37- She's Gone


I woke up with a kiss to my forehead, to the tip of my nose, and to my lips. I can't help to giggle, then slowly open my eyes...

"Good morning princess" he whispered. I slightly opened my eyes only to be greeted by his smiling face looking down at me.

"Morning" I smile back at him but suddenly I feel the pain between my thigh and my whole body too.

I instantly close my eyes again to hold back the pain I'm feeling, I can't even move my body from the pain.

"Your sore" he whispered, it's not a question. I know he already guessed what I was feeling from my facial expression.

I nodded and then suddenly I felt him move away from me and I jolted in shock because I had just been lifted from the bed and carried by Clark.

"What are you doing?" I whispered, my body was so weak. I put my arm around his head as he walked towards the bathroom.