Chapter 99

On the morning of March 31, 1978, Bao Zixuan took the lead and left home. He wanted to go to the company to check the layout of the venue. After wanting to give his mother a good birthday, he wanted to make the scene bigger. Today, all Heiyun employees don't have to go to work in the afternoon, and in the future, it will be the norm for his mother's birthday. Bao Zixuan plans to make his mother's birthday a celebration day of Heiyun Group. Kind of like "Longevity".

In fact, Bao Zixuan also knew that this would be detrimental to the management of the company and would be a waste of costs. But I thought of communicating with employees more, interacting more, and deepening feelings more. Bao Zixuan is not very clear on how much money Heiyun Group earns now. Anyway, it is growing every moment; he was not a managerial talent in his previous life. Then give more benefits to employees in the name of mother's birthday! So that everyone has a sense of belonging to the company!

After coming to the company, I saw people from the administrative department set up a stage in the canteen atrium. There is a "shou" character in the middle, everything else is simple, Li Yulin is a person with a very good life style, and the construction should not be too vulgar.

Zhao Tingting reported: "Everything has been arranged, and now there are 10,863 employees in the headquarters of Heiyun Group. Except for the security guards who must be on duty, they will receive a red envelope when they get off work at noon today, and the security guards on duty will be changing guards. After that, 800 management and worker representatives will be selected to dine in the main hall. The rest will dine in their respective cafeterias, and today's meals will be accompanied by drinks, etc., just to let everyone have a carnival together."

Li Yulin knew at breakfast that her son was preparing a birthday party for her, and she was wearing it as a birthday present from her son.

Unlike Bao Zixuan who had only heard of jade, Li Yulin knew it. When you see this bracelet, you know his price. But thinking that now my son can make money by himself, I am happy to accept it.

Bao Zixuan called his home and asked Alan and Axiang to go out from home to the factory at 10:30, so the time for arriving at the factory was just right.

Zheng Jiajia learned from her father that the person who bought the jade bracelet might be Bao Zixuan from Heiyun Group, thinking that she actually wanted to tip Miss Ben, then I will let you know that you look down on my fate.

Once a girl starts to play a prank, it is very dangerous. Thinking that yesterday's anxious appearance is likely to be her mother's birthday today, so she has her chance.

But where to find Bao Zixuan became another problem. After thinking about it all night, she finally came up with a solution.

If you can run away from the monk, you can't run away from the temple! I will go to the office of the Heiyun Group to find you, so even if you are not there, I may find out your whereabouts.

Thinking about how to prepare gifts for Bao Zixuan's mother's birthday, didn't she give herself $10,000 yesterday! I'll buy you a gift for $20,000 and return it. I'd like to see how you look.

Ms. Zheng, who wanted to do whatever she wanted, got up in the morning and dressed up in shock. After she came to the Chow Tai Fook Jewelry Store in Central and picked up a jade brooch, she drove to the headquarters of the Black Cloud Group.

Today, only one car of Li Yulin is allowed to enter the main entrance of Heiyun Group, and the security guards all know Li Yulin's special car. After all, it has been reported within the Black Cloud Group. But seeing a Ferrari sports car approaching the company gate to enter, the security did not dare to let it go. After all, the last time a woman was let in, the four security guards were immediately fired, and the departure of the former captain Li Jun also had something to do with this incident.

Security: "Hello! Madam! There is an activity within the Black Cloud Group today, and non-company employees are not allowed to enter. If you have any business, please come over tomorrow."

Hearing what the security guard said, Zheng Jiajia knew it was right. It must be Bao Zixuan's mother's birthday and she wants to celebrate internally.

Zheng Jiajia: "I know your boss's mother has a birthday, so I came here to celebrate her birthday."

Hearing this, the security guards don't know what to do. They all know the boss's mother's birthday today, and they heard that everyone will get a big red envelope for a while! But looking at the beautiful woman in front of them, they were not sure what Ye didn't know to do with the boss or the boss's mother. And it didn't explain that he didn't dare to put people in.

At this time, Li Yulin's car had already arrived, and the security guard hurried over to say hello when he saw it.

A Xiang looked at the security guard and said, "Why did you block the door?"

Security guard: "Sister Axiang, a lady came in front of me and said it was a birthday for the old lady, but she didn't report it. Today, the main entrance will only arrange for you to enter in one step, and the boss's car will enter the company through the side door."

Li Yulin heard that someone was celebrating a birthday. Could it be her son's friend, so she said, "Go ask who it is. If you come, you are a guest."

The security guard returned to Zheng Jiajia's car and said to her, "Ma'am, who are you, I won't let you in if you don't know. Please don't embarrass us."

Hearing the security guard say this, adding his attitude towards the car behind him just now. Zheng Jiajia had an idea and said, "I'm your boss's girlfriend. I came to celebrate my aunt's birthday today because I wanted to give them a surprise."

I never heard that the boss has a girlfriend! But if the boss's girlfriend is the boss's girlfriend, you have to be careful to serve, watching the other party's car doesn't look like a lie. Now that I can't get in touch with other people, I can only ask the old lady if she knows me.

Security: "Okay, wait a moment."

After speaking on the runway, Li Yulin said next to the car, "Old lady, that lady said she was the boss's girlfriend, but I haven't heard of it, and I haven't been notified. Look!"

When Li Yulin heard her son's girlfriend, Li Yulin was overwhelmed with surprise, and immediately got out of the car and wanted to come over.

After seeing Li Yulin get out of the car, Zheng Jiajia also got out of the car.

Today, Zheng Jiajia is well-dressed, and she has been taught by her mother to know what kind of daughter-in-law an older woman likes. Be careful to get stuck in.

Li Yulin fell in love when she saw the girl who got off the car. She was graceful, not particularly stunning, with light makeup on her face. It's what his daughter-in-law looks like.

Seeing Li Yulin's clothes, especially the bracelet on her hand, UU reading thought of the scene at the Chow Tai Fook jewelry store yesterday, that's right. Yesterday, Bao Zixuan bought something in the store.

At this time, Zheng Jiajia was thinking about what Bao Zixuan looked like yesterday, and let you see how good Miss Ben is. He walked up to Li Yulin and said, "You are your aunt! Happy birthday to you!" After speaking, she handed the gift to Li Yulin.

Li Yulin: "Girl, you are really Ah Xuan's girlfriend."

Zheng Jiajia nodded and said, "The Li Yulin: "Girl, you are really Ah Xuan's girlfriend."

Zheng Jiajia nodded and said, "The gift has been given to you. My wish has been fulfilled. I'm leaving."

Li Yulin looked at the girl's pitiful appearance and said, "You came to celebrate my birthday, why are you leaving just after we met! Let's have a meal together and have a good chat! I don't know you yet! This **** Ah Xuan I had so many beautiful girlfriends and didn't tell me, I'll see how I deal with him later."

Hearing Li Yulin say this, Zheng Jiajia knew she made the right bet. Bao Zixuan has never had any scandals, even if he has a girlfriend, he can only be in the United States, and his mother must have never seen it. I'll make you look good in a while, wait!

Zheng Jiajia: "No, I came to give you gifts without telling him. He won't let me come. If I let him know that he should ignore me. I'll be satisfied to see my aunt and send you blessings. You can Don't tell him that I have come to see you, then he will really ignore me. Please. Auntie!" After that, he bowed, tears already in his eyes.

Zheng Jiajia thought that her acting skills could really win an Oscar, but Bao Zixuan, I want to see how you deal with your mother's anger.

Zheng Jiajia has been taught by her mother how to handle the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law since she was a child.
