laboratory, all these elites who have participated in the research and development of CNC machine tools and Walkman, see Bao Zixuan's eyes were hot, and if there was a chance, he must bring them all to Heiyun. The company also has 8 people to follow. In addition to the 4 technicians, there are also 4 security personnel. In this way, 19 people were ready to fly back to Hong Kong in the temporarily increased seats of the airline.

After getting on the plane, I looked at such simple conditions, and I had to bring food on the plane myself. The Heiyun staff did not say anything, but Thomas Marr and Michael Mellon were not very satisfied with the environment of the plane. After all, both of them were pampered masters since childhood.

"I said Bao, you are also super rich now, you can charter a passenger plane. How can you feel so wronged!" Thomas Marr teased.

Michael Mellon also said, "Yes! You have made a lot of money in the past two months! I think Heiyun Software is a good buy!"

Bao Zixuan: "You only saw the thief eat meat, but you didn't see the thief beaten. You made a little money, but you know what! Just listening to the sound of a project, I have invested more than 100 million US dollars. If this fails , it is estimated that this year will be in vain. Save a little if you can save it now! Let's just experience life together."

As a former aircraft engine designer, Bao Zixuan knows the difference between cargo aircraft and passenger aircraft very well. It takes nearly 20 hours for the plane to fly to Xiangjiang, and most of the time it is flying close to the Arctic Circle. The weather is already very cold this month. Bao Zixuan asked people to prepare a large number of quilts and down coats early.

Everyone sees Bao Zixuan's outfit and thinks it's superfluous, completely unnecessary! But when the plane rose to an altitude of 10,000 meters, they stopped saying those nasty words. Start putting on a down coat and finding a quilt to wrap yourself in.

Bao Zixuan had thought about going back as a passenger plane, but he found that since he came to this era, he never seemed to suffer. When he used to test new models in Rolls-Royce, in order to get first-hand data, what kind of plane did he have? sat. The thought of enjoying such comfort is dangerous now, so I decided to take a cargo plane back to Hong Kong.

"Looking at Bao Zixuan's thoughtful and complacent appearance, do you already know what the conditions of a cargo plane are?" Joseph Kane said shiveringly.

Bao Zixuan: "You people are true, I told you a long time ago, but you don't listen, how can you blame me! But I said, I have to take a cargo plane, and I can feel relieved by seeing a lot of goods with my own eyes. They said they could reimburse you for your air tickets. But you didn't listen. When I was in Oxford, I studied aerodynamics. I still know a lot about the state of cargo planes."

"You must have done it on purpose," Thomas Marr growled over there.

At this time, the most calm person was Romansky. I saw that he was holding beef jerky in his left hand and vodka in his right. He was very happy with a mouthful of wine and meat.

This is the characteristic of the fighting nation, and the cold is just an appetizer for them. They can fight all the cold as long as they have vodka. Looking at the bottle, Bao Zixuan asked, "Is there any more! Give me some too."

Romansky: "Bao still knows life and me." After speaking, he handed the bottle to Bao Zixuan.

Without any scruples, after taking the bottle, he took a sip. Immediately, I felt a lot warmer all over. Seeing how Bao Zixuan felt comfortable after drinking, everyone began to take turns drinking from the bottle. In this way, everyone spent an unforgettable night on the plane while drinking and chatting. That's how men's friendships sometimes come!

When they slept at night, everyone was wrapped tightly. Looking at everyone in the cabin, Bao Zixuan seemed to have returned to the days when he was with his colleagues at Rolls-Royce in his previous life. The long-lost passion is back. I have lived comfortably for too long during this time, and I have smoothed out my goals and personality. This is a very dangerous thing. It seems that I will experience a hard life every once in a while. Keep yourself clear-headed and strong-minded at all times.

Early the next morning, the sun shines into the cabin through the limited glass. Immediately it felt a lot warmer. They had passed over Siberia and were flying along the RB. From the cold zone to the temperate zone.

Everyone happily ate bread and drank milk, and Martin Griff sang and danced in the The black buddies are so good, they will always maintain an optimistic attitude.

Michael Mellon: "Bag, how long until we get there!"

Bao Zixuan: "It will take about 3 hours. But during this time, you can wash up and change your clothes. It will not be cold now. After arriving in Xiangjiang, the temperature will be around 20 degrees, which is not suitable for us. ."

Thomas Marr: "Bao, how do you Xiangjiang girls look like! Do you have a good introduction! I came here with you to see Xiangjiang girls. I have never suffered this kind of crime since I was a child."

Bao Zixuan: "I haven't lived in Xiangjiang for several years. I will arrange for someone to take you to experience the nightlife in Xiangjiang. Wherever you go, you will have to rely on your own skills! But you can only find those who often go to bars and nightclubs. The girls, those are girls who have a mentality of coming out to play. If you provoke people you shouldn't provoke, I don't care about you. Don't blame the girl's family for arresting you as a son-in-law, I won't save you. "

"Also, everyone should pay attention. This place is not as open as the United States. Everyone should be more restrained. You should pay attention to the impact when you go out to play. I can arrange for someone to take you out to play, and you can go wherever you want. But don't mess around. Come, the Xiangjiang community is mixed, I can't guarantee who you will meet when you go to the nightclub, you must pay attention to safety."

In Bao Zixuan's warning, everyone took turns to wash up. At this time, everyone could clearly feel that the plane was descending. Knowing that the destination of this flight is Hong Kong International Airport. First, Michael Mellon started cheering loudly, and then everyone responded, and they were able to arrive safely. Everyone on the plane suffered a lot last night.
