Home Sweet Home

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"Are you sure this thing has good stealth systems?" spoke Raiden.

"Yes, yes, I promise. This is a Citadel Stealth ship. It's super fast, and I highly doubt it will be detected," replied Kori.

"I don't know if I trust this thing. The Justice League and Batman should have a very good security system in place to protect Earth from alien invasions."

"Why are you worried anyways? Didn't you tell me that you used to work for the Justice League?" asked Kori.

"No, I worked WITH them, and I'm worried because before I left, I killed a villain," said Raiden.

"I still don't understand that. He was a bad guy, right? So why would they not like you killing him?"

"I don't know! That's what I've been saying. Like, these guys believe in the bullshit mentality of not killing villains. And yes, I do understand that some villains shouldn't be killed, like thieves and all that, but IVO was a murderer! He killed probably hundreds! His life won't be missed."

"I doubt you will be judged by them too harshly, Raiden, but we'll see. We're approaching Earth's atmosphere now, so get ready."

"Yup, that's home alright."

"Hmm, the ship has detected an alien ship on the planet," spoke Kori. She then pressed the button to scan it.

"It's a Bike ship. This means…"

"Lobo? Lobo's on Earth?"

"It looks like it."

"Well, I'll be damned. This is gonna be a hell of an introduction. Get me close to there; I'll beat Lobo's ass again."

"Sure thing."


"Now! Attack him!" screamed Wonder Girl, also known as Cassie, to Raiden. She was now a grown-up and part of the team.

Seeing the opportunity that Wonder Girl had provided, Batgirl, also a new recruit for the team, threw multiple sticky bombs onto the enemy's body. They all exploded at the same time. However, after the smoke dissipated, the main man came out unfazed. 

"Tsk, this is dull as dishwater. I'm squabblin' with amateurs here, buncha kiddos who couldn't fight their way outta a paper bag" said Lobo as he exhaled smoke from his mouth while smoking a large cigar.

"Secretary General Teng, are you all right?" asked Batgirl as she helped the Secretary General up.

"We won't let him take you, sir! Don't worry," said Cassie.

Lobo let out a loud laugh, sending a chill down the spines of those nearby. "You two really reckon you can put a stop to me?" he scoffed, his eyes gleaming with malice. "I gobble up punks like you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, ya hear?"

Lobo lunged forward, his fists swinging like wrecking balls as he closed the distance between them. Wonder Girl met his attack head-on, her legs starting to give out with each blow due to the force of his blows.

"Damn it!" she grunted through clenched teeth, her determination to protect the man still unwavering.

Batgirl sprang into action, her nimble frame darting around Lobo as she unleashed a flurry of smoke bombs mixed in with real bombs, surprising Lobo.

"Come on, Cassie, we can do this!" she called out.

But Lobo was a relentless foe, his onslaught unyielding as he pressed the attack. With a swift motion, he grabbed Wonder Girl by the wrist, hurling her across the alley with bone-crushing force.

"Cassie!" Batgirl cried out, her heart racing as she watched her friend tumble through the air. However, before she could do anything, Lobo kicked her in the gut and punched her away, joining Cassie on the wall.

"There, ya dolled up this hallway real nice. GUHAHAH! Now get yer sorry ass over here, ya little fraggin' turd!" said Lobo as he called out to the Secretary General

But before he could get close to the man, a kick found itself landing on his face, sending him flying much further than the girls outside the building.

The man who had kicked him landed and started walking confidently into the hallway, clad in a sleeveless top divided into three sections, with a feminine flair in its design. His black trousers, adorned with red strips, seamlessly led into matching boots with a silver accent. Golden gloves and forearm protectors added a touch of regality to his ensemble, while a distinctive golden sash-like armor piece adorned his midsection, completing his formidable and stylish appearance.

"AYO Lobo! Missed me?" said Raiden.

'Do you know this man, Master? He's a great fighter! I can tell with one look! Let's compete with him with honor!' spoke the voice in Raiden's head, belonging to the Great King of Kosala.

"Sure, Rama. Let's beat him up," said Raiden.

Getting up from his momentary fall, Lobo looked around to find himself outside the building, with the man who had kicked him looking at him.

"You snot-nosed punk! Who the frag do ya think you are, huh? And how in the seven hells do ya know my name, ya little twerp?"

"Oh? That's so unfortunate! I had expected you to at least remember the man who had defeated you once before. Or was I too foolish to expect much from a monkey?" said Raiden.

"Defeat? Ha! The Main Man ain't never tasted the bitter pill of defeat! I'm untouchable, ya hear?!" screamed Lobo as he brought out his shotguns and started blasting.

Raiden easily blocked the shots with his sword before saying, "Then let me remind you," as he dashed towards Lobo. Lobo tried to punch him, but Raiden ducked and used his sword to cut Lobo's legs. As his body started to fall, Raiden pierced Lobo's head with the sword, causing it to burn, and then threw him with his half body flying once again.

The duo of girls who had just fought Lobo couldn't believe what they had witnessed. The man they had just struggled against was being toyed with. They had no idea who the man that had just helped them was, so they watched the fight in utter amazement.

Lobo's body started to regenerate. "A man who got lucky and bested me once, huh? Ah, now it's all comin' back to me, ya cursed bastard! You! The one I tussled with back on Karna, that runt who thinks he can shape-shift his way outta trouble, Raiden Kagawa. Your name's still etched in my brain like a scar. If it weren't for the bounty runnin' dry, I'd have hunted you down myself, but looks like fate's got other plans. So you decided to waltz right into my territory, huh?" screamed Lobo in anger.

"Ra….! Raiden! Raiden Kagawa!" screamed Cassie.

"Cassie? Do you know him?" asked Batgirl.

"It's him! The one who went missing a few years ago! He's the one that saved my life! Raven will be extremely happy to see him."

"Rama, it's time. Lobo may look easy to defeat, but if we give him much more time, he'll start taking this seriously, and it will be tough to take him on."

"Sure, Master! Let's use that!"

"Well, at least you remember me, Monkey! Let's end this, shall we? I kind of have a nice reunion with a girl that I missed. Kori! Carry, let's do this," said Raiden.

From the sky, both Kory and Carry emerged. Kori went on the offensive, using her green solar energy blasts to blast Lobo many times, stunning him in the process. Carry constructed a massive hammer and dropped it on Lobo's head, forcing him back on the ground.

"Now, it's my time. Behold the immortal blade that vanquished the Rakshasa King! Feast upon my enemy! Brahmastra!"

Brahmastra, the Rakshasa-Piercing Immortal, is the Noble Phantasm of Rama. The "Immortal Blade" is a sword that Rama uses to fight, but due to Rama's real class being an Archer, when he is summoned as a Saber, he forcibly turns this sword into a throwable weapon. Throwing it into the skies near him, the blade starts spinning horizontally at a speed that makes it look like a flame wheel. When it's ready, Raiden releases it. The blade spinning in the skies takes a direction towards the distracted Lobo. The moment of impact is explosive, creating a small sphere of hell flames that consume Lobo's entire body, incinerating it completely.

After a while, Kori and Carry descended and walked beside Raiden towards the now scorched area. In the crater made by the noble phantasm's attack, baby Lobo was sitting there.

"You damn brat!"

"Hi, Baby Lobo….Good to see you again."

"One of these days, mark my words, you're gonna screw up big time, and I'll be the grim reaper payin' you a visit, ready to snatch your sorry head right off your shoulders!"

"Well, let's agree that it won't be today. Now, goodbye," said Raiden as he grabbed the baby Lobo and threw him onto his bike ship. Just like last time, Raiden put some random coordinates in the bike ship's AI and sent him flying away into the far reaches of space.

"I didn't believe you when you said he turned into a baby," said Carry.

"Me too, I had thought that you were making a joke," spoke Kori.

"He'll grow up to be an awful person."

"RAIDEN!" screamed Cassie, who came running towards him.

"Is that really you?" asked Cassie.

To which Raiden responded by turning his body back to normal and smiling towards her

"Good to see you again, Cassie."


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