Chapter 70

In his previous life, Bao Zixuan was very familiar with the Russian aviation industry, and his Russian was very good, so he directly said to the two of them in Russian: "Any company is welcome to add some customers, but how do we do business! After all, I have never worked with your country's company before. I have done business, but I don't know how to operate it. It would be bad if there were any misunderstandings in the process."

Hearing that Bao Zixuan was speaking in Russian, Andre was very happy. Said: "Mr. Bao didn't expect your Russian to be so good, then our communication will be smoother, which is the premise of all good cooperation."

"We hope to trade goods in exchange for goods, and we determine the price of both sides, of course, both sides agree. You can get any goods from the Soviet Union, including resources such as weapons, oil, and steel. These are very popular in the world. The product."

Hearing that the FBI agent next to him was very nervous. After all, this involves Bao Zixuan's tendency. They also want to see what the Soviets have in mind to find this young genius who is also a billionaire. At this time, when he heard that he could exchange his Walkman and game console for weapons, Bao Zixuan would definitely stay in the dark room for a while if he didn't answer well.

Bao Zixuan: "Forget about weapons and oil. I'm a businessman, but I don't want to be an arms dealer. It's useless for me to ask for weapons, but I'm interested in two things in your country."

"I know that your country seized a lot of German industrial equipment during World War II, including a large number of machine tools. Almost all of these 30-year-old equipment have been put into warehouses by your country. I need these now, if It is okay to put it in the trading list. I have just traded a batch with Rheinmetall. Due to the restrictions of Batumi, although Xiangjiang is better than your country, it cannot get the most advanced industrial equipment, and ordinary CNC machine tools. It's not necessarily better than what was produced in Germany back then, you can give me everything in the warehouse, and if the price of the game console is not enough, we can compensate with cash."

"The other is titanium alloys. You know that our Heiyun products will launch a lot of limited editions of titanium alloys! But there are only two countries in the world that have a lot of titanium resources, and your country is the country that produces the most titanium alloys."

"I don't need too much, and I don't need to be too strong. I just need to meet the general requirements. After all, I don't produce planes and submarines, and the factories in your country can produce titanium alloy plates for me, which can't be secondary. There is no problem with smelting. And my titanium alloy usage can be reported to any institution in your country. They can monitor whether I use the titanium alloy purchased from the Soviet Union to produce weapons and sell them to other countries."

"As for the rest, to be honest, I really don't dare to ask for it. How much oil can I add to my car! I don't go to war with weapons. I'm only interested in industrial products."

"If I can, I will trade with you at 1.2 times the price of titanium alloy in the international market. After all, this is a strategic resource. And every titanium alloy product of Heiyun will be sky-high, such as the Walkman you see, the titanium alloy version. It costs 3,999 US dollars, equivalent to 3,600 rubles, which is equivalent to 2 months' salary of an ordinary worker, or even more."

Andrei: "We know your conditions. Old German machine tools are fine, but for titanium alloys, I need to ask Moscow to answer you. How do we set the price?"

Bao Zixuan: "I'm not a good negotiator, but I can refer to the price between us and Rheinmetall to reduce the price appropriately. After all, Rheinmetall's machine tools are always in use and are well maintained. My business is a win-win or even a multi-win, and I will never To lower the price of partners, for example, I take the initiative to increase the price of titanium alloys, because titanium alloys will make more money in my hands, so that suppliers can make more business in order to last a long time."

Bao Zixuan knew that the Soviet Union exchanged weapons for Coca-Cola in his previous life, but he didn't expect it to happen to himself.

When the Soviets left, Bao Zixuan gave them two Walkmans, the titanium version, which he said were samples. This is the ratio, and tell them the ratio of titanium and aluminum is half.

At this time, in the MIT president's office, the head of the FBI Boston branch and the president Johansson were chatting about some issues, and everyone even quarreled.

Principal Johansson: "If you want to ask questions, you must ask in my office. I can't let you take away the best students without any evidence. That will have a great impact on the school."

In fact, Bao Zixuan has become a student card of MIT. Many young people apply for the exam because of his success here. They let FBI take him away at will, so the school also has a great responsibility.

Just after returning to the dormitory, the principal's assistant came over and said that the principal was looking for him and whispered to him that someone from the FBI was in the principal's office.

When we got to the principal's office, principal Johansson was talking with a middle-aged man inside. After saying hello, the middle-aged man began to ask questions.

Bao Zixuan repeated what he said to the Soviets, and also told him that he refused to exchange weapons for Walkmans and game consoles. The FBI Boston director was very interested when he heard that titanium alloys could be exchanged for the Soviets. After all, this is a strategic material that the United States has to pay a great price to obtain.

Bao Zixuan directly said that even if the Soviets agreed, industrial production should be carried out under supervision, and the purity is very low. The kind that cannot be smelted twice. He didn't want to be caught between two big countries, and something would happen sooner or later.

Andrei, who returned to the embassy, ​​immediately reported to the country. The Moscow executives saw that it was so simple, and they thought of taking advantage of the Soviet Union without asking businessmen from other countries. They quickly got a reply and could agree to Black Cloud's request. And trade anytime.

Andre came over the next day and signed a contract with Bao Zixuan. Bao Zixuan told him that the first batch of 10,000 game consoles and 50,000 Walkmans could be shipped within three days, and they would arrive in about 10 days. Vladivostok. The people of the Black Cloud Company will go to the Soviet Union to check the machinery and equipment they need when the ship departs. Then trade in the port of Vladivostok.

Xiangjiang Dong's family, they are currently responsible for all the shipping business of Heiyun, but now they are looking at the freight order given by Heiyun with some embarrassment. Germany uses ships, the United States uses ships, and now the Soviet Union uses ships. And the Soviet Union's cargo volume is also very large.

Dong Haoyun was sore and happy, called the management meeting; finally decided to give up some orders from customers with bad reputation. On the second day of the decision to give up, a client who had cooperated with the Dong family for more than 20 years came to Dong Haoyun's office.

The customer I found is in the grain business, named Li Fuwang, 58 years old this year. He mainly purchases grain in Southeast Asia and ships it back to Xiangjiang.

Li Fuwang: "Old Dong, we are old friends. How can we say that if we don't do my business, we won't do it. I've been in a bit of trouble recently, but don't you have a difficult time? Wait for me to recover after this period~www.mtlnovel .com~ I'll make up for the shipping fee for you."

Dong Haoyun: "Old Li, the ship is being dispatched by the people below. I'm old now, I just need to see how much money I can make each month. I don't care about the rest, but I don't cooperate with customers who often default on shipping costs. I know it, and I agreed at the meeting. After all, the company's ships are a little too busy, but I can't say anything right now, after all, changing the day and night is not good for the company's development!"

In the end, Li Fuwang used all the tricks, but Dong Haoyun still didn't let go. He could only re-cooperate after paying the shipping fee. In this way, the Dong family lost some customers, but the entire company recovered more than 68 million Hong Kong dollars in shipping costs.

The Dong family's practice suddenly made Heung Kong Shipping Co., Ltd. work hard to recover the freight, and when the time came, many companies that often defaulted on the freight were caught. Cooperation with the Dong family has become a benchmark for a good company, and the public has recognized it, and the stock has risen a lot. A lot of big companies are rushing to work with it. Makes several other freight companies very inexplicable.

Bao Yugang doesn't know what's going on right now. After all, today is the second old friend who has worked with him for many years to say that he wants to give part of the business to the Dong family. Otherwise, the company will not be able to sustain it.

After receiving a call from Bao Yugang, Dong Haoyun said it was the customer's own choice. After all, it has already been duped once. Be yourself, there is no shortage of customers. This is the creed of the Black Cloud Company, and I did not expect it to be applicable to shipping companies as well. Dong Haoyun finally said it.

The charter king listened in a fog, but he didn't have any clues. In the end, we can only impress customers by reducing some shipping costs.

Bao Zixuan did not know that while purchasing and eliminating machine tools around the world to increase the freight volume of Dong's family, it also hit some irregular companies in Xiangjiang. He did not know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.