Chapter 54

After sending everyone back to the hotel, Bao Zixuan asked Peng Yifei to take him home. After all, Eli Yulin's character would definitely wait for him, and Li Jun wanted to talk to himself every time, but he didn't say it when he saw many people. .

Seeing this, he patted Li Jun on the shoulder and said to him: "Don't worry too much, Thomas should fight too, pay attention next time!" In fact, Bao Zixuan also has some ideas in his heart. When others say your boss, as a bodyguard There was no movement at all, and a **** man who could not understand Cantonese stepped forward to settle it for himself. It seemed that the number of security guards recruited in Xiangjiang should be reduced.

When she got home, Li Yulin was really waiting for her. This was because her mother was always concerned about her. After a brief chat, Bao Zixuan was ready to sleep. Li Yulin was relieved to see her son back.

In the Heiyun workshop, Bao Zixuan led a group of engineers to assemble the world's most advanced small CNC machine tools. He combined the latest scientific research results of MIT and cooperated with the software control system that surpassed this era. Bao Zixuan's main task is to take Joseph Kane to make the final debugging and update the system on the assembled machine tool. The previous system is just a simplified version, and they are constantly improving and updating the new system these days to make it more powerful.

As for the others, Romansky and Martin Griff took the surveying and mapping tools and started to re-plan and design the next plant and scientific research institution. After all, the previous plant was the simplest structure designed by Bao Zixuan based on previous life experience. After all, he is not a major in architecture or civil engineering, and his previous life only involved a small part.

Michael Mellon was driven by his bodyguard to inspect the Bank of Mellon's Xiangjiang branch. Although the relationship with his parents has not been completely eased, he still has to undertake his obligations. After all, Mellon's surname cannot keep him out of the way.

It was not until noon that Thomas Marr arrived late, and it seemed that the injury was more serious than last night, and there were many more scratches on his body. Seeing the way his legs were soft while walking, Bao Zixuan was really annoyed. I was so injured last night that I couldn't control myself. It seems that sooner or later it will be carried on the woman. The most irritating thing is that after a while, the woman came after him last night. Bao Zixuan immediately called the security guard to come and take them all out. What did the security guard do, didn't he remember the principle of confidentiality? I haven't made any progress from last night to today. I told Li Jun that the security guards in this factory will not be used to work tomorrow. Even if you have to get a work card or a temporary pass to enter, you actually let two people who have nothing come in directly. Li Jun knew that a lot of work had disappointed the boss, and he wanted to plead for the security guard and looked at the boss but didn't dare to say it.

I have so many secret equipment to debug here, you bring a woman with an unclear background, isn't it stupid!

Seeing Bao Zixuan's seriousness, Thomas was still a little scared. After all, last night, he was faced with the calm handling of the club members, which made him think that although Bao Zixuan was the youngest in the dormitory, he was definitely the most mature of them all. of.

Bao Zixuan walked to his former office and looked at Thomas and the young woman last night.

Bao Zixuan: "Let's talk, what's the matter, I have a lot of things here, I don't have time to watch you two fall in love."

Thomas: "Bao, Ruoyun is so pitiful. Can you arrange a job for her? I know it's just a small matter for you. An easy and high-paying job is fine."

Bao Zixuan: "Miss Ruoyun doesn't think you're dressed like a poor man. Going to bars is mostly for excitement. Now that you've found it, it's time to end it, right? I hope you stop in moderation, so that everyone doesn't look good."

Ruoyun: "You are much smarter than this stupid boy, 300,000, I'll leave, I can't spend a night with her, can I! If you don't give money, you can use you to pay off the debt. Fair enough isn't it!"

When Bao Zixuan heard this, why did he meet a female hooligan recently! He said, "I can't afford it, so forget it, but since you want money, it's much easier." After speaking, Peng Yifei gave 300,000 cash to this young woman named Ruoyun. And said that if you want to arrange a car to take you back, you can tell my driver.

Many people couldn't understand why Bao Zixuan did this, but he didn't need to explain to his subordinates that 300,000 was the money for him to cut off ties with Ma Laowu. After all, she had already expressed her attitude last night, so it shouldn't be a disadvantage. And after receiving the money, Bao Zixuan can use this to intimidate Ma Laowu. Beating the students of MIT in the United States is not so easy to settle in Hong Kong.

Looking at the injury on Thomas' face, please heal the injury first! I will deduct the fee from the service to you. You spent 70,000 dollars last night and I had Thomas sent to the hospital to recover.

When he walked to the door, he saw Li Jun standing straight and waiting for him. After all, he was his old employee, and he did a good job in the early stage.

"Those security guards must be fired. There is no room for negotiation. You can pay them two more months' wages. Otherwise, everyone can enter and leave the workshop and important laboratories at will. What is the difference between our place and the vegetable market; I hope you do it yourself." It seems that John - Howard to find some professional bodyguard team to train these people. Then he said, "Don't have any psychological burden. I will send instructors from the United States to let you receive formal training. The security supervisor is still you, but sometimes men have to show a little blood."

Bao Zixuan ignored the thoughtful Li Jun and went straight to the workshop to debug the equipment. Li Jun came to the security dormitory and looked at the four security guards who were about to be fired and said to them: "I'm sorry, brothers, I tried my best. But the boss's meaning is very firm and difficult to change. This is a disappointment to my work. Go to the finance department to get two more months of salary! This incident has a great impact on the entire black cloud. It turns out that the most terrifying thing is that the small boss gets angry, and there is no room for negotiation." This also made the security department Check much more carefully later.

Looking at Gujojiro installing parts on the CNC washing and discussing the working principle and maintenance knowledge of the entire machine tool with the engineers, this factory manager is still a good choice! RB people do have a lot of work attitudes to learn from. It seems that if you want to seize more of their market share, you have to start by digging their talents.

At this time, Joseph asked him to come over for something. After a software installation was completed, the machine could not reach the ideal working state. Seeing this, Bao Zixuan immediately understood what was going on. This is a small industrial processing center. You must enter the secret code yourself. Only after that can he work normally. This is also a means for him to guard against these engineers. After all, after graduation, he may go to work in any competitor company in the world.

In this way, Bao Zixuan went to the workshop every day to debug small CNC machine tools, and returned home at night to have dinner and chat with Li Yulin. During the period, I also saw Axiang and Alan who were protecting Li Yulin, and it was reassuring to watch.

With the continuous efforts of Bao Zixuan and all the engineers, Heiyun's Walkman production line was finally completed.

At this time, I heard Gujojiro's report, "Your Excellency President, after the unremitting efforts of all engineers, we have finally assembled all the machine tools according to the designed capacity, and the remaining parts are also reserved for the next year's replacement."

At present, Heiyun Factory has 80 CNC lathes, 60 CNC drilling machines, 80 CNC washing machines, 80 CNC grinding machines, 80 CNC boring machines, 10 CNC small machining centers and 36 other auxiliary equipment, which can fully meet the daily production requirements. Production of 10,000 Walkmans.

Bao Zixuan: "Okay, everyone has worked hard. Tomorrow is December 1st, and the trial production will be carried out as planned. Everyone has worked hard today, and we will celebrate after the successful trial production tomorrow."