Chapter 103

After hearing her daughter's explanation, the expressions of the rest of the Zheng family looking at Zheng Jiajia changed. Is this the little princess with high eyes and low hands! This operation can be written into business school textbooks and used as a classic door-to-door marketing case to teach students.

Zheng Jiachun came to Zheng Jiajia even more amusingly, pinched her face and said, "Are you my sister! When were you so smart, aren't you not interested in business! Why don't I know you all of a sudden."

Zheng Jiajia: "It's annoying, that's because you didn't see what the customer really needs. You didn't get into the hearts of high-end customers, and you didn't get their true trust. But you don't understand it even with your IQ!"

Zheng Zhouyue'e said with a smile: "How did you get into the hearts of high-end customers, tell us, and let your brother learn it too."

Zheng Jiajia, who thought it was over, wanted to continue to make up the lies. It was too tiring, so she won't do it again next time.

Zheng Jiajia continued: "You just heard from Manager Zhou that I made things difficult for Bao Zixuan that day, but you didn't see that Bao Zixuan bought a decent present for his mother, he agreed with everything I said, and everything came first. Time to resolve."

"You want to be able to withdraw 12 million directly from HSBC without making an appointment. Dad may not be able to do it every time. It can be seen that Bao Zixuan must have a lot of deposits in HSBC, and he also owes his favor. Being indebted is the most troublesome thing. Dad knows this!"

"It can be seen that his mother's position in his heart. After my father analyzed the bracelet that Bao Zixuan might have bought, I checked some of Bao Zixuan's resumes. Although there are no photos, I can still analyze some from the reports in the news media. questionable."

"Bao Zixuan is a student of Oxford and MIT, and his overall quality will not be low. Moreover, he has been in the United States for a long time, and I have analyzed it from the bodyguards behind him."

"He is not very familiar with Xiangjiang. After all, most of the money he makes is US dollars. The report also mentioned that the black cloud group has a high standard of food. After all, there are skilled workers and senior engineers, which is normal."

"That's why I analyzed Bao Zixuan's birthday for his mother, either the mother and his wife were at home, or the Heiyun Group was with all the employees. I went directly to the Heiyun Group. At first, the security did not let me in. At this time, the old lady's The car just came over, and when I heard that I was here to congratulate him, I was very happy to invite me to the birthday party."

"In this way, the old lady is very happy to see my gift. After I called Bao Zixuan, all the jewelry that needs to be purchased, such as the Heiyun Group's employee benefits, will be purchased from me. The old lady has never participated in anything in the Heiyun Group. It's just that. A trivial matter, can Bao Zixuan refuse to agree?"

Zheng Yutong: "So you've seen Bao Zixuan, how is he?"

Zheng Jiajia: "He is a typical technical boss. He presided over the research and development of many Heiyun products. His speech was short, but very persuasive."

"And I can speak many foreign languages. On the old lady's birthday, I heard German, English, and Japanese. The media reports can also speak French and Russian. I can communicate directly with Heiyun's engineers without any obstacles. relatively isolated."

Hearing her daughter's more and more excited, Zheng Zhouyue'e suddenly asked, "How does he look."

Zheng Jiajia: "It's okay! Anyway, he's more handsome than the old man."

As soon as I finished speaking, I realized something was wrong. Why did I suddenly ask about my appearance? Looks good or bad and business has nothing to do! Hearing what her daughter said, Zheng Zhouyue said with a smile: "The old lady of the Black Cloud Group likes you so much, did you ask you to be her daughter-in-law!"

Zheng Jiajia: "What are you talking about! He said he likes me because he knows that I have such a good family background and can start as a small shopping guide in a jewelry store. It is this hard-working spirit that deserves recognition."

"Thanks to my father and mother for this. Without you building this platform for me, even if I went yesterday, I would leave with a red envelope at most."

"But it's different after knowing that I'm your daughter. You can talk to them on an equal footing with Chow Tai Fook's little proprietress. This is all your credit."

Hearing what her daughter said, Zheng Yutong and his wife found out how suddenly her daughter had grown up. It seems that they should give her more opportunities to exercise.

Zheng Yutong: "Jiajia has really grown up and knows how to figure out how to figure out the psychology of customers. Come on! This time you have made so much credit, how do you want your father and mother to reward you!"

Zheng Jiajia: "You don't need any rewards, just give more rewards to your employees. Haven't you seen how Heiyun Group gives rewards to employees! Do you really think they come to buy jewelry because of the old lady's face?" Wrong, that's because they don't know how to spend the money. The wages and benefits of the entire Heiyun Group are really good. You haven't been there. Otherwise, you'll know the gap between our two companies."

Hearing his daughter say this, Zheng Yutong recalled that when he was chatting with the charter king a few days ago, he said that he, the richest man, was no longer convincing, and that Bao Zixuan's assets were much higher than his.

Zheng Yutong said: "Jiajia is right, it is to be nice to the employees, and we have to rely on these people to make money for us! The charter king had made it clear that he would give Bao Zixuan one next year when he was at the Jockey Club event two days ago. Entering the quota, and it was recommended by several ship kings collectively."

"However, I don't know that Bao Zixuan can get his recommendation even if he does not cooperate with the charter king. It can be seen that this person's influence has already made people have to pay attention to the existence. Then we can't do things regardless, and we have to get to know each other when we have the opportunity. a bit."

At this time, store manager Li came to Zheng's house and saw that several people from the owner were there. After handing over the statistics sheet to Zheng Yutong, he said, "Boss, today we sold a total of 6,386 pieces of jewelry, and the total sales amount reached 36.868 million. Cloud Group employees collectively purchased 6,124 pieces."

"It's the first time I've seen a gold shop with the old man, and it's really eye-opening! It's like begging for our attitude when you come to our shop to buy things. How did the eldest lady do it? of."

Zheng Yutong: "Don't say this in the future, it's the kingly way to make a fortune in silence. But it's impossible to hide this matter so much that you want to hide it. We say it's the customer's own choice, and our products are good to win. The key to the customer."

"Old Li, you are also the old man in the family. You should know what to say and what not to After Manager Li left, the phone suddenly rang. At this time, Zheng Yutong answered the phone and found out that it was a chartered boat. Wang's call.

Bao Yugang: "Zheng Sheng, why are you making such a fuss today! How did you draw this line?"

Zheng Yutong: "It turns out that Bao Sheng also heard about it. I really can't answer this, mainly because my daughter accidentally met the senior management of Heiyun Group. It happened that the employees of Heiyun Group had spare money and didn't know how to invest, so I recommended them to them. Gold, is this also a way to manage money?"

Bao Yugang: "It's been a sensation in Hong Kong, how could I not know! Forget it, I won't ask if you don't want to say it. I've seen your daughter, she's a pretty girl, but she's a good match for Bao Zixuan, you You can think about it. I have seen that boy and liked him very much. He is unassuming, confident, and has a good reputation from his subordinates and customers. Mr. Dong has a very high evaluation of him. "

Bao Yugang didn't even know why he made this call, did he want to cooperate? Maybe. I still have other ideas. Anyway, I made such an inexplicable phone call.

After hanging up the phone, Zheng Yutong couldn't figure it out. Could it be that the charter king wants to be a matchmaker? But it's not his turn! After all, the shipping business of the Black Cloud Group is cooperating with the Dong family! What does it mean!

After the children went back to the room, the couple was still thinking about things for a few days.

Zheng Zhouyue'e asked Zheng Yutong: "Do you think Jiajia is hiding something from us, but what he said is well-founded and doesn't seem to be fake."

Zheng Yutong: "This is for you, a mother, to come and have a good chat with him. But I think the old lady of the Black Cloud Group really likes her. You don't know that our daughter is very quirky, and it is easy to get these things. The old lady's son likes it."