Chapter 2


A week passed after Claudia and I had a conversation about why she was interested in knowing about my brother's love life. We never mentioned it again and I just thought maybe she has lost interest in finding out about his love life or maybe she totally found out how much of a player he is. Well either way, I was glad she wasn't asking me tons of questions about him anymore. I went to my piano lessons as usual while she and Ken waited for me in the car and when I went to join them I couldn't believe my eyes. I am sure they think I didn't see them but I did. I got into the car and didn't say a word to anyone. I was fuming. I became nauseous just from thinking of what I just saw that I gagged. 'Are you okay?' Claudia asked as she turned her head to look at me. 'Yeah I will be fine.' Tears were already forming in my ears, I couldn't let them see me crying. 'Gather yourself together Maddie.' I told myself. I just couldn't wait til I got home.

When we finally arrived I was the first one to get out of the car, I slammed the door with great force and went straight to my room. Never in a million years have I thought this day would come. I took out my diary and started pouring out my feelings onto it. Tears cascaded down my cheeks. I started to feel a sharp pain in my heart. 'This is too much to bear.' I muttered. 'Maddie are you okay?' asked Clau as she softly knocked on the door. 'Yeah, I just need some rest. I will be fine, I will call you.' 'Is it okay if I come in.' 'I don't think you will love it here. It smells of puke.' 'Okay, do call me.' I listened to the sound of her footsteps as she left until I couldn't hear her anymore.


I couldn't sleep, Maddie promised she would call. Something is clearly wrong with her. I kept staring at my phone thinking that she would call but never did I receive her call, since she didn't call I decided to give her a call but her phone went right to voicemail. I then called the landline, and her mother picked it up.'Hi it's Claudia.' 'Hey Claudia, is everything alright?' 'Yeah, I wanted to speak to Maddie, I tried calling her but her phone goes straight to voicemail.' 'She said she isn't feeling well so I am sure she is already asleep.' 'I thought so too. Okay have a goodnight.' Something was surely wrong, when I last spoke to her she was just fine and it was right before she went for her piano lessons. Maybe something happened at the piano practice, that upset her. I tried sleeping but I kept tossing around. I decided to call Ken, maybe he was not asleep as well. 'Hey, did I wake you?' 'No, I can't seem to fall asleep.' Hearing him say that comforted me a little. 'Me too.' 'I think you are to blame though, I can't stop thinking about you.' Did he just say I am the reason he can't sleep, I found myself blushing. 'Aww, I am glad to know that I have that effect on you.' 'What about you, what's on your mind?' 'Maddie.' I blurted out without even thinking twice. 'Oh, you must really adore Maddie.' I could sense sadness in his voice, he was definitely jealous. 'I am worried about her, didn't you see how distressed she was when she came from her piano practice?' 'Uh no. Did she say anything happened at her piano practice that might have upset her.' 'No_' 'Then why do you think something bad happened? I am sure you are just over reacting.' 'Yeah maybe' "No Ken I am not overreacting, I know my best friend. I can tell when something is wrong with her" I thought to myself, I just hoped I didn't say that out loud. 'Get some sleep beautiful.' I don't know when or how I managed to fall asleep. I woke up the next day knackered.


I woke up early and went for a jog to clear up my head before getting ready to go to school. I came back after thirty minutes , got ready and left for school.I decided to walk to school today, I really needed some alone time to digest everything that's been happening. Claudia arrived later along with Ken. I went to class and all I could think of is what I saw yesterday. Even my English teacher noticed how I wasn't paying attention in her class. 'Miss Fader, please see me after the lesson.' 'Uh okay.' Everyone in class glared at me, I am sure they all thought I did something wrong. I thought so too and I became anxious even more. After the lesson I went up to Mrs Smith. 'Is everything okay Miss Fader? Your mind was elsewhere during my lesson.' 'Yeah everything is okay, I am just anxious about performing live in front of a lot of people on Friday.' 'I am sure you are going to kill it, I have heard you perform once but you nailed it.' 'Thanks.' I have known the Smith family since kindergarten. When her husband passed away I performed at his memorial, he was a pianist as well. He is the one who taught me to play in kindergarten and even convinced my parents to buy me my own piano to practice at home. 'If there is something bothering you, don't be afraid to come to me okay.' 'Yes Mrs Smith. Can I give you a hug?' 'Yeah, sure.' Emotions started succumbing to me, I found myself sobbing in her embrace. She broke the embrace and I turned away quickly before she could see my tears and wiped them. 'I never realized how much I needed a hug. I feel much better now, thanks to you.' She smiled at me and went back to her work.

I met Claudia during lunch, she was hanging out with Ken and his friends. She called me to come join them when she spotted me in the dining hall. I went to sit at our usual spot instead, she then came up to me with her food tray..'I forgot how you hate hanging out with a lot of people. Are you okay?' 'Yeah I am fine, it's okay if you wanna hang out with them. I really don't mind.' 'Why are you behaving like this Maddie, something upsetting happened I am sure of that. What's bothering you?' 'Nothing.' 'I know you Maddie, when did we start hiding things from each other?' 'I don't know you tell me.' 'I am not hiding anything from you.' 'Okay.' I was really upset at this point that she didn't think she was hiding something from me. We continued to eat in silence, the bell rang, we both went our separate ways.

I started to feel bad for the way I have reacted towards Claudia so after school I decided to go apologize to her. I found her sitting at the bench near the car packing. 'Hey' I said. This caused her to look up and she just gave me a grave face. 'I am sorry for the way I spoke to you earlier on. I have been feeling a little down since yesterday but I know I shouldn't have taken out my anger on you.' She then gesticulated me to sit down, took my hand into hers and gave it a little smooch. 'I really hate it when we stop talking about our problems to one another Maddie and all these squabble arguments.' 'I know, I am sorry.' 'It's okay, so what's bothering you? You have been off since yesterday after the piano practice.' 'My piano teacher asked me to perform on Friday in front of everyone, I am anxious about it.'

The soccer team will be receiving a sponsor from the local newspaper so everyone was going to be there. Our parents were invited; the press as well, so a lot of people were going to be there. To be honest, performing in front of a crowd has never been a problem, the moment I start playing I feel like I am just alone in the room, everyone just becomes invisible. What really makes me anxious is after I perform, the applause that follows. It always startles me all the time. 'You will be fine Maddie, I have watched you perform a couple of times and you did great. I am sure you will this time also, there is nothing to be anxious about okay.' 'Yeah' I smiled. 'When is Ken knocking off his soccer practice?' 'In about an hour, how about we go grab something to eat, I am starving. I am sure you are too.' 'Girl, you know me too well.' We walked to the cafe nearby, and since we were regulars the waiter just asked us if we wanted what ordered always. Double cheeseburger and fries with chocolate milkshake for me and a bacon and eggs sandwich with fries and an iced tea for Claudia. Claudia was lactose intolerant, I never understood how someone could be lactose intolerant. Having to not eat a cheese burger or drink some milkshakes and ice cream for the rest of your life, I am sure I w

ould go crazy.