Chapter 14


After getting fuel and some snacks we continued with our journey. 'Can I make a stop at a nearby tree so I can pee?' 'Yeah sure.' Ken pulled over at a nearby tree beside a water stream. I don't know if it was a river or a lake. I really can't tell the difference moreover it was dark so it was hard to tell. He got out of the car and peed, he then got inside the car and began to kiss me. The kiss led to another and soon I was sitting on his lap.

He began taking off my top and soon I became aware of what was about to happen. I stopped him halfway through taking my top off. 'Why did you stop me, is everything okay?' 'I don't think I can do this.' 'Why? Did I do something wrong?' 'No, I don't think I am ready.' 'Okay_' I could see he was disappointed.

Ever since we started dating we have tried doing the deed but I always backed down before we could do it; I was really scared. 'Let's go home then, its already late.' He got out of the car and leaned onto the car and stared at the sky for a couple of minutes before finally getting inside and we drove away.

We were quite the whole ride back, I kept stealing glances at him and he looked so mad. 'I am really sorry for ruining this for us again.' I said as he pulled over at my house. 'It's okay Claudia, have a good night.' He kissed me on the forehead and he leaned in to me and reached for the door handle and opened the door for me. 'I will talk to you in the morning okay.' 'I love you.' 'Love you too babe.'

I went up to my house, unlocked the door and switched on the lights. I was amazed to see Maddie sleeping on the couch. I instantly felt bad, she fell asleep waiting for me. As I approached her she slowly opened her eyes and sat down, 'Hey, so sorry for waking you up.' 'What's the time?' she asked rubbing her half closed eyes. 'Uh, quarter to eleven.' 'I made you a toast in case you are hungry, its in the microwave.' She got up and headed to my bedroom, I ate the toast and joined her: she was already asleep when I came to the bedroom.

In the morning I woke up first and went to the kitchen to make breakfast, dad was already up eating some cereal in the kitchen. 'Good morning sweetheart.' 'Good morning dad, how was your night?' 'Exhausting as always. How about yours, did you guys have fun?' 'Uh_' I didn't know what to say. 'Yeah we had fun. You should join us sometime when you are not working.' 'I sure do, Can you please pick up your brother from his friends house. I don't know at what time mom and I will be home.' 'Okay' 'Thank you, bye. See you later, love you.' He kissed me on the forehead and left. 'Bye, love you too.' I said as he made his way out the front door.

Seems like mom has already left before I woke up because after dad left I went up to their room with some breakfast to give her, only to find their room empty. I left their room in disappointment. I really wanted to give her breakfast I made for her to make up for yesterday.

After two hours of waiting for Maddie to wake up, I decided to go and wake her up myself, this wasn't normal of her to sleep this long. I served her breakfast, she ate in between yawns. 'About yesterday, I shouldn't have left like that.' 'Its okay really.' 'No Maddie, it's not okay. You know it.' 'Look Claudia, I said its fine, I am not mad at you or anything.' I wasn't convinced. 'I am gonna head home okay, talk to you later.' She left without even letting me talk to her about yesterday. I went to pick my brother up after having breakfast, then took him shopping since he wanted some PJs his best friend had.


I left Claudia's house after having breakfast and went home. I didn't find anyone in the kitchen so I headed straight to my room and crushed on the bed and fell asleep. Ken was the one who woke me up when he came back from_ I don't know where. 'What do you want Ken?' Why did you wake me up?' I was a little agitated at him for disturbing my sleep. 'You have slept for too long, Claudia even came to see some moments back but you refused to wake up.' 'What time is it?' 'Quarter to three.' 'Three!' I instantly became fully awake, it can't be three. If it was then that's meant I have slept for too long, I came to my house at around nine o'clock.

Ken then left my room while I took a shower and came to see what I can make for myself in the kitchen. 'I am really sorry about last night, please call me when you wake up. Love Claudia.' Claudia left me some food on the counter and a note on top of the lid, how nice of her. I immediately started digging in the food and once I was done, I went up to her place, Ken was already there. I found him huddled up with Claudia on the couch watching TV while Henry was kneeling next to the coffee table playing his puzzles.

He noticed me first and came running to me to give me a hug. 'Hey buddy.' I said scooping him into my arms. 'How are you? How was the sleep over?' 'It was good. Grayson's mom bought me a puzzle.' 'Is it the one you are playing with?' 'Yeah, you won't believe it sis Maddie, it has one thousand pieces.' He amused. 'Oh my god, one thousand pieces, let's go complete shall we?' 'Yeah.' Seeing him this happy gladdened me. 'Hi Claudia.' I nearly forgot they were in the same room as us. 'Hi, Maddie. How are you?' 'Good, how are you?' 'I am good too.' 'Well that's good to hear.' Henry took all the puzzle pieces and put them in his little bag pack, I was surprised; I thought he said we are playing. 'What happened buddy, aren't we playing?' 'We are, I am taking the puzzle up to my room so we play there.' 'Oh okay let's see who gets there first.' We raced to his room, I pretended to fall so he could win. 'I won, I won. I told you I am faster than you.' He rejoiced. 'Next time, I am going to beat you.' 'You said that last time. Haha hoo hoo haha, Maddie came last again.' he teased.

We laid down on the floor and began playing the puzzle. He told me about his sleepover, what they did. It was fun listening to him talk. 'What did you guys do while I was gone?' he asked. 'Well, we went to Auntie Gracie's work and surprised her, then went shopping. After that, we made dinner and watched a movie then we talked until we were all exhausted and went to sleep.' 'That sounds boring. I am so glad I wasn't home.' 'Why? we actually had fun.' 'Watching a movie and having dinner, that's not fun.' 'Well to grown ups it's fun.' 'Glad I'm not a grown up yet.' Oh my God, did he really just say that? I asked myself. We continued completing the puzzle, a one thousand piece puzzle was really challenging. 'May I join you guys?' Claudia asked. I didn't even hear her entering the room. 'Yeah sure.' Henry responded.

She laid in between Henry and I. As I was reaching for a puzzle piece she reached for it as well and our hands touched. I looked at her and pulled my hand back giving her the chance to pick the piece up. 'You pick it up' she said. 'No, you pick it up, moreover you are the one who reached out for it first.' 'Did you guys fight?' Henry whispered in my ear.

I just shook my head and got up and went outside to clear out the awkwardness building up between us. Claudia followed me into the kitchen. 'Maddie, can we talk?' 'Yeah sure.' 'I am so sorry about yesterday. I feel like a bad friend and daughter. Sometimes I just don't know how to divide my time between my loved ones. One is always left behind.' 'Claudia, listen to me. I get it, you have to give Ken time as well, after all he is your boyfriend. I was just a little mad because I felt bad for your mother, she really hoped to spend time with you.' 'But I am sure Ken needed you as well.' 'Thanks for understanding and I am sorry for putting the burden on you to be the bearer of the news.' 'I am telling you one last time Claudia Marienne Dickinson, if I hear you saying you're sorry one more time it will be the end of you.' She grinned and embraced me.