Blue Lanterns: Fall of Hope

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As the Lantern Corps flew toward Earth, led by Saint Walker himself, their mission was clear: to support Earth in its final stand. Walker had crafted the Ship of Light carrying them, allowing everyone aboard the freedom to prepare. Shon, brimming with excitement, cheered, "Let's go! I'm thrilled! Meeting Brother Raiden will be amazing; he was one of the first members!"

Razer raised an eyebrow. "I wouldn't get too eager. Raiden was… not exactly the joyful type. He was an angry man."

Sercy nodded thoughtfully. "True, the stories of his violent campaigns are… extensive. Are we certain he's the right leader to support?"

Hynn hummed, his tone contemplative. "We may question his methods, but the choice seems clear. We face a ruthless king who seeks to 'restore' the world or a bloodthirsty god intent on ending it."

Brother Warth then spoke up. "For those of you who didn't know him personally, Raiden isn't bloodthirsty. He's honorable and true. However, he doesn't share our preference for second chances. In his mind, he alone has the right to grant mercy. Commit a crime he judges unforgivable, and you die. Commit one he believes redeemable, and he offers a path forward. That's how he governs."

Sercy tilted her head, frowning. "Doesn't that make him a tyrant who thinks his word is law?"

Hynn nodded in agreement. "Yes, what makes him believe his judgment is infallible?"

Saint Walker, who had been silent and meditative until now, finally spoke up. "Raiden doesn't claim his judgment is correct. That's precisely what sets him apart. He simply deems it necessary. Raiden has a powerful heart, willing to give his life for the world, to work tirelessly against evil. Within him lies the wisdom of many heroes. He believes that if he doesn't step forward, no one else will. And so he claims his word as law because he is the strongest—and, more importantly, because he shoulders the burden that comes with it. Your choice is this: a god intent on destruction, or a king who bears the weight of rebuilding in his own image."

The others looked at one another, processing Walker's words. They held Saint Walker in the highest regard, and his belief in Raiden made them pause to reconsider their own judgments. But before they could speak further, Brother Warth's voice broke the silence.

"Brothers, Sister—prepare yourselves. We have company."

Suddenly, five massive Apokolips ships emerged from the void, flanking them. From their hulls spilled swarms of Parademons, descending upon the Lanterns like a tide of darkness.

"Stand your ground!" called out Saint Walker, rallying his comrades.

Shon let out an exhilarated laugh, charging forward with a massive construct in the shape of a hammer. "Let's go! I'm not letting a single one of these tinheads lay a finger on Earth. They picked the wrong Corps to mess with!"

Razer, ever the pragmatist, shot him a sidelong glare. "Less bragging, Shon. More blasting."

"Oh, come on, Razer! This is just the warm-up!" Shon shot back, blasting through three Parademons with one swipe. "You could stand to loosen up a little!"

Sercy was already in motion, her energy shields deflecting blasts aimed at her teammates. "Shon's right! At least try to enjoy yourself, Razer—though maybe keep the lectures to a minimum, hmm?" She grinned, hurling a Parademon back with a flick of her wrist.

Hynn let out a rumbling laugh as he struck down two Parademons that had slipped through their defenses. "I'll admit, I missed this. Nothing like a little teamwork to keep us on our toes. Just don't fall behind, Shon!"

"Ha! Me? Fall behind? Not a chance!" Shon's laugh rang out as he clashed with another wave of enemies, reveling in the thrill of the fight.

Meanwhile, Saint Walker stayed calm at the front of the group, his voice a steadying presence as he issued orders. "Sercy, focus on covering our flanks. Razer, you're with me; let's cut a path to the core of the enemy formation. Shon, Hynn—watch the rear and keep them from surrounding us."

"Got it, Brother Walker!" Shon replied with a grin, forming twin constructs of glowing blue swords as he darted back to cover Hynn. "Hynn, looks like it's up to us to keep the riffraff in line!"

"Just don't slow me down, Shon," Hynn replied with a smirk, lunging forward with a powerful construct that sent several Parademons reeling.

As the battle raged on, the Parademons' numbers increased, threatening to overwhelm them. Shon held his ground, deflecting and destroying one Parademon after another, his grin still shining. "They keep coming! This is amazing! Brother Raiden's gonna owe us big for—"

A sudden movement caught him off guard. In a flash, Kanto emerged from the shadows, his blade piercing through Shon's chest. Shon gasped, his smile fading as he looked down in shock at the weapon protruding from him. Kanto's smirk was the last thing he saw before the assassin vanished back into the shadows, leaving Shon to fall to his knees.

"No!" Razer shouted, his eyes blazing with fury. He lunged forward, firing at Kanto's retreating form, but the assassin had already vanished, leaving Razer's blast to strike only a cluster of Parademons.

"Shon!" Sercy cried, rushing to his side, her face etched with sorrow. She held his hand as he struggled to breathe.

Razer roared in fury "SHOOON! Aghhh" launching an assault in Kanto's direction, but the assassin was gone, retreating behind a fresh wave of Parademons. "Coward! YOU COWARD!" Razer seethed, firing blasts into the horde, his anger fueling his strikes. Yet Kanto remained out of reach, elusive as ever

Walker knelt beside Shon, placing a steadying hand on his shoulder. "You fought well, Brother Shon. Your strength lifted us all."

Through his fading smile, Shon managed a hoarse whisper. "Heh... Wasn't gonna let... anyone outshine me…"

"Rest now, Brother," Hynn said softly, a heavy sorrow in his voice. "We'll carry the torch from here."

Walker rose, his expression hardened with purpose. He glanced at each of his comrades in turn, determination in his gaze. "Lanterns, Shon's spirit lives on in all of us. We will hold the line. Stand ready."


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