Chapter 76

Bao Zixuan called home after Tan Jiashun left and told Li Yulin to go home for dinner tonight. Bao Zixuan, who hadn't had a good bath these days, returned home and looked at Li Yulin's expression and knew that he smelled quite strong.

Li Yulin asked him to take a shower and then eat. After all, the smell on his son now is that being a mother is a bit disgusting. After Tan Jiashun left, he came back directly from work in the workshop. He not only smelled of sweat, but also had a strong smell of engine oil. Looks like I'll have to pay attention in the future.

When they finished eating, Li Yulin said to Bao Zixuan, "Axuan, you are also the boss of a big company now. You can no longer ignore your image like an ordinary worker, or you will be seen by others."

Bao Zixuan: "Understood, Mommy, I will pay attention to it in the future. The main reason is that this technology upgrade is led by me. Some workers cannot meet the requirements, so I will pay attention in the future."

Li Yulin: "You can control it yourself! The Walkman you gave me last time sold for more than 500,000 yuan. I read the newspaper, why don't I sell it!"

Bao Zixuan: "Don't worry. If you sell it, others will either think I'm unfilial or think I'm going bankrupt. Don't think about it so much. How's the store going recently? Don't stay at home all the time, it's going to be the Los Angeles Electronics Show in a few days, or you and I will go to America for a few days to relax."

Li Yulin didn't expect that there would be so many ways to sell a Walkman. It seems that her son is really mature.

Li Yulin said: "I don't want to go recently. I'll go when you graduate! Otherwise, if you are doing business and accompanying me, it will affect your studies."

After chatting with Li Yulin about some company matters, Bao Zixuan was ready to go to bed. After all, he and Dong Haoyun had an appointment to have morning tea together tomorrow. It would not be very good to go too late. You are a junior in front of Mr. Dong at your own age.

Hearing that her son was going to have morning tea with Dong Haoyun tomorrow, Li Yulin was very silent in her heart, as if recalling something. But he quickly woke up and said, "Then you have to go early, so you can't be rude. Ask Mr. Dong for more advice on how to do business."

After Tan Jianshun came to Dong's study, when Bao Zixuan heard that the boss asked him to meet, he invited you to have morning tea as a junior, and took into account your travel problem. I wanted to set the location between my home and my company and said it again,

Dong Haoyun then asked Bao Zixuan about his behavior. There are other things like character. Everyone's success is not accidental, Dong Haoyun must take every detail into consideration. After all, now Bao Zixuan can't be regarded as an ordinary 20-year-old young man who can talk to him on an equal footing.

The next morning, Bao Zixuan got up on time at 5:30 and made an appointment with Dong Haoyun at 6:30, but as a junior, he had to arrive earlier, otherwise he would not know how to respect the old and love the young.

Dong Haoyun also got up at 5:30 today. He got up at this time almost every day, played Tai Chi for a while, and went to work after breakfast. After practicing Tai Chi today, he directly asked the driver to take him to Li Ji Tea Restaurant.

The driver is familiar with the road. Speaking of this, Li Kee Tea Restaurant is the first choice for the rich in Hong Kong to drink morning tea. The ancestors of this family are imperial chefs in the Qing Dynasty. This tea restaurant opened in Xiangjiang has a history of 70 years, and they all choose the freshest ingredients. If it is not eaten today, it will either be thrown away or the workers will eat it up by themselves, and absolutely do not sell overnight food. The price is also very expensive. The average person needs half a month's salary to eat a meal, so it is the rich class who can come here to spend.

Bao Zixuan arrived here at just 6:00 and saw that Tan Jiashun was already waiting for him below. After all, this is the first official meeting between the two big bosses, the boss and the boss of Heiyun. If you let your arrangements go wrong, it will be a big sin.

Knowing that Dong Haoyun hadn't come yet, Bao Zixuan asked to wait for his old man at the door, but Tan Jiashun persuaded him not to listen. Just be by your side. About a quarter of an hour later, Tan Jiashun was relieved when he saw that Dong Haoyun's car had finally arrived. After the car stopped, he stepped forward and opened the door for Dong Haoyun.

After Dong Haoyun got off the bus, Tan Jiashun introduced the two of them. Dong Haoyun is just 66 years old this year, but he is very energetic, has the temperament of a superior, and is well maintained.

When Bao Zixuan was looking at Dong Haoyun, Dong Haoyun was also looking at her. Looking at this 1.8-meter tall boy with a very sunny appearance, who would have thought that he would be the richest person in Xiangjiang. And when Dong Haoyun saw Bao Zixuan, he felt very familiar at first, as if he had seen it somewhere, especially his eyes. But it's been decades and I can't remember.

Bao Zixuan hurried over to greet Dong Haoyun, and stretched out his hands. Dong Haoyun nodded in satisfaction, then took Bao Zixuan to the second floor of the restaurant.

Different from the lobby on the first floor, the second floor is an elegant seat. Although different seats can be seen from each other, the whole decoration style is very elegant.

Seeing Dong Haoyun coming, the owner of Li Ji Tea Restaurant, who happened to be on the second floor, immediately greeted him. Mr. Dong, you haven't been here for a while. Is it still the old rule?

You arrange it! Not enough to add more, so he walked to a window seat.

After the two sat down, "Bao Sheng wants to drink some tea." Dong Haoyun said.

Bao Zixuan: "Elder Dong, you must call me that, or Xiaobao! It's kinder like this."

Dong Haoyun: "Okay, you're right, it's kinder like this."

The two began to chat while drinking tea. Dong Haoyun asked Bao Zixuan about the modern enterprise management system. Bao Zixuan learned from Dong Haoyun how to manage the company's employees well, and the two chatted very happily.

Bao Yugang and Cao Wenjin have been overwhelmed these days, and many customers took the initiative to go to Dongjia Shipping Company. How could someone from the Dong family, whose shipping cost is more expensive than them, take the initiative to send them money!

The two who couldn't understand agreed to go to Li Ji Tea Restaurant for morning tea and talk about how to deal with this situation.

I just came to the second floor and saw Dong Haoyu and a young man chatting and laughing, which made them curious. We are all acquaintances, and we used to meet together and often fight tables together to make it more lively.

Cao Wenjin walked up to the two of them and said, "Why are you so happy! Dong Sheng, bring your grandson to have morning tea! How come you have already started to cultivate the third generation. You still have the foresight, don't mind us having a table together! Finished speaking I sat down. Bao Yugang, who was following behind, also sat down."

Seeing these two people, what Dong Haoyun was afraid of still happened, but you can treat him as my grandson. If you have such a grandson, you will be worthy of the ancestors if you close your eyes now. But I won't introduce to see what you can do to me.

Bao Zixuan is mainly Dong Haoyun here. After all, he didn't say anything and could only watch, so let's listen to his arrangements! After all, they don't know what their relationship is with him, so it would be rude to interrupt.

Dong Haoyun: "I said it's useful to mind! Why are you all here!"

Cao Wenjin: "You took many of our customers away, and we thought about how we could get some of them back. You, Dong Sheng, eat meat, and you also want to give us some soup!"

Dong Haoyun didn't answer, but drank tea and saw that Bao Zixuan didn't move there, just looked at himself. He went on to say: "Xiaobao, eat it! It won't taste good after a while."

At this time, seeing the expressions of Cao Wenjin and Bao Yugang are very exciting.

Bao Yugang and Dong Haoyun are 6 years apart, and they are 60 years old this year. And since he became the richest man in Xiangjiang, it seems that no one has called himself Xiaobao for a long time.

Bao Yugang looked at Dong Haoyun angrily and hilariously, thinking Dong Sheng, who is your name!

Bao Zixuan was about to speak when Cao Wenjin smiled and said, "Bao Sheng, how many years have passed, this is the first time I've heard someone call you Xiao Bao!" Hahahaha laughed me to death

After Dong Haoyun finished speaking, he also reflected that there are two people named Bao at this table. Just as he was about to explain Bao Yugang, the voice sounded.

He said to Bao Zixuan, "Boy from the Dong family, look at how disrespectful your grandfather is. Today, I will give you some face when you bring the younger generation. Next time I will be angry. People call me like this, don't say it, it's really kind."

Bao Zixuan heard the conversation of several people, finally understood what was going on, and said to Bao Yugang: "Bao Sheng, you have misunderstood, my surname is not Dong, my surname is Bao, the one just called me."