12- To the Rescue

To: Peter

Where are you? We need to talk. Don't tell anyone. Vacant field, now!

I sent a message to Peter about 5 minutes ago; I needed to talk to him about our deal. I wanted to quit as soon as possible and continue my non-existent life.

I'm sitting under my favorite tree while looking up at the sky. I can't read a book now because there are so many things I'm thinking about right now. Did I feel hurt, betrayed, and cheated? But I think I don't have the right to feel all of that, besides, we're not committed to each other, but I still felt it and I don't know why...

Am I that hard to love? They were always toying with my feelings, or maybe I was too assumed, too vulnerable. I need to change for the better...

"Hey", I suddenly jumped from where I was sitting, making me look up at where the voice came from while holding my chest. And there I saw Peter standing at my far side. His hand was inside his jeans pockets, and his hair was combed sideways.

"Hey," I said and smiled at him, then he started to walk near me and leaned his body on the tree.

"So, I heard what happened earlier," he said. I felt his gaze on me, but I didn't look at him. Instead, I looked at the vacant field in front of me.

"Yeah, I just wanted to tell you that I don't want to do the deal anymore. It felt wrong and I felt like some other woman he sleeps around and chases him. I'm not like that, Peter. I'm not that desperate." I said, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall.

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean for you to feel that way." He said and I felt the sincerity in his words, so I just nodded and still did not look at him. I don't want him or anyone to see me like that.

"You said before that if our plan didn't work I'd stay as your friend. That has not changed, isn't it?" he said, which made me look at him. A warm smile curved onto my lips that made him smile back at me.

"Of course, it isn't. Thank you Peter for understanding me." I said, smiling, and then I turned my gaze again to the field. We stayed silent for a few seconds, and it was not an awkward silence, but it was a comfortable one that made me relax. When suddenly Peter spoke...

"So, you want to skip classes and go somewhere else?" He said and made me turn to look at him. He was smirking at me and I could sense that he had planned it.

I raised my brow at him "Where are we going?" I asked curiously.

"Somewhere that you'll love," he said, still smiling playfully at me.


"Just come with me Angel...trust me," he said, cutting me off and offering his hand in front of me. I looked at him and back at his hand.

I trust you, Peter... They had better be good...

I accepted his hand and he helped me get up to my feet.

"This is better good Peter, it's my first time skipping my classes..." I said, glaring at him.

He raises his two hands while chuckling.

"I know Angel, let's go." He said and we walked side by side and headed to the parking lot...

I'm thankful Peter is here, but still, the pain and what I saw earlier keep on flashing back in my mind...

I just need to divert my attention and make myself busy and I will forget you, Clark...



"Mia!! Mia!!" I shouted at her, but she kept on running away. I wanted to follow her but I guess it was not the right time to explain everything to her. She's angry and I just needed to let her cool down first before I talked to her. I then turned to where her friend and she glared at me and walked away.

"Babe, let's continue what we started." Mitch suddenly said beside me and clung to my arms.

All the anger and frustration I'm feeling right now burst out and caused me to shove Mitch away from me. She tumbled on her butt and cried, but she immediately got up and glared at me.

"How dare you!! This isn't over Clark!!" She said, shouting at me and walking away. I sigh heavily, this is not good.

I wiped my face with my hand and sat on the nearest bench. Lunch wasn't over yet, so luckily no one saw what happened.

Mia's hurt face kept on flashing back, I mentally cursed and kept slightly hitting the bench I was sitting and I buried my face into both my palms...

What am I done? This is not what I planned... But her face... she looks really hurt. But why? Does she like me?

Mitch came to me while I was about to go to the cafeteria. She said that we just needed to talk, but I never thought that she had any other plan. I tried to push her away, but she kept on stumbling. She was determined to make out with me so I thought I'd let her kiss me, but I didn't kiss her back. And then when I was about to pull away and shout at her, Mia suddenly saw me, and, for the first time, I felt nervous and scared. This is fucking insane, isn't it!?

Suddenly, I was pulled out of my thoughts when I saw feet in front of me. I looked up and saw Peter looking at me intently.

"What did you do now!?" He calmly said but I could sense the anger he was holding back.

"I didn't mean it, it just happened," I said, feeling defeated.

"I told you that she's not that kind of girl, she's different. And you screwed up." He spoke with venom in his voice.

I didn't know what to say. I know she's different, but I'm very confused now. I didn't know what I was feeling, so I stayed silent and brushed my hair with my hand in frustration.

"You need to sort your feelings soon or it is too late for you." He suddenly said and walked away. I was left dumbfounded...

I won't let him be with her...

She's only mine. I need to fix this. I need to talk to her...

But do I really like her? Or I'm just confused? I need to know it soon.

Then I quickly got up and headed to the cafeteria to find Tofer, when I spotted him talking to Mia's friend, I quickly approached them.

"Excuse me, Tofer, I need to talk to you now," I said and walked away. I saw that friend of Mia's shocked expression and I think I saw her blushing maybe Tofer was hitting on her. That shithead is the ultimate womanizer in our group.

Tofer followed me to the parking lot and then I noticed Peter and Mia... Walking side by side while laughing with each other, heading to where Peter's car was, I suddenly felt pissed and balled my fist, then I felt a hand pat my shoulder.

"Let's go. That wouldn't help." Tofer said behind me. I wanted to go to where they were and beat the hell out of Peter, but I didn't want Mia to get mad at me even more, so I looked away and faced Tofer.

"I need to punch someone or something, let's go to the Tunnel (that's what I came up with for a street fight or an exclusive fight for a fighter)" I said, trying to calm my nerves.

Then we heard a car roar and drove away, which made me look at where Peter's car was and see it drive away.

I'll get you Mianna...You're MINE