Chapter 9


On Wednesday Claudia and I went shopping after school again for more party decorations, we had one hour to get things ready before Henry came back from school. 'What are your plans this spring break?' I asked. We were left with three weeks til school spring break. 'I am going to go visit my nana and Pop Pop in Namibia.' 'Oh, how come I am hearing this for the first time?' 'Oh my God, I didn't tell you, I thought I did. I'm sorry, I must have forgot.' 'No it's okay.' 'How about you?' 'Just same old stuff, I will be just home the whole spring break.' 'You can come with me to visit my grans. I am sure they would love to have you there.' 'I will be fine, don't worry about me but do pass my regards to your nana and pop pop.' 'I will. Oh no!' She exclaimed. 'What, what is it?' I was freaking out. 'We forgot to buy the birthday cake.' 'I baked one yesterday. I am just left with adding more sprinkles, mine ran out yesterday.' 'I don't know what to say.' 'Don't tell me you are about to cry.' Tears were literally forming in her eyes and she had a pouted face. The way she pouted her face reminded me of my little cousin who would make the same face if he didn't get what he wanted. I burst out laughing. 'You are going to make me pee my pants. Stop making that face.' I said still laughing. 'I love you.' She replied hugging me. I hugged her back and rested my face on her hair and smelled it. It smelled of fresh flowers, I inhaled the smell and smiled.


I always ask myself what I did to deserve a best friend like Maddie. The fact that on Tuesday we came home late and tired from searching for deco supplies for Henry's birthday she still went and baked him a cake so late at night. We went home afterwards and started decorating the living room with balloons and ribbons. I went and put the led lights around his bedroom while Maddie did some final touches on the cake she baked. It looked beautiful, I couldn't wait to see his reaction when he saw it. 'All set?' Maddie asked as I came back some moments later from Henry's room. 'All set.' I replied giving her a thumbs up.

After some minutes we heard a car pulling over by the house, we went and hid thinking it was Henry. 'Honey I am home.' 'Mom, I thought you said you were working.' 'I couldn't miss my baby boy's birthday surprise. What kind of a mother would I be?' 'I called his taxi driver and he said they will be here in about five minutes, is everything ready? Hand me one of those.' I can't believe my mom came, she was still in hospital scrubs. I smiled as I handed her a birthday hat.


'Surprise!' we all shouted as he entered the living room and he was instantly succumbed by emotions. 'Don't cry baby.' Grace embraced him. He went on and gave us all a hug. 'Do you like it?' I asked him as he hugged me. He just nodded still in tears. We sang him a birthday song and Grace brought the cake with a lit number eight candles on it. 'Make a wish, make a wish!' We cheered. He blew the candle and gave us the biggest smile. I found myself grinning just looking at his precious face. He cut the cake, opened his gifts.

Though it was just the three of us we surely made this day special and memorable for him. 'Wow!' He exclaimed in awe as he unwrapped the gift that I bought him. Soon he made a pouting face and I could see how much he was trying to get himself together and not cry. I went and embraced him. 'Do you love it?' He nodded wiping away his tears. 'Thanks sis Maddie.' 'You are welcome little buddy.'


'I have a little surprise for you in your room, put on this blindfold first.' He complied and we all went to his room. 'Take off your blindfold.' 'No way! Thank you sissy.' He embraced me. 'I am glad you like it.' 'Can they change color?' 'Of course, there is the remote.' Henry was so in love with the led lights that he kept on pressing the remote to change the colors. We left him alone in his room while he was still distracted by the remote and the Led lights. 'What did you buy him mom?' I realized that we all had given him his gifts except my mom. 'Uh, I forgot.' It was understandable that she forgot but I was a little disappointed. 'I am kidding, you must have seen your face.' She laughed and Maddie joined in too. Were they making fun of me? 'I left him his gift this morning before going to work, let's wait til he finds it.' 'What did you buy him, tell us at least.' I begged but still she didn't want to say.

She had some cake and took some with her and went back to work. Dad couldn't make it home for Henry's birthday because he had to perform surgery that day. Maddie helped me clean, after that she went back to her place. 'Please stay for the night.' 'I can't Clau, I have an early test tomorrow so I have to prepare for it. I will stay over on Friday okay.' She gave me a side hug and left. I really wanted her to stay, both my mom and dad won't be home til tomorrow morning so it was just going to be just me and Henry.